John Grisham

Image of John Grisham
Prisons are hate factories, Pastor, and society wants more and more of them.
- John Grisham
Collection: Hate
Image of John Grisham
There are few things in life worse than a long-winded lawyer.
- John Grisham
Collection: Things In Life
Image of John Grisham
Ten years from now I plan to be sitting here, looking out over my land. I hope I'll be writing books, but if not, I'll be on my pond fishing with my kids. I feel like the luckiest guy I know.
- John Grisham
Collection: Book
Image of John Grisham
You need some coffee, don't you?" "Yes, I've only had a gallon.
- John Grisham
Collection: Coffee
Image of John Grisham
I still enjoy the process of writing. If I ever feel like I am going through the motions because I can sell anything at this level, I hope that somebody, somewhere who I trust will tell me to take a break and stop because it's sounding old. But so far, I don't feel like I'm boring anyone.
- John Grisham
Collection: Writing
Image of John Grisham
I don't feel stupid, just inadequate. After three years of studying the law, I'm very much aware of how little I know.
- John Grisham
Collection: Stupid
Image of John Grisham
In one long glorious acknowledgment of failure, he laid himself bare before God.
- John Grisham
Collection: Long
Image of John Grisham
One thing that drives me nuts... well, let me ask you, when writers write do they not use quotation marks anymore?
- John Grisham
Collection: Writing
Image of John Grisham
You burn a man's pickup, and he's ready for war.
- John Grisham
Collection: War
Image of John Grisham
I learned that lesson a long time ago. When you write popular fiction, you're going to get bashed by critics.
- John Grisham
Collection: Writing
Image of John Grisham
We learned after the first semester in law school that it's best never to discuss exams. If notes are compared afterwards, you become painfully aware of things you missed.
- John Grisham
Collection: School
Image of John Grisham
The good thing about writing fiction is that you can get back at people.
- John Grisham
Collection: Writing
Image of John Grisham
And they drank heavily, partied with great enthusiasm, and relished the drug culture; they moved in and out and slept around, and this was okay because they defined their own morality. They were fighting for the Mexicans and the redwoods, dammit! They had to be good people!
- John Grisham
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Grisham
I didn't dare think of the future; the past was still happening.
- John Grisham
Collection: Past
Image of John Grisham
Stephen King told me a long time ago, when he gave me some advice about the movies. He said to take the money up front and expect it to be something different than the book and if you don't like that don't deal with Hollywood. But if you take the money, shut up and don't criticize the film because you sold it. The movie doesn't change a word of the book.
- John Grisham
Collection: Book
Image of John Grisham
The company later went broke, and of course all blame was directed at the lawyers. Not once did I hear any talk that maybe a trace of mismanagement could in any way have contributed to the bankruptcy.
- John Grisham
Collection: Way
Image of John Grisham
There is no devious and dangerous life. I've lived a charmed life, especially in the last thirty years since I've started publishing. I've won the lottery. And I keep winning it every year and I am so fortunate to do something I thoroughly enjoy and still enjoy after a bunch of books.
- John Grisham
Collection: Book
Image of John Grisham
My decision to become a lawyer was irrevocably sealed when I realized my father hated the legal profession.
- John Grisham
Collection: Father
Image of John Grisham
I did get tired of hearing that criticism years ago. That is not a compliment. Being labeled a "beach read" is a put-down. So, I did deliberately set out to write a book, Camino Island, that would be very entertaining and compulsively readable and we published it on June 6 in time for summer vacation, hoping that people would buy it and take it to the beach.
- John Grisham
Collection: Summer
Image of John Grisham
A riveting, exciting and thoroughly compelling tale of adventure.
- John Grisham
Collection: Adventure
Image of John Grisham
I struggle with racism every day
- John Grisham
Collection: Struggle
Image of John Grisham
I stopped reading William Faulkner because it's hard work. I want to read a good writer, but I also want to read something where the pages are going to move along. That's what I want. It doesn't have to be a thriller or a mystery. Just something where I get caught up in the story.
- John Grisham
Collection: Moving
Image of John Grisham
He's my client, and he's counting on me. I'll take him, warts and all.
- John Grisham
Collection: Clients
Image of John Grisham
I remember Stephen King did a fundraiser one time with J.K. Rowling and he was very impressed with her. But we talk a lot about publishing, bookselling, and book writing. He's been around for ten years longer than me and was a bestseller right off the bat. And he's seen and done everything. It's rare to be with somebody who has been through all of that.
- John Grisham
Collection: Book
Image of John Grisham
So many book sections in newspapers and magazines used to be lively and vibrant places. Now they are gone. You just don't see many reviews anymore. I can't control that, so I don't worry about it. I just try to do what I do and write books that people find every entertaining. I don't worry about the critics.
- John Grisham
Collection: Book
Image of John Grisham
My name became a brand and I'd love to say it was the plan from the start. But the only plan was to keep writing books. And I've stuck to that ever since.
- John Grisham
Collection: Book
Image of John Grisham
Poverty is a great equalizer
- John Grisham
Collection: Poverty
Image of John Grisham
We cuss them because we're not good enough for them. We hate them because they wouldn't look at us, couldn't be bothered to give us an interview. I guess there's a Trent & Brent in every city, in every field. I didn't make it and I don't belong, so I'll just go through life hating them.
- John Grisham
Collection: Hate
Image of John Grisham
She was pondering the option of law school, the great American baby-sitter for directionless postgrads.
- John Grisham
Collection: Baby
Image of John Grisham
Four rehabs meant a fifth was somewhere down the road.
- John Grisham
Collection: Four
Image of John Grisham
I am currently reading, "The Broker" by John Grisham. it is alittle slow to start so I will have to let you know if it gets better
- John Grisham
Collection: Reading
Image of John Grisham
I was tired of secrets, tired of seeing things I was not supposed to see. And so I just cried.
- John Grisham
Collection: Tired
Image of John Grisham
The coffee arrives, and we backslide into what lawyers do best---talking about other lawyers.
- John Grisham
Collection: Coffee
Image of John Grisham
In little pockets of conversation, old men were telling stories of ancient floods. Women were talking of about how much rain there'd been in other towns -- Paragould, Lepanto, and Manila.
- John Grisham
Collection: Rain
Image of John Grisham
I cannot write as well as some people; my talent is in coming up with good stories about lawyers.That is what I am good at.
- John Grisham
Collection: Writing
Image of John Grisham
I was a lawyer for 10 years - a short time, but it molded me into who I am.
- John Grisham
Collection: Who I Am
Image of John Grisham
Ricky had taught me a few cuss words. I usually practiced them in the woods by the river, then prayed for forgiveness as soon as I was done.
- John Grisham
Collection: Rivers
Image of John Grisham
I was on the verge of tears, so I turned and ran past the trailer and along the field road until I was safely out of their sight. Then I ducked into the cotton and waited for friendly voices. I sat on the hot ground, surrounded by stalks four feet tall, and I cried, something I really hated to do.
- John Grisham
Collection: Past
Image of John Grisham
Mr. Buckley, let me explain it this way. And I'll do so very carefully & slowly so that even you will understand it. If I was the sheriff, I would not have arrested him. If I was on the grand jury, I would not have indicted him. If I was the judge, I would not try him. If I was the D.A., I would not prosecute him. If I was on the trial jury, I would vote to give him a key to the city, a plaque to hang on his wall, & I would send him home to his family. And, Mr. Buckley, if my daughter is ever raped, I hope I have the guts to do what he did.
- John Grisham
Collection: Daughter
Image of John Grisham
The mother of a trophy wife is not automatically a trophy mother-in-law.
- John Grisham
Collection: Mother
Image of John Grisham
Because I was single, there was a chance I was a homosexual. Because I went to Syracuse, wherever that was, then I was probably a Communist. Or worse, a Liberal. Because I was from Memphis, I was a subversive intent on embarrassing Ford County.
- John Grisham
Collection: Memphis
Image of John Grisham
I don't usually eat breakfast. I prefer to be asleep during the hours that it is served.
- John Grisham
Collection: Breakfast
Image of John Grisham
The worst letters come from retired high school English teachers. They will literally take a book and pick it to pieces and send me 14 pages of notes.
- John Grisham
Collection: Teacher
Image of John Grisham
All students enter law school with a certain amount of idealism and desire to serve the public, but after three years of brutal competition we care for nothing but the right job with the right firm where we can make partner in seven years and earn big bucks.
- John Grisham
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Grisham
Michael Harvey should be read by all.
- John Grisham
Collection: Should
Image of John Grisham
Please give me fifty more years of work and fun, then an instant death when I’m sleeping.
- John Grisham
Collection: Fun
Image of John Grisham
We learned after the first semester in law school that it’s best never to discuss exams. If notes are compared afterwards, you become painfully aware of things you missed.
- John Grisham
Collection: Firsts
Image of John Grisham
Writing was not a childhood dream of mine. I do not recall longing to write as a student. I wasn’t sure how to start.
- John Grisham
Collection: Childhood
Image of John Grisham
I am currently reading, “The Broker” by John Grisham. it is alittle slow to start so I will have to let you know if it gets better.
- John Grisham
Collection: Reading