Jennifer Estep

Image of Jennifer Estep
I don't judge you for what you've done, Gin. Why are you judging me for another man's mistakes?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Mistake
Image of Jennifer Estep
Finn regarded pesky little things like wedding bands, engagement rings, and jealous, hulking menfolk more as amusing challenges than immovable obstacles that could be hazardous to his health.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jennifer Estep
He realized something was going on between Logan and me. I wish he'd clue me in on exactly what it was, because I had no idea.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Ideas
Image of Jennifer Estep
The two men eyed each other. Assessing strengths. Looking for weaknesses. Measuring dicks once again
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Men
Image of Jennifer Estep
Instead, I cut him. Not deep, but there was enough of a sting in the wound to remind him of what I'd done to the dwarven mobsters in the parking lot - and that I wasn't just some chick with a knife who looked good in black.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jennifer Estep
Don’t make it a challenge. You know how much I like those.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Challenges
Image of Jennifer Estep
Hey, are you okay?”he asked “Nickamedes told me what happened with Preston. He and the others were worried about you. They’re out looking for you, along with Daphne, Carson, and Oliver.”I let out a bitter laugh.“I must have really freaked them out if Nickamedes was worried about me.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Laughing
Image of Jennifer Estep
Art should look like art, trees and flowers and people, not weird shapes and splotches of color all smeared together.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Art
Image of Jennifer Estep
I hate to say this, but not everyone seems happy that you’re still alive,” Finn said, picking up on the glares coming my way. “You can’t please everyone,” I drawled. “And you know how much I hate to disappoint our dear friends in the underworld.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Hate
Image of Jennifer Estep
Oh, baby. You have no idea what I’d do to get through those layers and down to the good stuff.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Baby
Image of Jennifer Estep
What can I say?" I grinned. I have a magic touch when it comes to animals." Daphne snorted. "You're touched in the head is more like it.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Animal
Image of Jennifer Estep
Don't you agree, fuzzball?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Agree
Image of Jennifer Estep
I know, I know. But I can always kill him later. This way, at least we get to humiliate him first.” Finn eyed me. “Sometimes I think you’re even more devious, twisted, and vicious than I am.” I grinned. “You only wish you could be as ruthless as me.” “Absolutely.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Estep
The band geek has liquor?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Band
Image of Jennifer Estep
Easy was for people too weak to suck it up and do what needed to be done. And I wasn’t weak. Not anymore.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: People
Image of Jennifer Estep
I'm a figment of your imagination. You're only imagining that I'm sitting here eating with you. Because I'm just so freaking awesome that people daydream about being seen with me.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: People
Image of Jennifer Estep
Let him look," he whispered and kissed me again.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Looks
Image of Jennifer Estep
Any chance of getting something sweet to go with my coffee?” [Finn] asked in a hopeful voice. I arched an eyebrow at him. “You mean all those pieces of strawberry pie that you ate for lunch weren't enough?” “I’m a growing boy,” Finn said in a sincere tone. “I need my vitamins.” Bria snorted. “The only thing that’s growing on you, Lane, is your ego.” Finn sidled up to my sister and gave her a dazzling smile. “Well, other things of mine also tend to swell up in your presence, detective.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Sweet
Image of Jennifer Estep
Better be careful talking about how good my cooking is. Roslyn might get jealous.” The vampire madam let out a soft laugh. “Oh, I’ll freely admit that your cooking is much better than mine, Gin. But I have certain skills you don’t, especially in the bedroom. I think that Xavier far prefers those, even over a plate of the Pork Pit’s best barbecue.” Roslyn gave Xavier a sly look, and the giant’s grin widened. “Well played, Roslyn,” I murmured. “Well played.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jennifer Estep
I was so getting tired of fighting for my life in the library.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Tired
Image of Jennifer Estep
You bruised my ego, you see, and there’s just not enough money in the world to soothe my ego when it gets bruised
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Ego
Image of Jennifer Estep
I looked at Bria. “How do you put up with him?” Bria started to open her mouth, but Finn piped up instead. “She puts up with me because I happen to be rich, handsome, charming, a witty conversationalist, and exceptionally talented in bed,” he smirked. “Flexible too.” I groaned. “I did not need to hear those last two.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Witty
Image of Jennifer Estep
Now, back to my vacation idea.” Finn grinned, showing off his perfect white teeth. “Just think about it. You, Owen, me, and Bria, all happily ensconced in a swanky hotel by a beautiful beach. Bria in a bikini. You and Owen doing your own thing, Bria in a bikini. Did I mention Bria in a bikini?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jennifer Estep
She doesn't even know how to kill things properlike? What kind of girl have you given me to, goddess?" Vic protested, fixing his eye on Nike once more. Nike let out a laugh. " Vic is a little bloodthirsty. You'll get used to it.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Girl
Image of Jennifer Estep
Too bad the smile was on the face of the wrong man.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Men
Image of Jennifer Estep
The two men stared at each other. Assumptions were made, judgments rendered, dicks measured.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Men
Image of Jennifer Estep
Kiss me or let me go. I don’t care anymore.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Kissing
Image of Jennifer Estep
Her touch was as soft as a snowflake falling onto my skin.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Fall
Image of Jennifer Estep
Still, I'd do anything for him. Even smear his clotting blood inside the vehicle of his choosing.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Blood
Image of Jennifer Estep
Uh, what are you doing?” “Nothing much. Just erasing all of Calinda’s good grades and replacing them with incompletes. Eventually, the administrators will figure out what happened, but I’m making it look like a computer error. Still, I imagine she’ll get some nasty lectures from her profs and parents in the meantime.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Errors
Image of Jennifer Estep
My heart lifted, and a matching grin curved my lips. He wanted to see me again. Maybe he really did like me after all. I felt like doing a happy dance, but of course, I was way too cool for that. I'd at least wait until I got back to my hotel room, alone, where no one would see.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Heart
Image of Jennifer Estep
You've got a thing for Donovan Caine. You have ever since you killed Ingles, his partner, and he went all dogged and determined on you.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Determined
Image of Jennifer Estep
He gave me his word. That means something to a man like Donovan Caine. Yeah, it means you'll realize he's an exceptionally good liar when you're clutching your intestines and choking on your own blood on his living room floor.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Liars
Image of Jennifer Estep
I'd be damned if I let him see the tears in my eyes.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Eye
Image of Jennifer Estep
I didn't know what would take my mind off the sexy Spartan, except for maybe a total lobotomy.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Sexy
Image of Jennifer Estep
Have I ever told you how scary it is that you think of heels in terms of their possible shiv potential?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Estep
That’s hard core, Gin,” Finn replied. “Very hard core. Kind of kinky too.” A grim smile tightened my lips. “That’s me. Gin Blanco. Hard core and kinky to the bitter end.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Kinky
Image of Jennifer Estep
Quite a crowd tonight, Gin. Usually, it's just you and Finn." I shrugged. "What can I say? I seem to attract minions wherever I go these days. Kind of like the Pied Piper." Behind me, Finn huffed out his displeasure. "Minion? I am most certainly not a mere minion. Head minion, perhaps. At the very least.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Tonight
Image of Jennifer Estep
I’m going to untangle her deadly scheme, even if it leaves my love affair hanging by a thread.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Affair
Image of Jennifer Estep
Oh yes. You’ve caught me. I confess. My sole purpose in life is to gleefully, willfully, maniacally destroy all of your precious chrome babies.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Baby
Image of Jennifer Estep
I pulled the trigger twice, cutting off his protests, and Finn joined my lover on the floor.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jennifer Estep
Really, Gin, did you have to ruin my suit?” he said. “This was a Fiona Fine original.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Ruins
Image of Jennifer Estep
Gin! Gin, are you here?” “Right behind you,” I said. Finn shrieked and whirled around. I winced at the high-pitched sound. “Dammit, woman.” He clutched the folder to his chest. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Heart
Image of Jennifer Estep
Are you OK?" I asked. "I think so." Logan stared at me, and a smile pulled up his lips. "But maybe you should give me mouth-to-mouth, just to make sure.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Estep
You won't hurt me. I know you won't." Logan said. "How can you be so sure?" I whispered. "Because you're that Gypsy girl, and I'm the bad-boy Spartan. And I think it's time we were finally together, don't you?
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Girl
Image of Jennifer Estep
Just another part of that Spartan killer instinct. I can slay the ladies just as well as I can reapers.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Killers
Image of Jennifer Estep
Burn, baby, burn,” she muttered in a hard, satisfied voice. I cleared my throat. “As much as I hate to interrupt the supreme satisfaction you’re taking in watching the mansion blaze to the ground, I’d really like to get out of here before the whole house collapses on top of us.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Baby
Image of Jennifer Estep
Y’all might as well come on out,” I said. “I know you’re there. I can smell you.” “Smell me? But I just took a shower this morning!” an indignant voice drifted out of the shadows. There was a loud sound, like someone was getting smacked upside the head. Then another voice let out a low mutter. “Shut up, idiot.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Morning
Image of Jennifer Estep
There's nothing I can do that's going to drive you away, is there?" I murmured. Owen flashed me a sly grin. "Finally figuring that out, are you? I nodded. His grin deepened. "Well, it sure took you long enough.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Long