Killer Mike

Image of Killer Mike
What I am is an encourager. I encourage all who deserve freedom to fight for that. And if you can't win by yourself, then find other people to be in solidarity with.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Fighting
Image of Killer Mike
I don't accept the term 'political rapper' because I don't give a damn about either political party. I give a damn about the people.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Party
Image of Killer Mike
I'll always push for what I believe in. That's what you're supposed to do. If you're an American, you're supposed to be part of the political process, especially if you've been denied it.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Believe
Image of Killer Mike
I would just encourage everybody to just talk your opinion more, allow other people and fight for other people to [express theirs].
- Killer Mike
Collection: Fighting
Image of Killer Mike
Ronald Reagan was an actor. Not at all a factor, Just an employee of the country's real masters. Just like the Bushes, Clinton and Obama, Just another talkin' head tellin' lies on teleprompters. If you don't believe the theory, then argue with this logic: Why did Reagan and Obama both go after Gaddafi? We invaded sovereign soil, goin' after oil Takin' countries as a hobby paid for by the oil lobby, Same as Iraq and Afghanistan. And Ahmadinejad sayin' they comin' for Iran.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Country
Image of Killer Mike
When you say you want to talk about racial justice, that`s not the same as I want to do something about racial justice. Saying I want to hold police accountable is doing something. Saying that I want to take money out of politics, big money, is doing something.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Justice
Image of Killer Mike
Being an adult, you've already suffered enough from your own mistakes, and the world, to come to this as a humble human being. So it's not like, "I'm going to do the right thing because it advances me," as much as it's like, "I'm going to do the right thing because this puts me closest to the dream I had as a 10-year-old kid."
- Killer Mike
Collection: Dream
Image of Killer Mike
People tend to think of gentrification in terms of race because it's presented that way, and I think it's presented that way because in poor cities that's what's really going on. Beyond that, I think it's presented that way as a way for the people who are really pushing it to make it just a black problem, so people don't care.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Thinking
Image of Killer Mike
I don't trust the church or the government, and anything the church or the government tells me I assume to be a lie or a conspiracy, until proven true.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Lying
Image of Killer Mike
I love art. It really changes my mood and wakes me up.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Art
Image of Killer Mike
As an artist, that's our job - to be with you in times of celebration and when the world is kicking your ass.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Artist
Image of Killer Mike
Most rappers are black men. If you're a black man, you owe something to the community that you came from. If you're rapping about the community that you came from, and you're romanticizing parts of it for the entertainment of people who don't look like you, you certainly owe something to the community.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Rap
Image of Killer Mike
I'm just seeing as I grow older, and hopefully wiser, that a lot of things I see from a race perspective are class problems too, so I should be advocating for all.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Race
Image of Killer Mike
I like his consistency, because Bernie Sanders talk - it boils down to the American people. His one thing is the American people.
- Killer Mike
Collection: People
Image of Killer Mike
My rap comes from a sociological standpoint rather than picking a particular side or dogma or ideology. I just want people to be free to do what they want, as long as they don't harm others.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Rap
Image of Killer Mike
The motivation to me is to make money and not be dependent upon the shallow pool called the entertainment world or the rap world or the hip-hop world.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Motivation
Image of Killer Mike
Our feelings can be hurt, but you can take a yoga class, you can pray, you can play some basketball - you can figure out things for your hurt feelings.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Basketball
Image of Killer Mike
Bernie Sanders has done a great job of, social media black kids know about him. Young black people progressives know about him. Through barbershops and barbershop tour that we have been on, we hit three barbershops a day. People know about him.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Jobs
Image of Killer Mike
Being a black rapper is like being a Southern, socialite woman: You're always worried about appearances.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Rapper
Image of Killer Mike
I learned to fly planes at fifteen years old because one of my teachers thought I'd be a better pilot than rapper.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Teacher
Image of Killer Mike
I think that`s the obstacle, because once black people hear Bernie Sanders policy, it`s almost instantaneous they switch. Hillary is good enough, but the policy of enough is enough that we`re going to radically change thinks really seizes with people.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Thinking
Image of Killer Mike
My grandmother taught me, you believe in a politician, you get out there and work for them. So, that`s what I`ve been doing.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Believe
Image of Killer Mike
I like making mini-movies rather than just three-minute, place-the-champagne-here-for-sponsorship videos.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Three
Image of Killer Mike
If I go all the way politicized, I become a zealot who's not allowed to have fun with the people and the community that raised me. But if I go the other way, I become an ignoramus who isn't properly qualified to speak on my community's behalf.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Fun
Image of Killer Mike
I don't think I'm more politically-based as much as socially-based. My grandmother died on February 29th, and she kept all of my magazine and newspaper scraps, every interview. I've been in the newspapers since I was about 15 - not for rapping, but for real substantive stuff I was doing in the community, organizing around gang violence in the schools. So I had already made my grandma proud before I was on TV. I've always been who I am.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Real
Image of Killer Mike
My family have always supported my rap - and they know I love them when I rap about them - but I'm just Michael Jackson to them. They care more about me. I express my love for them in a much more personal way on this record. It's about our conversations; my fear, and their advice. I know my sisters are gonna hear "Willie Burke Sherwood", which is named for my grandfather, and cry. I used to do music for me, because my ego needed it, but now I'm doing music for my family and friends who helped me become a rapper.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Rap
Image of Killer Mike
Ninety-eight percent of blacks voted for President Obama. That means these people are tied to that political party in a way that's different from other groups of people. Certain rappers always want to represent the Democratic side because they know that's safe and that's what represents their community. I tend to just do what I feel is right by all people.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Party
Image of Killer Mike
As entertainers, you're afraid [about] loss of income - but if other people start going to jail for free speech, then we've lost this great thing that America is, and I'd like to keep that.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Loss
Image of Killer Mike
We travel the world, and our right to free speech is precious.
- Killer Mike
Collection: World
Image of Killer Mike
As a human being, as you go through the course of your day, you might wake up with the shittiest day, and by noon something f - king historically funny happens around the water cooler, and you're about to fart yourself you're laughing so hard. And then you might have to think about something seriously for a minute.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Kings
Image of Killer Mike
I`ve never been a passive political supporter. My grandmother, Betty Kleitz , god bless her soul, was from Tuskegee, Alabama, took parts in the civil rights movement and after that became of course like a lot of blacks in the South a staunch Democrat.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Killer Mike
The press has not done a fair job of exposing his [Bernie Sanders] policy. He has not had the television time that he deserves or that Hillary Clinton has. He has not had the ability to connect with black people in the mass way.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Jobs
Image of Killer Mike
Have you seen Bernie Sanders rallies? I haven`t seen that many white voters since the Oscars. You know - oh, we have some Hollywood fans here.
- Killer Mike
Collection: White
Image of Killer Mike
Saying I want to pay women a fair wage is doing something and saying young black people deserve not to be called super predators but to be engaged from an economic standpoint that gives them an equal opportunity says doing something.I`m tired of talking.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Tired
Image of Killer Mike
Antwan Patton and Andre Benjamin saved my life. That's how I view them giving me a record deal, with nothing but love and adoration. I saw Big Boi have to do what he kept doing after Dre said he didn't want to do touring and Aquemini [the label].
- Killer Mike
Collection: Views
Image of Killer Mike
I would rather have a candidate that`s cohesive in bringing people together from different ethnic backgrounds but around the same policy than I would a politician that jumps and stumps in different rooms and has a different story every time.
- Killer Mike
Collection: People
Image of Killer Mike
The futile and exhausting existence of a purgatory-like law enforcement system.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Law
Image of Killer Mike
I would say is that kids know about Bernie Sanders and they`re off the radar.In the same way kids knew about Twitter before their parents did.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Kids
Image of Killer Mike
I`m lucky in that in my character in hip hop is me. I`m Michael Render. My character is Killer Mike. But the truth that I sing in my raps align themselves with the policy of Bernie Sanders.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Rap
Image of Killer Mike
I reached the point in my life now that I understand as human beings we've all done some very horrible things to other human beings, and at some point, I came to grips with the fact that whoever murdered my friend is now an adult, and all I can truly hopefully pray for is that in murdering my friend it bettered their life. And I don't mean that they gained things, but just that they grew up, they regret their decision, they found a place of spirituality or God or whatever people call it.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Regret
Image of Killer Mike
When Bernie Sanders came along, and I liked his tweets and I read more about him, researched him more, I decided I like him and his policy, even more than just I like another guy in the Democratic Party, I really believed in it. And when you believe in something, you get out and work for it.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Party
Image of Killer Mike
My focus is always on the conditions that create social problems, not just a particular person.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Focus
Image of Killer Mike
You'll always see me at a political rally and the black strip club; I'm gonna represent smoking weed and supporting Trayvon Martin on my record, because I'm a whole man.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Weed