Top Lazy Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Lazy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Kate Morton
Cassandra always hid when she read, though she never quite knew why. It was as if she couldn't shake the guilty suspicion that she was being lazy, that surrendering herself so completely to something so enjoyable must surely be wrong. But surrender she did. Let herself drop through the rabbit hole and into a tale of magic and mystery.
- Kate Morton
Collection: Lazy
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
He's not lazy. He's just highly inefficient.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Lazy
Image of Ned Vizzini
I don't know how I can be so ambitious and so lazy at the same time.
- Ned Vizzini
Collection: Lazy
Image of M.C. Beaton
Okay, I'm lazy. But being lazy is a talent. Sometimes it takes an awful lot of work.
- M.C. Beaton
Collection: Lazy
Image of Larry Page
Find the leverage in the world so you can be truly lazy.
- Larry Page
Collection: Lazy
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Everything is easy when you are busy. But nothing is easy when you are lazy.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Lazy
Image of Tommy Shaw
We were playing popular music, but we were doing our own arrangements because we were too lazy to sit down and figure out the originals
- Tommy Shaw
Collection: Lazy
Image of Joe Scarborough
I called Donald Trump a racist. Nobody that makes that charge is being intellectually honest, or else they're being intellectually lazy.
- Joe Scarborough
Collection: Lazy
Image of Sophie Kerr
An industrious sinner I much prefer to a lazy saint.
- Sophie Kerr
Collection: Lazy
Image of Mark Fidrych
Sometimes I get lazy and let the dishes stack up. But they don't stack too high. I've only got four dishes.
- Mark Fidrych
Collection: Lazy
Image of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
We have produced a world of contented bodies and discontented minds.
- Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Collection: Lazy
Image of Kyongho
Don't hope for a life without problems. An easy life results in a judgmental and lazy mind.
- Kyongho
Collection: Lazy
Image of Montgomery Clift
I have enough money to get by. I'm not independently wealthy, just independently lazy, I suppose.
- Montgomery Clift
Collection: Lazy
Image of Karin Dreijer Andersson
I have mostly software synthesizers and software drum machines. I'm very lazy. I don't really like to plug in a lot of equipment and external boxes and everything.
- Karin Dreijer Andersson
Collection: Lazy
Image of Conor Cruise O'Brien
You are not an agnostic.....You are just a fat slob who is too lazy to go to Mass.
- Conor Cruise O'Brien
Collection: Lazy
Image of Rory Carroll
Confronting the US made him [Hugo Chavez] a target for demonization. Partisan and/or lazy journalism exaggerated his faults, ignored his virtues, and downplayed the influence of strident and on occasion anti-democratic opponents. The flip side is his anti-imperialist posturing so dazzled his cheerleaders they overlooked his flaws, flaws which worsened over time, and they created their own caricature.
- Rory Carroll
Collection: Lazy
Image of Colson Whitehead
I'm an African-American writer, I'm a lazy writer, I'm a writer who likes to watch The Wire, I'm a writer who likes to eat a lot of steak.
- Colson Whitehead
Collection: Lazy
Image of Shirley Conran
You have to be efficient if you're going to be lazy.
- Shirley Conran
Collection: Lazy
Image of Bret Easton Ellis
Disintegration---I'm taking it in stride.
- Bret Easton Ellis
Collection: Lazy
Image of Michael Bassey
Stay away from lazy parasites, who perch on you just to satisfy their needs, they do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty.
- Michael Bassey
Collection: Lazy
Image of Jamie Wyeth
Painting to me is addictive. These are moments when it is inspiring, but they are few and far between. I keep my tools sharpened for the moment when things do start clicking, but that doesn't happen a lot. I really have to push myself sometimes. Painting is a profession in which it is very easy to be lazy, particularly if you have any degree of success.
- Jamie Wyeth
Collection: Lazy
Image of Kyle Petty
Why did I take up racing? I was too lazy to work and too chicken to steal
- Kyle Petty
Collection: Lazy
Image of Elsa Barker
I wish you could arrange your life so as to have a little more leisure. I do not want you to be lazy, but the passive conditions of the mind are quite as valuable as the active conditions.
- Elsa Barker
Collection: Lazy
Image of Barbara Hershey
I'm afraid of being lazy and complacent. I'm afraid of taking myself too seriously.
- Barbara Hershey
Collection: Lazy
Image of Jemina Pearl
Everyone in Nashville's got DUIs because there's no public transportation and everyone's too lazy to call a taxi.
- Jemina Pearl
Collection: Lazy
Image of Benji Durden
Ultimately, the best runners are the ones who are willing to work very hard but who have a little bit of a lazy streak in them.
- Benji Durden
Collection: Lazy
Image of Richard Billingham
I paint a little and keep sketchbooks because it has the effect of preventing me becoming lazy about looking. The subject could be anything.
- Richard Billingham
Collection: Lazy
Image of Elizabeth Foreman Lewis
For the lazy, all work is difficult.
- Elizabeth Foreman Lewis
Collection: Lazy
Image of Charlie McDermott
I can be very lazy sometimes. Really lethargic!
- Charlie McDermott
Collection: Lazy
Image of Scarlett Johansson
I always feel like I have to prove myself as an actor, otherwise you get lazy if you're not slightly terrified that you're going to fail all the time.
- Scarlett Johansson
Collection: Lazy
Image of Karyn Kusama
There's just so much lazy violence directed at women. But beyond that, lazy violence directed at humans generally. Just lazy violence.
- Karyn Kusama
Collection: Lazy
Image of Kate Zambreno
I'm just too lazy. I wish I could be someone that has wild affairs - all of my favorite nonfiction novels are about these wild affairs and postmarital agonistes - but to be honest, I'm someone that doesn't deal well with instability.
- Kate Zambreno
Collection: Lazy
Image of Ari Marcopoulos
I always thought that I was lazy because I could never tell if I was working or not. I was making things, which doesn't seem like work.
- Ari Marcopoulos
Collection: Lazy
Image of Rose Wilder Lane
I ask myself, 'why am I so lazy?' and am too lazy to reply.
- Rose Wilder Lane
Collection: Lazy
Image of Sutan Amrull
I've always been a lazy lip-syncher. But what's always worked for me is to break things down. I'm a visual learner, so I need to see it.
- Sutan Amrull
Collection: Lazy
Image of Devon Windsor
When I'm working, I get super lazy and I just do something that I'm familiar with.
- Devon Windsor
Collection: Lazy
Image of Steve Pavlina
It's been said that the first hour is the rudder of the day. I've found this to be very true in my own life. If I'm lazy or haphazard in my actions during the first hour after I wake up, I tend to have a fairly lazy and unfocused day.
- Steve Pavlina
Collection: Lazy
Image of Wanda Sykes
Once you start making money, you can be an ass. But I am not an ass. I'm too lazy, that takes a lot of energy.
- Wanda Sykes
Collection: Lazy
Image of Sergei Lukyanenko
I am fat, lazy and kind.
- Sergei Lukyanenko
Collection: Lazy
Image of Michael Scott
You're saying we lost the powers of magic because we grew lazy.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Lazy
Image of John Steinbeck
Don't you dare take the lazy way. It's too easy to excuse yourself because of your ancestry. Don't let me catch you doing it! Now -- look close at me so you will remember. Whatever you do, it will be you who do.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Lazy
Image of Edward Norton
The elegance of staying with a moment, without needing to stop and change all the lighting, made [the alternative] seem lazy and indulgent.
- Edward Norton
Collection: Lazy
Image of Nalini Singh
Content in a way he’d rarely been before Mercy, he simply stroked her until she purred. It delighted him as it always did. “I made you purr.” A lazy yawn. “I’m faking it.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Lazy
Image of Edward Albee
It is a lazy public which promotes a slothful and irresponsible theater.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Lazy
Image of Melina Marchetta
Comfort zones are overrated. They make you lazy.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Lazy
Image of Jennifer Weiner
My lazy, unfair assumption is that everything's easier when you're young and stunning. And maybe it is! But I'd like to see for myself.
- Jennifer Weiner
Collection: Lazy
Image of Alain de Botton
There is always the option of being emotionally lazy, that is, of quoting.
- Alain de Botton
Collection: Lazy
Image of Jerry Bridges
As we become soft and lazy in our bodies, we tend to become soft and lazy spiritually.
- Jerry Bridges
Collection: Lazy
Image of Seth
Now: For those of you who are lazy I can offer no hope: death will not bring you an eternal resting place. You may rest, if this is your wish, for a while. Not only must you use your abilities after death, however, but you must face up to yourself for those that you did not use during your previous existence.
- Seth
Collection: Lazy
Image of Harriet Beecher Stowe
Humankind above all is lazy.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Collection: Lazy