Top Dollars Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Dollars quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jeff Zucker
Analogue dollars for digital pennies.
- Jeff Zucker
Collection: Dollars
Image of Ben Bernanke
I'd throw dollars out of helicopters if I had to, to stimulate the economy.
- Ben Bernanke
Collection: Dollars
Image of Nelson Bunker Hunt
A billion dollars isnt what it used to be.
- Nelson Bunker Hunt
Collection: Dollars
Image of Earl Weaver
Economics played a role. Raleighs have gone from six fifty to nine dollars a carton, but there's a three-quarter cent coupon on the back. You can get all kinds of things with them, blenders, everything. I saved up enough one time and got Al Bumbry.
- Earl Weaver
Collection: Dollars
Image of Sean Parker
A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion dollars.
- Sean Parker
Collection: Dollars
Image of Justin Sane
Everything comes down to Dollars
- Justin Sane
Collection: Dollars
Image of Big Sean
I'd be a billionaire if I could get a dollar for all the bullsh*t that I hear a day.
- Big Sean
Collection: Dollars
Image of Joe Biden
Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes we do.
- Joe Biden
Collection: Dollars
Image of Mike Myers
Here's the plan. We get the warhead and we hold the world ransom for... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
- Mike Myers
Collection: Dollars
Image of Fanny Brice
For ten thousand dollars, I'd endorse an opium pipe.
- Fanny Brice
Collection: Dollars
Image of Henry Latham Doherty
Don't expect to be paid a dollar an hour for your working hours when you then use your leisure hours as though they were not worth five cents a dozen.
- Henry Latham Doherty
Collection: Dollars
Image of Eustace Mullins
The increase in the assets of the Federal Reserve Banks from 143 Million dollars in 1913 to 45 Billion dollars in 1949 went directly to the private stockholders of the [Federal Reserve] banks.
- Eustace Mullins
Collection: Dollars
Image of Mary Stewart
You never know how you'll turn out till you've been down to half a dollar and no prospects.
- Mary Stewart
Collection: Dollars
Image of Timothy Thomas Fortune
We must learn to lean upon ourselves; we must learn to plan and execute business enterprises of our own; we must learn to venture our pennies if we would gain dollars.
- Timothy Thomas Fortune
Collection: Dollars
Image of Terry Fox
If you’ve given a dollar, you are part of the Marathon of Hope .
- Terry Fox
Collection: Dollars
Image of Floyd Patterson
When you have millions of dollars, you have millions of friends.
- Floyd Patterson
Collection: Dollars
Image of Connie Francis
Lipstick on your collar said you were untrue. Bet your bottom dollar, you and I are through.
- Connie Francis
Collection: Dollars
Image of Omar Suleiman
Kind words cost you nothing but are sometimes worth more than a million dollars.
- Omar Suleiman
Collection: Dollars
Image of Jim Sinclair
The US dollar will make new lows
- Jim Sinclair
Collection: Dollars
Image of Bobby Layne
My only request is that I draw my last dollar and my last breath at the exact same moment.
- Bobby Layne
Collection: Dollars
Image of Sallie Krawcheck
Emerging investors want to invest differently. They want to have their dollars - their investment dollars - do double duty.
- Sallie Krawcheck
Collection: Dollars
Image of Coleman Sellers II
The engineer who counts cost as nothing as compared to the result, who holds himself above the consideration of dollars and cents, has missed his vocation.
- Coleman Sellers II
Collection: Dollars
Image of Gil Garcetti
Spending our tax dollars on actually preventing crimes, instead of pursuing death sentences after they've already been committed, will assure us we will have fewer victims.
- Gil Garcetti
Collection: Dollars
Image of Spencer Pratt
We made and spent at least 10 million dollars. The thing is, we heard that the planet was going to end in 2012. We thought, We have got to spend this money before the asteroid hits.
- Spencer Pratt
Collection: Dollars
Image of Horace Kephart
You may loan your last dollar to a friend; but never loan him your axe, unless you are certain that he knows how to use it.
- Horace Kephart
Collection: Dollars
Image of Barbara Corcoran
The story of my billion-dollar business starts like this. I borrowed $1,000 from a friend.
- Barbara Corcoran
Collection: Dollars
Image of Joe Hockey
I'm not going to count the dollars before they've come in.
- Joe Hockey
Collection: Dollars
Image of Philip Treacy
It thrills observers and makes the wearer feel a million dollars.
- Philip Treacy
Collection: Dollars
Image of Michael Specter
Your dollar cheeseburger isn't a dollar if you factor in what it's going to cost in health care.
- Michael Specter
Collection: Dollars
Image of Croft M. Pentz
Money talks. If it's the dollar, it's small talk.
- Croft M. Pentz
Collection: Dollars
Image of Gary Lutz
If I have a problem, it is this: there is a store where everything costs a dollar.
- Gary Lutz
Collection: Dollars
Image of Dawn Ostroff
Ultimately, the dollars will have to come from television. Will it come from television tomorrow, I don't know.
- Dawn Ostroff
Collection: Dollars
Image of Joseph Stowell
The Word of God has a supernatural edge with which a million-dollar budget can never compete.
- Joseph Stowell
Collection: Dollars
Image of Aaron Rodgers
R-E-L-A-X. I'm still getting paid millions of dollars.
- Aaron Rodgers
Collection: Dollars
Image of Sam Ewing
If you lend someone 20 dollars and never see that person again, it's probably worth it.
- Sam Ewing
Collection: Dollars
Image of Ella T. Grasso
Inflation has ... become the cruelest tax, destroying the value of the dollar and adding new costs to every purchase.
- Ella T. Grasso
Collection: Dollars
Image of Langdon Winner
Who says that actors are cattle? Show me a cow who can earn a million dollars a film.
- Langdon Winner
Collection: Dollars
Image of Gary Kildall
Ask Bill [Gates] why the string in [MS-DOS] function 9 is terminated by a dollar sign. Ask him, because he can't answer. Only I know that.
- Gary Kildall
Collection: Dollars
Image of Bruce Kovner
Place your stops at a point that, if reached, will reasonably indicate that the trade is wrong, not at a point determined primarily by the maximum dollar amount you are willing to lose
- Bruce Kovner
Collection: Dollars
Image of Enrique Pena Nieto
Each dollar Mexico exports to the U.S. has a content of American production of 40.
- Enrique Pena Nieto
Collection: Dollars
Image of Bill Gross
Dollar depreciation leads to higher inflation and ultimately forces foreign creditors to question their rationale and indeed their sanity for continuing purchases of U.S. Treasuries.
- Bill Gross
Collection: Dollars
Image of Charles Edison
He [Thomas Edison] considered [money] as a raw material, like metal, to be used rather than amassed, and so he kept plowing his funds into new projects. Several times he was all but bankrupt. But he refused to let dollar signs govern his actions.
- Charles Edison
Collection: Dollars
Image of Robert W. Hemphill
If all bank loans were paid, there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation. We are absolutely without a permanent money system.
- Robert W. Hemphill
Collection: Dollars
Image of J. Paul Getty
If you look after the pennies, the dollars will look after themselves.
- J. Paul Getty
Collection: Dollars
Image of Hugh S. Johnson
Tomorrow, the market will probably continue upward driven by the dollar, but it won't go up much because of caution before the employment figures.
- Hugh S. Johnson
Collection: Dollars
Image of Kevin Kling
I ain't gonna pay no dollar for a corn muffin that's half dough.
- Kevin Kling
Collection: Dollars
Image of Brian Jacques
Aha! Today I shall become an author! And I will auth and auth and auth and make a squillion dollars, whoopee!
- Brian Jacques
Collection: Dollars
Image of Rude Jude
I don't like ten dollar words. Anybody can do anything with a thesaurus. Make me feel a certain way with the least amount of words possible and I respect that.
- Rude Jude
Collection: Dollars
Image of Howard Hughes
A million dollars isn't what it used to be.
- Howard Hughes
Collection: Dollars
Image of Craig Kilborn
There was an embarrassing moment at a recent Democratic fundraiser. When John Kerry was handed a $10 million dollar check, he said, 'I do.'
- Craig Kilborn
Collection: Dollars