Top focus Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of focus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Carol S. Dweck
Important achievements require a clear focus, all-out effort, and a bottomless trunk full of strategies. Plus allies in learning.
- Carol S. Dweck
Collection: Focus
Image of Margaret George
It is almost impossible to describe happiness, because at the time it feels entirely natural, as if all the rest of your life has been the aberration; only in retrospect does it swim into focus as the rare and precious thing it is. When it is present, it seems to be eternal, abiding forever, and there is no need to examine it or clutch it. Later, when it has evaporated, you stare in dismay at your empty palm, where only a little of the perfume lingers to prove that once it was there, and now is flown.
- Margaret George
Collection: Focus
Image of Alan Rickman
Acting is mostly about listening. If you just focus in on what the other person is saying, acting takes care of itself to quite a large extent.
- Alan Rickman
Collection: Focus
Image of Joss Whedon
Very occasionally, if you pay really close attention, life doesn't suck.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Focus
Image of Susan Rice
Focus on something that stirs your soul, it's hard to excel at anything that you don't love.
- Susan Rice
Collection: Focus
Image of Jamie Zawinski
I find that getting something on the screen as soon as possible really helps focus the problem for me. It helps me decide what to work on next. Because if you're just looking at that big to-do list it's like, eh, I don't know which one I should do—does it matter which one I do? But if there's something you can actually look at, even if it's just the debug output of your mailbox parser, it's like, OK, there!
- Jamie Zawinski
Collection: Focus
Image of David Allen
You can do anything, but you can't do everything
- David Allen
Collection: Focus
Image of Daniel Pinchbeck
Our normal human tendencies are distraction and dissipation. We begin one task, then get seduced by some other option, and lose our focus. We drift away from what is difficult and we know to be true, to what is comfortable and socially condoned.
- Daniel Pinchbeck
Collection: Focus
Image of Marvin Minsky
Everything is similar if you're willing to look far out of focus.
- Marvin Minsky
Collection: Focus
Image of Aimee Bender
You can ruin anything if you focus at it.
- Aimee Bender
Collection: Focus
Image of Lionel Messi
- Lionel Messi
Collection: Focus
Image of Mark Rowlands
What is best about our lives -the moments when we are, as we would put it, at our happiest- is both pleasant and deeply unpleasant. Happiness is not a feeling; it is a way of being. If we focus on the feelings, we will miss the point.
- Mark Rowlands
Collection: Focus
Image of Tara Brach
The emotion of fear often works overtime. Even when there is no immediate threat, our body may remain tight and on guard, our mind narrowed to focus on what might go wrong. When this happens, fear is no longer functioning to secure our survival. We are caught in the trance of fear and our moment-to-moment experience becomes bound in reactivity. We spend our time and energy defending our life rather than living it fully.
- Tara Brach
Collection: Focus
Image of Robert Greene
Mastery is not a function of genius or talent. It is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge.
- Robert Greene
Collection: Focus
Image of Kevin Smith
Keep your focus on what YOU want to do - not what anyone else wants or is doing. You lose time watching others succeed.
- Kevin Smith
Collection: Focus
Image of Tyler Perry
Focus on one thing, make it your priority, and stick with it no matter what!
- Tyler Perry
Collection: Focus
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
We cannot and we must not allow ourselves to get distracted from our sacred duty. We cannot and we must not lose focus on the things that matter most.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Focus
Image of Sean Parker
I focus on things that are the highest value and do them perfectly.
- Sean Parker
Collection: Focus
Image of Jillian Michaels
If you focus on all the things that could go wrong, you miss the things that could go right.
- Jillian Michaels
Collection: Focus
Image of Paul Pierce
When you got it going, you got it going. I just keep my focus down the stretch. Thats when I want the ball. Im just not afraid to fail.
- Paul Pierce
Collection: Focus
Image of Steven Furtick
One of the Enemy's most effective strategies is to get you to focus on what you don't have, what you used to have, or what someone else has that you wish you had. He does this to keep you from looking around and asking, "God, what can You do through what I have?
- Steven Furtick
Collection: Focus
Image of John Templeton
Focus on value because most investors focus on outlooks and trends.
- John Templeton
Collection: Focus
Image of Gretchen Rubin
Focus not on doing less or doing more but on doing what you value.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Focus
Image of Gretchen Rubin
Focus Not on Having Less or Having More, But on Wanting What You Have.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Focus
Image of Michael Pitt
I've noticed that sometimes when you keep things a little smaller, it's easier to focus on the creative aspects of what you're doing.
- Michael Pitt
Collection: Focus
Image of Bruce Mau
What is the focus of the new image infrastructure? Attention. It's all designed for capturing, tracking, quantifying, manipulating, holding, buying, selling and controlling attention.
- Bruce Mau
Collection: Focus
Image of MaryJanice Davidson
Has anyone ever told you that you lack focus?
- MaryJanice Davidson
Collection: Focus
Image of Mark Zupan
Focus on what you want to do, don't be scared to try stuff. You only live once. You gotta take risks at times
- Mark Zupan
Collection: Focus
Image of Manny Pacquiao
I'm not aiming for a knockout. I focus on doing my best. If the knockout comes, fine. If not, that's okay.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Focus
Image of Keri Smith
Your mission is to document and observe the world around you as if you’ve never seen it before. Take notes. Collect things you find on your travels. Document your findings. Notice patterns. Copy. Trace. Focus on one thing at a time. Record what you are drawn to.
- Keri Smith
Collection: Focus
Image of Patch Adams
If you focus on the problem, you can’t see the solution. Never focus on the problem.
- Patch Adams
Collection: Focus
Image of Mark Batterson
We usually focus on what we're doing or where we're going, but God's primary concern is who we're becoming in the process.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Focus
Image of Matt Mullenweg
Do what you love and don't focus on money - life's too short.
- Matt Mullenweg
Collection: Focus
Image of Nancy Horan
It has always been on the written page that the world has come into focus for me.
- Nancy Horan
Collection: Focus
Image of Kristin Cashore
It's as if when I open myself up to every perception, things create their own focus.
- Kristin Cashore
Collection: Focus
Image of Donita K. Paul
Focus on what's ahead. Use what is behind.
- Donita K. Paul
Collection: Focus
Image of Luis von Ahn
I am always able to keep a laser focus on one thing at a time without getting distracted. It helps that I try to break everything I do into small, achievable tasks.
- Luis von Ahn
Collection: Focus
Image of Luis von Ahn
Because education is such a broad area, I chose to focus on language learning.
- Luis von Ahn
Collection: Focus
Image of Lauren Weisberger
Focus on yourself -- do what you want, when you want, without having to consider anyone else's agenda.
- Lauren Weisberger
Collection: Focus
Image of Alexandra Ivy
I don't know what your damage is, but in case you've failed to notice,we're in a bit of trouble here. Can you focus on something other than trying to get into my pants?" His lips curled. " I can multitask.
- Alexandra Ivy
Collection: Focus
Image of David Oyelowo
If you merely focus on what we already know, then it's not revelatory. You may as well just go and watch a documentary or a few videos on Youtube, and you're good.
- David Oyelowo
Collection: Focus
Image of Tony Robbins
Where focus goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, whatever you're focusing on grows. In other words, your life is controlled by what you focus on. That's why you need to focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear. When you next find yourself in a state of uncertainty, resist your fear. Shift your focus toward where you want to go and your actions will take you in that direction.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Focus
Image of Elizabeth Warren
It's so easy to focus on what could go wrong, on what else you could do before you try the thing you really want to do. No. Just get out there and try.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Focus
Image of Dave Ramsey
Nothing happens without focus. Don't try to do everything at once. Take it one step at a time.
- Dave Ramsey
Collection: Focus
Image of Oskar Kokoschka
The awareness of imagery is part of living... a life which derives its power from within itself will focus on the perception... of images.
- Oskar Kokoschka
Collection: Focus
Image of Bo Sanchez
Never focus on your problems. Focus on your possibilities. The problems will pull you down. The possibilities will push you up
- Bo Sanchez
Collection: Focus
Image of Bo Sanchez
Don't focus on the problem, focus on the PURPOSE.
- Bo Sanchez
Collection: Focus
Image of Jay Baer
Focus On How To Be Social, Not On How To Do Social.
- Jay Baer
Collection: Focus
Image of David Meerman Scott
Focus on your buyers and your buyers problems
- David Meerman Scott
Collection: Focus
Image of Tom DeMarco
The more you focus on control, the more likely you're working on a project that's striving to deliver something of relatively minor value.
- Tom DeMarco
Collection: Focus