Top Grandmother Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Grandmother quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Grandma Moses
Even now / I am not old. / I never think of it, and yet / I am a grandmother to eleven grandchildren.
- Grandma Moses
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Lois Wyse
Grandmothers are to life what the Ph.D. is to education. There is nothing you can feel, taste, expect, predict, or want that the grandmothers in your family do not know about in detail.
- Lois Wyse
Collection: Grandmother
Image of John Berendt
If you go to Atlanta, the first question people ask you is, "What's your business?" In Macon they ask, "Where do you go to church?" In Augusta they ask your grandmother's maiden name. But in Savannah the first question people ask you is "What would you like to drink?"
- John Berendt
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Joan Bauer
Like my grandmother always said, 'you never know the blessings that come from suffering.
- Joan Bauer
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Laurie Faria Stolarz
My grandmother used to say that there's something truly intimate about sharing food with the people you love." [Stacey] "Intimate? Sharing food? People you love?" Amber raises an eyebrow. "Um, no offense, Stace, but it sounds like Gram was into food kink.
- Laurie Faria Stolarz
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Doug Larson
The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren.
- Doug Larson
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Don Winslow
My grandmother was from Guelph, Ont. I grew up playing ice hockey, I'm a massive fan. A great-uncle who was in the early days of the NHL played for the Chicago Blackhawks.
- Don Winslow
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Amitav Ghosh
You see, in our family we don't know whether we're coming or going - it's all my grandmother's fault. But, of course, the fault wasn't hers at all: it lay in language. Every language assumes a centrality, a fixed and settled point to go away from and come back to, and what my grandmother was looking for was a word for a journey which was not a coming or a going at all; a journey that was a search for precisely that fixed point which permits the proper use of verbs of movement.
- Amitav Ghosh
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Gena Showalter
I can't promise we'll ever use you for a hasty getaway," Cole said, "but with a little work, you might be able to race my grandmother-while she's on her scooter.
- Gena Showalter
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Steven Morrissey
Animals are nicer than humans and they're conscious beings. If you stick your grandmother in an oven, she will probably be tasty. But is that any reason to eat your grandmother?
- Steven Morrissey
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Farrah Gray
Being an impatient person, I wanted to do what my grandmother said: "Do as much as you can as fast as you can; be as productive as possible." But you must be patient. So I have struggled to balance patience with being an impatient person, and trying to find a happy medium.
- Farrah Gray
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Sue Miller
I suppose in our contemporary lives, our cumulative e-mails might constitute a kind of diary: that informal, moment-by-moment description of life as it goes by. . As I think of those notes now - what I wrote, what I said - it seems to me they danced across the surface just as my grandmother's diaries did - Anais Nin she wasn't, and I wasn't, either. Who is? Not even Anais Nin.
- Sue Miller
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Judith Ellen Levy
No matter what you do, your grandmother thinks it's wonderful.
- Judith Ellen Levy
Collection: Grandmother
Image of James Turrell
I was maybe 5 or 6, and my grandmother would begin sitting me in the Quaker meeting house. I asked my grandmother, 'What am I supposed to do?' and she said, 'Just wait, we're going inside to greet the light.' I liked that—this idea to go inside to find that light within, literally as well as figuratively.
- James Turrell
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Jessica Chastain
My grandmother used to say, "Sometimes the loudest person in the room doesn't know what they're talking about." Or isn't secure enough in his or her own views to be able to listen to others.
- Jessica Chastain
Collection: Grandmother
Image of J. Norman Collie
Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge that he's married to a grandmother.
- J. Norman Collie
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Marian Seldes
My grandmother always used to say, "If you know your past and you know where you have to go, why do you rehearse?" I always remember this and it's true. You have to start each day again-you can't repeat what you did.
- Marian Seldes
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Phil Moss
A grandmother is a person with too much wisdom to let that stop her from making a fool of herself over her grandchildren.
- Phil Moss
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Suzette Haden Elgin
A Grandmother is a safe haven.
- Suzette Haden Elgin
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Mona Simpson
In every person's face, there is one place that seems to express them most accurately. With my grandmother, you always looked at her mouth.
- Mona Simpson
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Tiffani Thiessen
I don't think the entertainment business in general will ever just be okay with how people are. I think we're in a business that critiques everything we do, and you kind of just take it with a grain of salt. I look at my grandmother, and I think she's aged beautifully, so I hope that I could be a smidgen of how she's aged. There's nothing you can do. All you can do is take of yourself and do the things that make you feel good and make you healthy and age appropriately, but there's always going to be people out there are going to say something, and there's nothing you can do about it.
- Tiffani Thiessen
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Petra Stunt
My grandmother worked on a fruit and vegetable market stall.
- Petra Stunt
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Randy Orton
I'd RKO my own grandmother if it meant keeping this title. Then I'd RKO your grandmother just to see the look on her face.
- Randy Orton
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Alfonso Cuaron
The great thing about the moon landing is that my grandmother got the first color TV in order to be able to see the moon landing that was in black and white.
- Alfonso Cuaron
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Jeremy Miller
My grandmother was a chef, and she taught me to cook. One day I want a restaurant, a small Italian grill. Thats my aspiration.
- Jeremy Miller
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Laura Miller
A faint smell of lilac filled the air. There was always lilac in this part of town. Where there were grandmothers, there was always lilac.
- Laura Miller
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Emily Levine
My grandmother always acted in other people's interests, whether they wanted her to or not. If they'd had an Olympics in martyrdom my grandmother would have lost on purpose.
- Emily Levine
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Blanche Wiesen Cook
And her [Eleanor Roosevelt] Grandmother Hall provided her really with a quite wonderful education, and a freedom that, within the framework of Tivoli (which is a framework of discipline and order) is also a very encouraging and loving one.
- Blanche Wiesen Cook
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Mona Van Duyn
One could not live without delicacy, but when / I think of love I think of the big, clumsy-looking / hands of my grandmother, each knuckle a knob.
- Mona Van Duyn
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Daniel Boulud
I learned from my grandmother, because we were cooking a lot for the farm. Breakfast, lunch, dinner.
- Daniel Boulud
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Kristen Ashley
Your grandmother used to say that you were two souls separated in heaven. She mainly meant you were both trouble and deserved each other.
- Kristen Ashley
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Mike Milligan
When the chips are down, grandmothers can be counted on to do whatever's necessary. When the chips are down for grandfathers, we just go into the kitchen and get more chips.
- Mike Milligan
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Melissa Rauch
My grandmother always would say, "This, too, shall pass." It is always true.
- Melissa Rauch
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Alice Glass
My look is more grandmother’s leftovers than heroin chic.
- Alice Glass
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Pam Grier
Some day I want to play a grandmother. And a foxy one at that!
- Pam Grier
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Jamie Foxx
My Grandmother would say, 'Make sure you look good. Make sure you speak well. Make sure you remain that Southern gentleman that I've taught you to be.'
- Jamie Foxx
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Joy Bryant
I grew up in the South Bronx, raised by my grandmother, who scrapped and scraped to make sure I had a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I was painfully aware of what it was like to live with limited resources and a certain level of uncertainty.
- Joy Bryant
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Molly Picon
My grandmother had a picture of herself as a close-lipped, silent, reserved individual without curiosity, who never asked personal questions. Actually, of course, she was a talkative, jolly, interminably curious woman, who loved people, and who enjoyed the personal details of their lives almost as much as they did themselves.
- Molly Picon
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Bryan Sykes
By looking at the details of the DNA, it is possible to chart the flow of your ancestry from your ultimate grandmother to more modern times.
- Bryan Sykes
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Barbara Crampton
Superhero roles seem to be popular. I'd like to see more female superheroes. How about a grandmother superhero? I'd pay good money to see that.
- Barbara Crampton
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Thomas Harris
I collect church collapses, recreationally. Did you see the recent one in Sicily? Marvelous! The facade fell on sixty-five grandmothers at a special mass. Was that evil? If so, who did it? If he's up there, he just loves it, Officer Starling. Typhoid and swans - it all comes from the same place.
- Thomas Harris
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Chamique Holdsclaw
A lot of times people say, 'You act like a grandmother, you're just totally laid back, nothing bothers you.'
- Chamique Holdsclaw
Collection: Grandmother
Image of John Hegley
My grandmother used to say before you moan about the muck on someone else's glasses make sure you're not on about the muck on your own her glasses were filthy
- John Hegley
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Harriet Ann Jacobs
For years, my master had done his utmost to pollute my mind with foul images, and to destroy the pure principles inculcated by my grandmother, and the good mistress of my childhood
- Harriet Ann Jacobs
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Rose Quiello
My grandmother would croon over every scrap of meat on a sparerib like a medieval relic hunter musing on the knucklebone of a saint.
- Rose Quiello
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Kimberly Schlapman
There is a tradition in Southern cooking of recipes handed down for generations. And when I make my grandmother's strawberry pie I feel her right with me.
- Kimberly Schlapman
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Mary Margaret McBride
As a grandmother, I've learned that you can't buy love. But your grandchildren are disappointed when you don't try.
- Mary Margaret McBride
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Mother Jones
I hope to live long enough to be the great-grandmother of all agitators.
- Mother Jones
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Jacob Latimore
I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to LA when I was about eleven years old. I always go back to Milwaukee whenever I can. Just chill with my grandpa and my grandmother and just be with family, be with people that were there before I got a million views on YouTube because of my music video.
- Jacob Latimore
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Sam Levenson
You don't have to be in "Who's Who" to know what's what.
- Sam Levenson
Collection: Grandmother