John Hodgman

Image of John Hodgman
I have a lot of cultural references that have amassed in my brain like shrapnel over the years that are meaningful to me.
- John Hodgman
Image of John Hodgman
People who run for president seriously and people who become president enter a bizarre secret society in which they have had an experience that none of us will ever have.
- John Hodgman
Image of John Hodgman
I do not think that a museum needs to engage with pop culture in order to make itself interesting to museumgoers. Museums are already interesting and engaging with pop culture for its own sake is just a quick way to seem and become dated.
- John Hodgman
Image of John Hodgman
Generally speaking, I think it is fair to say that I am a friend to the creatures of the Earth when I am not busy eating them or wearing them.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Hodgman
There is no ritual that enhances creativity other than just starting.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Creativity
Image of John Hodgman
A stopped clock is correct twice a day, but a sundial can be used to stab someone, even at nighttime.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Clock
Image of John Hodgman
When you're sitting down and you're blocked and you just start writing and something in your mind just clicks, you start seeing connections and so on, you really do feel like you're channeling something else.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Writing
Image of John Hodgman
I suspect that when the truth ceases to be heartbreakingly funny, we will be in a better place and a happier society over all.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Better Place
Image of John Hodgman
Reality, while generally probable, is not always interesting.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Reality
Image of John Hodgman
Specificity is the soul of narrative.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Soul
Image of John Hodgman
I don't know if you've ever been shoved into the bow of a nutshell pram, a boat that is very easily almost liftable with one hand, and quite tippy, and is being piloted by a 12-year-old, but it is the true feeling of having your life in someone else's hands, and it's very precarious.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Feelings
Image of John Hodgman
The understanding that we reach a point where we stop becoming something and start ending as something. That comes at different times in different points in different people's lives, and obviously there are lots of people who experience the presence of death much more keenly and much earlier than I did. But we all come to grips with it eventually.
- John Hodgman
Collection: People
Image of John Hodgman
You are only pretentious if you are not sincere.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Sincere
Image of John Hodgman
If you have not seen it, FOOTBALL is a game in which men shove one another back and forth for no reason. They do not choose how, when, or whom they shove. They are doing this in order to please one angry old man on the sidelines. This old man is called the 'coach' or 'yelling surrogate' dad who will never be happy.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Football
Image of John Hodgman
For many years, people would say, "Only child? Must have been terrible," and I wanted to say, "You are mentally ill, because it was the greatest." You got all the attention. You never had to share anything. No one ever ate your food. No one ever took your toys. But the unintended consequence was that I didn't appreciate that being universally loved was not only not required for happiness, but also not possible.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Children
Image of John Hodgman
Everyone feels like they would love to be a really cool bartender in a really cool bar, but you're still surrounded by people who want to destroy themselves with alcohol. When you look at it that way, it's not that much fun.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Fun
Image of John Hodgman
My favorite season is autumn, and Maine is lovely for that reason. In Maine, autumn begins on July 29. That's when you start building a fire in the fireplace and the leaves literally start falling from the trees. It is a cold and rugged and a beautiful place that reminds you with its many death traps - its painfully cold oceans, its sharp, jagged beaches, and perilous cliffsides - that nature doesn't care whether you live or die.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Beautiful
Image of John Hodgman
I would definitely make eggs for the rest of my life if I could.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Eggs
Image of John Hodgman
I still have a fondness for books. Many a time I will be antiquing, and I'll say, 'What's that old-timey curio over there? What is that, a candlestick telephone, one of those old pull-chain toilets? Oh no, it's a book. I used to help make those things! I will buy it and use it to decorate my chain of casual family-dining restaurants.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Book
Image of John Hodgman
Houdini, the magician who debunked magic, could not bear to see the great rationalist [Arthur Conan] Doyle enchanted by ghosts and frauds. And so he did what any friend would: He set out to prove spiritualism false and rob his friend Doyle of the only comforting fiction that was keeping him sane. It was the least he could do.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Comforting
Image of John Hodgman
Stories hold power because they convey the illusion that life has purpose and direction. Where God is absent from the lives of all but the most blessed, the writer, of all people, replaces that ordering principle. Stories make sense when so much around us is senseless, and perhaps what makes them most comforting is that, while life goes on and pain goes on, stories do us the favor of ending.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Pain
Image of John Hodgman
I have an unfortunate compulsion. I really would rather not do it, as it is very nerve-wracking and un-fun. But when it works, there is nothing like it.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Fun
Image of John Hodgman
A literary agent is nothing but a cheap salesman (or woman); while a writer is a cheap salesman (or woman) who also has to actually write the books.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Book
Image of John Hodgman
I've made my evolutionary purpose and had children. I don't care if anybody likes me, I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to do a whole comedy show about swimming in the loathsomely cold waters of Maine.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Children
Image of John Hodgman
Unfortunately for humanity, I've gotten into the habit of providing my own closing music for shows by singing a song and playing the ukulele.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Song
Image of John Hodgman
I think in American culture, we put value on economic success but tell people you don't have to be economically successful to be happy.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Successful
Image of John Hodgman
I made an impulse buy of a house in Maine to make my wife happy and now have gone back into debt and it's all started over for me.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Wife
Image of John Hodgman
I never stopped feeling abject terror until I got on television and went on a national ad campaign and realized, "I will be able to feed my children. I have somehow averted the destiny that awaited me, which is endless, crippling debt forever."
- John Hodgman
Collection: Children
Image of John Hodgman
I would say 70 percent of people who are in therapy are in therapy not because of their upbringing, not because of their mean sister or obsessions, but because of anxiety brought about by lack of financial security.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Mean
Image of John Hodgman
My memories of literary agenting are of a very happy time and there are surprising reminders of it coming back now.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Memories
Image of John Hodgman
Everything we make in life, eventually, is sold for a dollar or a penny or given away.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Dollars
Image of John Hodgman
What I've discovered more recently is copies of books that I didn't represent, but that my boss represented when I assisted her on the dollar pile. I won't mention any names, but it is this profoundly bittersweet time of realizing, "Oh, I had a wonderful time working on this book and now it is a dollar relic on the side of the road."
- John Hodgman
Collection: Book
Image of John Hodgman
I had some very, very fond memories of the people I worked with and the authors I worked with - and I won't mention any names - but as I have been traveling through rural Maine over the past few weeks, one of my favorite things to do is to go into bookstores on the side of rural routes and paw through the old copies of Tom Clancy and Trevanian books they have in there for weird old 1970s thrillers that I haven't read yet.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Memories
Image of John Hodgman
Even the worst job has its benefits and so does being a professional literary agent, and - I know I said this at the time but I still believe it - the worst job is the one that you know is wrong for you, but you still do it. You're afraid to quit.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Hodgman
I had the pleasure of listening to Rickie Lee Jones' Flying Cowboys album on audio cassette, which had just come out at that time because I am an elderly man.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Cowboy
Image of John Hodgman
Traffic counting was very boring and cold to sit out on the streets of New Haven in five pairs of pants - well, that's an exaggeration; it was three pairs of pants - in November for hours and hours clicking buttons counting which cars go left, right, and forward.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Car
Image of John Hodgman
When a good friend gives you his or her book, you don't want to read it, because you're afraid that it's not going be what you hope it can be.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Book
Image of John Hodgman
Writing for me always requires trickery. Tricking myself into sitting down, letting words tumble out until you find the good ones. It's sort of a trance. And when a piece is done, I have little memory of how I wrote it, and zero confidence I'd ever be able to do it again.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Zero
Image of John Hodgman
Why certain political classes want purposefully to keep Americans in a state of perpetual debt and uncertainty and why certain people don't want a middle class - because middle class creates a certain happiness. You know what I mean?
- John Hodgman
Collection: Mean
Image of John Hodgman
I am not a villain.I'm an only-child narcissist monster, but I wish no ill, nor do I wish for world domination; what a hassle that would be!
- John Hodgman
Collection: Children
Image of John Hodgman
It's not a secret family like I have a beautiful, gorgeous wife in Tokyo; I have another mom and dad. I'm the kid and I have another mom and dad in Atwater Village, Los Angeles.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Beautiful
Image of John Hodgman
Terry Gross. I would rush home from high school to listen to Terry Gross.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Home
Image of John Hodgman
I think, as we all learn as a child, you have to learn to tolerate ambiguity better and I'm still terrible at it and I hate it; even the word ambiguity makes me sick to me stomach.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Children
Image of John Hodgman
Once you're out in a place where there's one sheriff for the county, people have to learn how to get along with each other and that means going to the dump illegally and dumping your garbage and hoping the guys don't call you on it and being terrified of this to your core until you realize after many years that the guys at the dump don't really care where your garbage is coming from.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Mean
Image of John Hodgman
You wouldn't want to live a life in which you are loved or approved by all people on Earth or even within your own geodetic dome full of your jumpsuited followers.
- John Hodgman
Collection: People
Image of John Hodgman
I'm not sure if that answers the question and I have absolutely no problem with any major world religion on Earth.
- John Hodgman
Collection: World Religions
Image of John Hodgman
Just a small-scale cult of personality, maybe raise a geodetic dome out in western Massachusetts and make people wear jumpsuits and give all their possessions to me.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Cult Of Personality
Image of John Hodgman
As a live stand-up comedy performer, I have the benefit of choosing real entrance music.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Real
Image of John Hodgman
We estimate that there are perhaps 20,000 prehistoric hunter-gatherers frozen up in those glaciers. Now, if they simply thaw and wander around, it's not a problem, but if they find a leader - a Captain Caveman, if you will - we'll be facing an even more serious problem.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Leader