Top adventure Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of adventure quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Francis Parkman
America was still a land of wonder. The ancient spell still hung unbroken over the wild, vast world of mystery beyond the sea,-a land of romance, adventure, and gold.
- Francis Parkman
Collection: Adventure
Image of Mark Gatiss
You can always expect tragedy as well as adventure; that's just how it goes.
- Mark Gatiss
Collection: Adventure
Image of Ryan North
Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something.
- Ryan North
Collection: Adventure
Image of Pope John Paul II
Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Adventure
Image of Beatrice Wood
I, who wanted danger, adventure, and love
- Beatrice Wood
Collection: Adventure
Image of M. John Harrison
After all why should our goal be the reinstatement of an illusory 'exact' relationship between events and words? If you probe in the ashes you will never learn anything about the fire: by the time the ashes can be handled the meaning has passed on. Every adventure is a cup so empty it can be drunk from again and again and again. Every adventure is so perfect it verges on silence.
- M. John Harrison
Collection: Adventure
Image of Boris Pasternak
To be a woman is a great adventure; To drive men mad is a heroic thing.
- Boris Pasternak
Collection: Adventure
Image of David Steindl-Rast
People who have faith in life are like swimmers who entrust themselves to a rushing river. They neither abandon themselves to its current nor try to resist it. Rather, they adjust their every movement to the watercourse, use it with purpose and skill, and enjoy the adventure.
- David Steindl-Rast
Collection: Adventure
Image of Richard G. Scott
Life never was intended to be easy. Rather, it is a period of proving and growth. It is interwoven with difficulties, challenges, and burdens. We are immersed in a sea of persistent, worldly pressures that could destroy our happiness. Yet these very forces, if squarely faced, provide opportunity for tremendous personal growth and development. The conquering of adversity produces strength of character, forges self-confidence, engenders self-respect, and assures success in righteous endeavor.
- Richard G. Scott
Collection: Adventure
Image of Thornton Wilder
Life is a fatal adventure. It can only have one end. So why not make it as far-ranging and free as possible.
- Thornton Wilder
Collection: Adventure
Image of Laird Hamilton
I don't want to not live because of my fear of what could happen.
- Laird Hamilton
Collection: Adventure
Image of Anatoli Boukreev
How could the adventure seeker of today find satisfaction with the level of performance that was a standard set more than 40 years ago ?
- Anatoli Boukreev
Collection: Adventure
Image of Rosalind Russell
It had been an enormous, extraordinary, outrageous adventure. And it was deadly.
- Rosalind Russell
Collection: Adventure
Image of Elizabeth Montagu
Few people know anything of the English history but what they learn from Shakespear; for our story is rather a tissue of personal adventures and catastrophes than a series of political events.
- Elizabeth Montagu
Collection: Adventure
Image of Avi
It seems to me that you won't have had a proper series of adventures, unless you've gone through thick and thin.
- Avi
Collection: Adventure
Image of Edward B. Lewis
It isn't necessary to seek out adventure. Opening to what is around you will produce the most extraordinary experiences.
- Edward B. Lewis
Collection: Adventure
Image of Alfred North Whitehead
The worship of God is not a rule of safety - it is an adventure of the spirit, a flight after the unattainable.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Adventure
Image of Patti Smith
Life is an adventure of our own design intersected by fate and a series of lucky and unlucky accidents.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Adventure
Image of Joey Ramone
Life to me is an adventure and you've got to experience everything.
- Joey Ramone
Collection: Adventure
Image of Joey Ramone
I've done a lot of living and a lot of adventuring and I think that's very healthy, ya know. And I think everybody should adventure life 'cos that's what life is, it's for adventuring. You gotta know what you wanna do with your life. And you gotta know when you have something special and you don't wanna blow it.
- Joey Ramone
Collection: Adventure
Image of Jostein Gaarder
Wasn’t it extraordinary to be in the world right now, wandering around in a wonderful adventure!
- Jostein Gaarder
Collection: Adventure
Image of Adam Young
I kind of tend to do most of my adventures in my mind.
- Adam Young
Collection: Adventure
Image of Oliver Stone
I think our life is a series of adventures.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Adventure
Image of Randall Munroe
There are so many adventures that you miss because you're waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go.
- Randall Munroe
Collection: Adventure
Image of Samuel Ullman
Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
- Samuel Ullman
Collection: Adventure
Image of Bill Murray
You can handle just about anything that comes at you out on the road with a believable grin, common sense and whiskey.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Adventure
Image of Beatrix Potter
We cannot stay home all our lives, we must present ourselves to the world and we must look upon it as an adventure.
- Beatrix Potter
Collection: Adventure
Image of Howard Tayler
Where's your sense of adventure? It died under mysterious circumstances. My sense of self-preservation found the body, but assures me it has an airtight alibi. -Captain Tagon & Captain Andreyasn
- Howard Tayler
Collection: Adventure
Image of Bob Goff
Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure. It's not a trip where He sends us a rigid itinerary, He simply invites us. God asks what it is He's made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that deep indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made. And then, leaning over us, He whispers, "Let's go do that together.
- Bob Goff
Collection: Adventure
Image of Carol Shields
Why should men be allowed to strut under the privilege of their life adventures, wearing them like a breast full of medals, while women went all gray and silent beneath the weight of theirs?
- Carol Shields
Collection: Adventure
Image of Tom Waits
You cannot really be too concerned with what people think of you. You're on your own adventure of growth and discovery. So it's not always good to be who people think you are, especially if you subscribe to it as well ... which is easily done, because then you don't have to figure out who you are, you just ask somebody else.
- Tom Waits
Collection: Adventure
Image of Christopher Moore
An adventure story is fear recalled in comfort.
- Christopher Moore
Collection: Adventure
Image of Larry Crabb
Following Christ is a wild adventure full or risk, frustration, excitement, and setbacks. It is not an evening stroll in a planned community along a well-manicured path.
- Larry Crabb
Collection: Adventure
Image of Kij Johnson
Adventures are what happens when an event is flawed, a mark of imperfection.
- Kij Johnson
Collection: Adventure
Image of L.E. Modesitt Jr.
While every new fantasy author is hailed as unique, new, and different, Brandon Sanderson's ELANTRIS does indeed provide an absorbing adventure in a unique, different, and well-thought-out fantasy world, with a few nifty twists as well.
- L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Collection: Adventure
Image of N.K. Jemisin
The Cloud Roads has wildly original worldbuilding, diverse and engaging characters, and a thrilling adventure plot. It's that rarest of fantasies: fresh and surprising, with a story that doesn't go where ten thousand others have gone before. I can't wait for my next chance to visit the Three Worlds!
- N.K. Jemisin
Collection: Adventure
Image of Brendon Burchard
The charged life, then, usually calls to us after we have done what we were supposed to do, become who we thought we were supposed to be, lived as we thought we were supposed to live. Then the safety and comfort and compromise get to us, and a stirring of restlessness and revolution sends us off in search of greater adventures and meaning. From THE CHARGE
- Brendon Burchard
Collection: Adventure
Image of Brendon Burchard
Grant me the stormy seas over a life of ease, the toil and madness of a life of effort, and adventure , and meaning. The safe harbor is not for me, not for long. Let the fearful stand at the shore and point as we head into the unknown, toward that vast horizon where the bold become legend.
- Brendon Burchard
Collection: Adventure
Image of Pam Houston
Sometimes no matter how well you prepare, no matter how conservative your decision making, no matter how few Y chromosomes are along on your trip, you can still find yourself in a mud slide or a hurricane without a dry piece of clothing to your name. But those of us who have given our time and usually our hearts to outdoorsmen over the years know that, for many of them, it's not really a wilderness trip unless, MacGyver-like, they have to make a fire out of a pair of shorts, a glow stick, and a ketchup bottle; it's not really an adventure until someone gets airlifted out.
- Pam Houston
Collection: Adventure
Image of Douglas Coupland
Life need not be a story, but it does need to be an adventure.
- Douglas Coupland
Collection: Adventure
Image of Rick Steves
Travel is intensified living … and one of the last great sources of legal adventure.
- Rick Steves
Collection: Adventure
Image of Sarah MacLean
do not like this taste for adventure you have developed, sister.” “I am afraid I cannot guarantee I shall be rid of it anytime soon.
- Sarah MacLean
Collection: Adventure
Image of Beryl Markham
I have lifted my plane . . . for perhaps a thousand flights and I have never felt her wheels glide from the Earth into the air without knowing the uncertainty and the exhilaration of first-born adventure.
- Beryl Markham
Collection: Adventure
Image of Condoleezza Rice
Life is full of surprises and and serendipity. Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns. Just find your next adventure-do it well, enjoy it-and then, not now, think about what comes next.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Adventure
Image of Lilian Jackson Braun
A library card is the start of a lifelong adventure.
- Lilian Jackson Braun
Collection: Adventure
Image of William Least Heat-Moon
Adventure is putting one's ignorance into motion.
- William Least Heat-Moon
Collection: Adventure
Image of Maurice Sendak
Inside all of us is... hope. Inside all of us is... fear. Inside all of us is... adventure. Inside all of us is a wild thing.
- Maurice Sendak
Collection: Adventure
Image of Rebecca Solnit
Never turn down an adventure without a really good reason.
- Rebecca Solnit
Collection: Adventure
Image of François Lelord
It is love that transports us, that fills us with joy! Love turns life into one long adventure, every encounter is a dazzling experience - well, not always, of course, but in actual fact, it is our less successful love affairs that enable us to appreciate the others. I think love protects us from one of the biggest problems facing the modern world: boredom.
- François Lelord
Collection: Adventure