Top Poverty Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Poverty quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jean Sasson
Poverty can turn a person into a flaming torch for change and revolution, without which mankind would come to a standstill.
- Jean Sasson
Collection: Poverty
Image of Jawaharlal Nehru
Poverty anywhere is a danger to prosperity everywhere
- Jawaharlal Nehru
Collection: Poverty
Image of Amartya Sen
Poverty is not just a lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one's full potential as a human being
- Amartya Sen
Collection: Poverty
Image of Aneurin Bevan
If freedom is to be saved and enlarged, poverty must be ended. There is no other solution.
- Aneurin Bevan
Collection: Poverty
Image of Gustavo Gutiérrez
In the Bible poverty is a scandalous condition inimical to human dignity and therefore contrary to the will of God.
- Gustavo Gutiérrez
Collection: Poverty
Image of Jordan Belfort
There's no nobility in poverty.
- Jordan Belfort
Collection: Poverty
Image of D.E. Stevenson
Poverty is easy to bear if it is only temporary, easier still if it is an entirely voluntary burden.
- D.E. Stevenson
Collection: Poverty
Image of Mary Elizabeth Braddon
it is easy to starve, but it is difficult to stoop.
- Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Collection: Poverty
Image of Bernie Sanders
Nobody who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Poverty
Image of Nancy Mitford
There are worse things than poverty, though I can't for the moment remember what they are.
- Nancy Mitford
Collection: Poverty
Image of Rajiv Shah
By doing good, we do well.
- Rajiv Shah
Collection: Poverty
Image of John Calvin
Nothing is more dangerous than to be blinded by prosperity.
- John Calvin
Collection: Poverty
Image of Charles A. Murray
We tried to provide more for the poor and produced more poor instead. We tried to remove the barriers to escape poverty, and inadvertently built a trap.
- Charles A. Murray
Collection: Poverty
Image of Geoffrey Chaucer
He who accepts his poverty unhurt I'd say is rich although he lacked a shirt. But truly poor are they who whine and fret and covet what they cannot hope to get.
- Geoffrey Chaucer
Collection: Poverty
Image of Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham
Poverty, many can endure with dignity. Success, how few can carry off, even with decency and without baring their innermost infirmities before the public gaze!
- Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham
Collection: Poverty
Image of Fidel Castro
Capitalism has neither the capacity, nor the morality, nor the ethics to solve the problems of poverty.
- Fidel Castro
Collection: Poverty
Image of Betty Jane Wylie
Poverty isn't being broke; poverty is never having enough.
- Betty Jane Wylie
Collection: Poverty
Image of Carlos Slim
Poverty isn’t solved with donations.
- Carlos Slim
Collection: Poverty
Image of Paul Collier
Poverty is not intrinsically a trap, otherwise we would all still be poor.
- Paul Collier
Collection: Poverty
Image of Anna Brownell Jameson
Have the courage to appear poor and you disarm poverty of its sharpest sting.
- Anna Brownell Jameson
Collection: Poverty
Image of Kay Granger
Foreign aid must be viewed as an investment, not an expense.
- Kay Granger
Collection: Poverty
Image of Kassia
Poverty? Wealth? Seek neither -- / One causes swollen heads, / The other, swollen bellies.
- Kassia
Collection: Poverty
Image of Sally Stanford
We were so poor we envied everyone we ever heard of.
- Sally Stanford
Collection: Poverty
Image of R. G. LeTourneau
I shovel [money] out, and God shovels it back...but God has a bigger shovel!
- R. G. LeTourneau
Collection: Poverty
Image of Katie Davis
Poverty is not a sin; it is a condition, a circumstance that allows God's work to be displayed.
- Katie Davis
Collection: Poverty
Image of Rose Pastor Stokes
Every problem born of our poverty brought with it a sense of impotence: No escape, no help, anywhere!
- Rose Pastor Stokes
Collection: Poverty
Image of Ela Bhatt
It is our moral failure that we still tolerate poverty
- Ela Bhatt
Collection: Poverty
Image of James Van Fleet
Concentrate on poverty and you will be poor.
- James Van Fleet
Collection: Poverty
Image of Sean Wilentz
To say that poverty explains terror is to slander those caught in poverty who choose to lead worthy lives. [Terrorists] are not the oppressed, but they are the parasites of the oppressed.
- Sean Wilentz
Collection: Poverty
Image of John Cooper Clarke
Poverty - the one thing money can't buy
- John Cooper Clarke
Collection: Poverty
Image of John Kenneth Galbraith
There is a common tendency to ignore the poor or to develop some rationalisation for the good fortune of the fortunate.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Collection: Poverty
Image of W. Graham Scroggie
Boasting is always an advertisement of poverty.
- W. Graham Scroggie
Collection: Poverty
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty. As millionaires increase, pauperism grows. The more millionaires, the more paupers.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: Poverty
Image of Rutherford B. Hayes
Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty.
- Rutherford B. Hayes
Collection: Poverty
Image of Mark Winne
We cannot end hunger unless we end poverty.
- Mark Winne
Collection: Poverty
Image of Hubert H. Humphrey
When the dignity of one person is denied, all of us are denied.
- Hubert H. Humphrey
Collection: Poverty
Image of Edward Kennedy
Through periodic increases over the next three decades under Democratic and Republican administrations alike, the nation achieved one of the fundamental goals of a just society, which is that no one who works for a living should have to live in poverty.
- Edward Kennedy
Collection: Poverty
Image of Eliza Griswold
The truth is, terrorism flourishes in places of injustice rather than in places of poverty.
- Eliza Griswold
Collection: Poverty
Image of Charles Lamb
We were happier when we were poorer, but we were also younger.
- Charles Lamb
Collection: Poverty
Image of Tony Meloto
Poverty is abandonment. We have abandoned the poor.
- Tony Meloto
Collection: Poverty
Image of Josh Bernstein
Poverty can lead to tyranny. Capitolism creates freedom. If the poor had a better image of the rich they could be just like them.
- Josh Bernstein
Collection: Poverty
Image of Megan Lee
Poverty is not simply having no money - it is isolation, vulnerability, humiliation and mistrust.
- Megan Lee
Collection: Poverty
Image of Horace
Those who say nothing about their poverty will obtain more than those who turn beggars.
- Horace
Collection: Poverty
Image of Edward de Bono
Do we have the will to make poverty history?
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Poverty
Image of Arundhati Roy
Poverty is a crime and the poor are terrorists
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: Poverty
Image of May Sarton
Go rich in poverty. Go rich in poetry. This nothingness is plentitude.
- May Sarton
Collection: Poverty
Image of Condoleezza Rice
Most middle-class Americans, even working-class Americans, encounter each other across racial lines all the time, but it gets really hard-core when you get into that witches' brew that is the combination of race and poverty.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Poverty
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
That is one consolation when you are poor—there are so many more things you can imagine about.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Poverty
Image of Muhammad Yunus
So i say, change the base! If you change the base, anybody will be as tall as anybody else! My belief is poverty is not caused by poor ppl. Poverty is caused by the system. Poverty is caused by the policies that we pursue.
- Muhammad Yunus
Collection: Poverty
Image of Walter Scott
Oh, poverty parts good company.
- Walter Scott
Collection: Poverty