Top Errors Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Errors quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of David Ricardo
There can be no greater error then in supposing that capital is increased by non-consumption.
- David Ricardo
Collection: Errors
Image of Gene Siskel
There is a point when a personal opinion shades off into an error of fact.
- Gene Siskel
Collection: Errors
Image of Graeme Simsion
A woman at the rear of the room raised her hand. I was focused on the argument now and made a minor social error, which I quickly corrected. "The fat woman-overweight woman-at the back?"
- Graeme Simsion
Collection: Errors
Image of Yogi Berra
Ninety percent of all mental errors are in your head.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Errors
Image of Dallin H. Oaks
To avoid all possibility for error is to avoid all possibility for growth.
- Dallin H. Oaks
Collection: Errors
Image of Ari Berk
Honest error may play prologue to wonders.
- Ari Berk
Collection: Errors
Image of Paul Tillich
The fatal pedagogical error is to throw answers like stones at the heads of those who have not yet asked the questions.
- Paul Tillich
Collection: Errors
Image of Gregory Maguire
The body apologizes to the soul for its errors, and the soul asks forgiveness for squatting in the body without invitation.
- Gregory Maguire
Collection: Errors
Image of Erwin Rommel
Training errors are recorded on paper. Tactical errors are etched in stone.
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: Errors
Image of Ernest Renan
Forgetfulness, and I would even say historical error, are essential in the creation of a nation.
- Ernest Renan
Collection: Errors
Image of Mike Tyson
You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you're too busy, then you should sit for an hour. If Tetris has taught me anything, it's that errors pile up & accomplishments disappear. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Errors
Image of H. G. Wells
There is no more evil thing in this world than race prejudice, none at all. [...] It justifies and holds together more baseness, cruelty, and abomination than any other sort of error in the world.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: Errors
Image of Mary Ruefle
If you have any idea for a poem, an exact grid of intent, you are on the wrong path, a dead-end alley, at the top of a cliff you haven't even climbed. This is a lesson that can only be learned by trial and error.
- Mary Ruefle
Collection: Errors
Image of James K. Polk
No president who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure. If he entrusts the details and smaller matters to subordinates constant errors will occur. I prefer to supervise the whole operations of the government myself rather than entrust the public business to subordinates, and this makes my duties very great.
- James K. Polk
Collection: Errors
Image of A. Lee Martinez
Terrible errors are rarely made all at once. Usually they are performed one small misstep at a time.
- A. Lee Martinez
Collection: Errors
Image of Nick Harkaway
The tree of nonsense is watered with error, and from its branches swing the pumpkins of disaster.
- Nick Harkaway
Collection: Errors
Image of William Osler
Gentlemen, I have a confession to make. Half of what we have taught you is in error, and furthermore we cannot tell you which half it is
- William Osler
Collection: Errors
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Life is a tightrope between two errors: generalizing the wrong particular and particularizing the wrong general.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Errors
Image of Linus Pauling
I have something that I call my Golden Rule. It goes something like this: 'Do unto others twenty-five percent better than you expect them to do unto you.' … The twenty-five percent is for error.
- Linus Pauling
Collection: Errors
Image of Linus Pauling
Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error.
- Linus Pauling
Collection: Errors
Image of Jonas Salk
Life is an error-making and an error-correcting process.
- Jonas Salk
Collection: Errors
Image of Paul Westerberg
People like to see human error when it’s honest. When people see you swing and miss, they start to root for you.
- Paul Westerberg
Collection: Errors
Image of Jacob Bronowski
Science is a very human form of knowledge. We are always at the brink of the known; we always feel forward for what is to be hoped. Every judgment in science stands on the edge of error and is personal. Science is a tribute to what we can know although we are fallible.
- Jacob Bronowski
Collection: Errors
Image of Barry Hughart
Error can point the way to truth, while empty-headedness can only lead to more empty-headedness or to a career in politics.
- Barry Hughart
Collection: Errors
Image of Charles Stross
Like the famous mad philosopher said, when you stare into the void, the void stares also; but if you cast into the void, you get a type conversion error. (Which just goes to show Nietzsche wasn't a C++ programmer.)
- Charles Stross
Collection: Errors
Image of Sally Mann
I’m so worried that I’m going to perfect [my] technique someday. I have to say its unfortunate how many of my pictures do depend upon some technical error.
- Sally Mann
Collection: Errors
Image of Irenaeus of Lyons
Error, indeed is never set forth in its naked deformity, lest, being thus exposed, it should at once be detected. But it is craftily decked out in an attractive dress, so as, by its outward form, to make it appear to the inexperienced more true than truth itself.
- Irenaeus of Lyons
Collection: Errors
Image of Jorge Luis Borges
In my next life I will try to commit more errors.
- Jorge Luis Borges
Collection: Errors
Image of Duke of Wellington
Error is ever the sequence of haste.
- Duke of Wellington
Collection: Errors
Image of Mario Benedetti
Perfection is a polished collection of errors.
- Mario Benedetti
Collection: Errors
Image of Bob Ross
Don't be afraid to scrape the paint off and do it again. This is the way you learn, trial and error, over and over, repetition. It pays you great dividends, great, great dividends.
- Bob Ross
Collection: Errors
Image of Bret Michaels
You'll laugh at the comedy of errors that is my life.
- Bret Michaels
Collection: Errors
Image of William Least Heat-Moon
Without the errors, wrong turns and blind alleys, without the doubling back and misdirection and fumbling and chance discoveries, there was not one bit of joy in walking the labyrinth.
- William Least Heat-Moon
Collection: Errors
Image of Bjarne Stroustrup
Any verbose and tedious solution is error-prone because programmers get bored.
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Collection: Errors
Image of William Whewell
Every failure is a step to success. Every detection of what is false directs us towards what is true: every trial exhausts some tempting form of error.
- William Whewell
Collection: Errors
Image of Ted Olson
It happens every once in awhile at the federal level when the solicitor general, on behalf of the U.S., will confess error or decline to defend a law. I don't know what is going through the [Obama] administration's thought process on 'don't ask, don't tell.' It would be appropriate for them to say 'the law has been deemed unconstitutional, we are not going to seek further review of that.'
- Ted Olson
Collection: Errors
Image of Geoff Dyer
He [Thelonious Monk] played each note as though astonished by the previous one, as though every touch of his fingers on the keyboard was correcting an error and this touch in turn became an error to be corrected and so the tune never quite ended up the way it was meant to.
- Geoff Dyer
Collection: Errors
Image of Lionel Trilling
It is one thing, then, to say, "The Bible contains the religion revealed by God ," and quite another to say, "Whatever is contained in the Bible is religion, and was revealed by God." If the latter be accepted, metaphor and allegory become literal statements and the errors and absurdities of bibliolatry follow.
- Lionel Trilling
Collection: Errors
Image of Daniel Keys Moran
Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.
- Daniel Keys Moran
Collection: Errors
Image of Amilcar Cabral
One of the most serious errors, if not the most serious error, committed by colonial powers in Africa, may have been to ignore or underestimate the cultural strength of African peoples.
- Amilcar Cabral
Collection: Errors
Image of Andrew Sullivan
If religion is about truth, why is it so afraid of error?
- Andrew Sullivan
Collection: Errors
Image of Warren Zevon
I might have made a tactical error not going to a physician for 20 years. It was one of those phobias that didn't pay off.
- Warren Zevon
Collection: Errors
Image of Marilynne Robinson
There is a saying that to understand is to forgive, but that is an error, so Papa used to say. You must forgive in order to understand. Until you forgive, you defend yourself against the possibility of understanding. ... If you forgive, he would say, you may indeed still not understand, but you will be ready to understand, and that is the posture of grace.
- Marilynne Robinson
Collection: Errors
Image of Kurt Gödel
But every error is due to extraneous factors (such as emotion and education); reason itself does not err.
- Kurt Gödel
Collection: Errors
Image of John Howard Griffin
Every fool in error can find a passage of scripture to back him up
- John Howard Griffin
Collection: Errors
Image of Donald Berwick
We must accept human error as inevitable - and design around that fact.
- Donald Berwick
Collection: Errors
Image of G. Edward Griffin
Error is better than apathy. Error can be corrected in time to change the outcome. Apathy is seldom corrected until it is too late.
- G. Edward Griffin
Collection: Errors
Image of Cherie Carter-Scott
Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors, and occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much as part of the process as the experiments that work.
- Cherie Carter-Scott
Collection: Errors
Image of Leon Battista Alberti
Errors accumulate in the sketch and compound in the model.
- Leon Battista Alberti
Collection: Errors