Top Jealous Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Jealous quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Hugh Nibley
And the issue is never the merits of the evidence but always the jealous rivalry of the contestants to see which would be the official light unto the world. Right down to the present day we have been the spectators of a foolish contest between equally vain and bigoted rivals.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Jealous
Image of Cristiano Ronaldo
People whistle me because I am good-looking, rich and a great footballer. They are jealous of me.
- Cristiano Ronaldo
Collection: Jealous
Image of Lilith Saintcrow
His thumb stroked my cheek. My eyes half-closed. When he spoke next, it was very softly, his voice an almost-physical caress against my whole body. My flesh tightened like a harpstring. I swallowed hard against the wave of liquid heat. "How can I possibly be jealous when I know you spent your time grieving for me, Dante?
- Lilith Saintcrow
Collection: Jealous
Image of Milorad Pavić
When we read, it is not ours to absorb all that is written. Our thoughts are jealous and they constantly blank out the thoughts of others, for there is not room enough in us for two scents at one time.
- Milorad Pavić
Collection: Jealous
Image of Patrick White
I expect we are all jealous of the women in their past, but how much less exciting if the women had not kept the bed warm.
- Patrick White
Collection: Jealous
Image of O. J. Simpson
I don't understand what I did wrong except live a life that everyone is jealous of.
- O. J. Simpson
Collection: Jealous
Image of Joe Dunthorne
Write a diary, imagining that you are trying to make an old person jealous.
- Joe Dunthorne
Collection: Jealous
Image of Carrie Vaughn
I grinned at him. 'Jealous?' He grinned right back. 'That's a trick question. If I say yes you'll accuse me of being paranoid and unreasonable, and if I say no you'll make some defensive crack about how I don't think you're worth getting jealous over.' This is what I got for hooking up with a lawyer.
- Carrie Vaughn
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jeff Kinney
Dear Aunt Loretta, Thank you so much for the awesome pants! How did you know I wanted that for Christmas? I love the way the pants look on my legs! All my friends will be so jealous that I have my very own pants. Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever! Sincerely, Greg
- Jeff Kinney
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jonathan Rhys Meyers
I can be intolerably jealous and I think that’s what’s driven me. My ambition knows no end.
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Collection: Jealous
Image of Joseph Story
I know of no power, indeed, of which a free people ought to be more jealous, than of that of levying taxes and duties.
- Joseph Story
Collection: Jealous
Image of Buck Owens
Lady Limelight is a jealous lady. She wants all of your attention. You dont have any time to think of anything else but Lady Limelight, because pretty soon that light will be shinning on somebody else. So you better do it while you can.
- Buck Owens
Collection: Jealous
Image of Tyler Perry
You will always fine jealous people.They're the ones promoting you.
- Tyler Perry
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jane Yolen
I have always been jealous of artists. The smell of the studio, the names of the various tools, the look of a half-finished canvas all shout of creation. What do writers have in comparison? Only the flat paper, the clacketing of the typewriter or the scrape of a pen across a yellow page. And then, when the finished piece is presented, there is a small wonder on one hand, a manuscript smudged with erasures or crossed out lines on the other. The impact of the painting is immediate, the manuscript must unfold slowly through time.
- Jane Yolen
Collection: Jealous
Image of Ingrid Betancourt
There was humiliations, cruelty, abuse, violence. And they were all the time trying to put to fight the prisoners one against the other, filling us with wrong information about the others or giving privileges to some so that the others would feel jealous and would react. And I could see how they were manipulating us.
- Ingrid Betancourt
Collection: Jealous
Image of Joe Rogan
I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you.
- Joe Rogan
Collection: Jealous
Image of Yasmina Khadra
If you want your life to be a small part of eternity, to be lucid even in the heart of madness, love... Love with all your strength, love as though it is all you know how to do, love enough to make the gods themselves jealous... for it is in love that all ugliness reveals its beauty.
- Yasmina Khadra
Collection: Jealous
Image of Brom
Burn? Smite? Punish? Why is your god so intolerant? So jealous? Why must there be only one god? Why is there not room for many?
- Brom
Collection: Jealous
Image of Rick Pitino
I ignore the jealous, I ignore the malicious, I ignore the ignorant and I ignore the paranoid.
- Rick Pitino
Collection: Jealous
Image of George Edward Moore
Can't I another's face commend, Or to her virtues be a friend, But instantly your forehead louers, As if her merit lessen'd yours?
- George Edward Moore
Collection: Jealous
Image of Mehmet Oz
Medicine is a jealous mistress. It demands all your time.
- Mehmet Oz
Collection: Jealous
Image of Lil B
Ladies, if you saw me jackin off in a ferrari would you be jealous?
- Lil B
Collection: Jealous
Image of Will Arnett
I never really spent time being jealous. Maybe I should have.
- Will Arnett
Collection: Jealous
Image of Georg Baselitz
I don't paint over my paintings with black paint. I paint black paintings. It isn't because I'm sad, just as I didn't paint red paintings yesterday because I was happy. Nor will I paint yellow paintings tomorrow because I'm jealous.
- Georg Baselitz
Collection: Jealous
Image of Virginia Graham
Maturity gives us jealous eyes. We look with jealousy on the younger woman because she doesn't know as much now as we do, and, oh, what we could do with our wisdom and her face.
- Virginia Graham
Collection: Jealous
Image of Nan Goldin
Yes, I need to be fed but the need to be loved by friends has been as important to me than any lover I've had all my life. This is part of the reasons that my lovers don't stay because they are jealous of how much I care about my friends.
- Nan Goldin
Collection: Jealous
Image of Hugh Miller
Poets need be in no degree jealous of the geologists. The stony science, with buried creations for its domains, and half an eternity charged with its annals, possesses its realms of dim and shadowy fields, in which troops of fancies already walk like disembodied ghosts in the old fields of Elysium, and which bid fair to be quite dark and uncertain enough for all the purposes of poesy for centuries to come.
- Hugh Miller
Collection: Jealous
Image of Charles Templeton
The Bible says that the the Lord thy God is a jealous God. But if you are omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, and the creator of all that exists, of whom could you possibly be jealous?
- Charles Templeton
Collection: Jealous
Image of Alexander Ovechkin
Maybe's he's just jealous I have hair.
- Alexander Ovechkin
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jerry A. Coyne
In the end theologians are jealous of science, for they are aware that it has greater authority than do their own ways of finding "truth": dogma, authority, and revelation. Science does find truth, faith does not.
- Jerry A. Coyne
Collection: Jealous
Image of Paula Broadwell
The national media don't know me. They know the caricature that was created of me by journalists who were frankly jealous of my access. And it was a very negative caricature. There's this propensity for blaming a woman. It comes down to implicit bias. There are so many studies that show this.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Jealous
Image of Joseph Cotten
My wife told me one of the sweetest things one could hear: 'I am not jealous. But I am truly sad for all the actresses who embrace you and kiss you while acting, for with them, you are only pretending.'
- Joseph Cotten
Collection: Jealous
Image of Mike Patton
Puffy's the only guy who's jealous. All drummers want to be singers. I think it's a myth that the singer needs to be the focus. Bands perpetuate that myth. With somebody like Sebastian Bach it makes sense. Look at him. He could be in an Avon ad.
- Mike Patton
Collection: Jealous
Image of Cynthia Garrett
I snuck in many doors and when my intelligence was revealed, or my skill set clearly seen, people were often pleasantly surprised or became jealous and scared. I faced more barriers because of my color than my gender.
- Cynthia Garrett
Collection: Jealous
Image of Crystal Reed
It's like, if this person is going to betray me or deceive me, they're going to do it regardless whether or not I'm texting him constantly or looking through him phone or being jealous. And once you realize that, then jealousy isn't a factor. You're just you, and you can live in the moment.
- Crystal Reed
Collection: Jealous
Image of Henry Glassford Bell
The damning tho't stuck in my throat and cut me like a knife, That she, whom all my life I'd loved, should be another's wife.
- Henry Glassford Bell
Collection: Jealous
Image of Darren Criss
Sometimes I pretend to be an octopus. But then people are like ‘Darren what’re you doing?’ And I just sit there and laugh because they’re not cool enough to be an octopus and I’m just like ‘Hah you’re just jealous because you’re not an octopus.’
- Darren Criss
Collection: Jealous
Image of John Bevere
The Spirit of God is jealous over us; He doesn't want superficial fellowship, but genuine intimacy.
- John Bevere
Collection: Jealous
Image of Duff Goldman
If you're from Philly and you're listening to this, please know that the rest of the world looks at Philly and they're jealous of your food. I promise. And if you're not from Philly, and you've never been here and you're thinking about coming somewhere to the East Coast, come to Philly and eat the food because the food. Is. Amazing.
- Duff Goldman
Collection: Jealous
Image of Maureen O'Sullivan
Cheetah bit me whenever he could. The [Tarzan movie] apes were all homosexuals, eager to wrap their paws around Johnny Weismuller's thighs. They were jealous of me, and I loathed them.
- Maureen O'Sullivan
Collection: Jealous
Image of Marcus Licinius Crassus
Greed is but a word jealous men inflict upon the ambitious.
- Marcus Licinius Crassus
Collection: Jealous
Image of Malik Rose
I felt proud of them and happy for them as friends. But then I was, not jealous in a bad way, but I just was wishing I had been there ... It did take me a while to accept that reality, but that's over with now.
- Malik Rose
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jeff Mangum
Even our concepts about romantic love, I think, are destructive; treating people as property is destructive; being jealous of other people is destructive. You know, being jealous is a perfectly natural thing to feel, so it's not about suppressing jealousy, but learning to come to terms with it and to recognize its destructiveness and then to transform it.
- Jeff Mangum
Collection: Jealous
Image of G-Dragon
I’m very proud of Seungri. I worked over a year for my album, but one day YG told Seungri to make an album and he made one in just 2 weeks. Ah, maybe 3 weeks. He’s a true genius. I’m jealous of his propulsion.
- G-Dragon
Collection: Jealous
Image of Chris Gayle
I'm jealous of my parents. I'll never have a kid as cool as theirs.
- Chris Gayle
Collection: Jealous
Image of Jacques Lusseyran
I could no longer afford to be jealous or unfriendly, because, as soon as I was, a bandage came down over my eyes, and I was bound hand and foot and cast aside. All at once a black hole opened, and I was helpless inside it. But when I was happy and serene, approached people with confidence and thought well of them, I was rewarded with light.
- Jacques Lusseyran
Collection: Jealous
Image of Liam Gallagher
I'm Liam Gallagher and I'm in Oasis. The whole world is jealous of me. It should be.
- Liam Gallagher
Collection: Jealous
Image of Ben Lee
There's a great expression that says, "God is a jealous lover," and it's a very accurate expression that has nothing to do with whatever you see god or nature as.
- Ben Lee
Collection: Jealous
Image of Katie Hopkins
I think women are really vicious in the work place, they're really jealous, really competitive. Women are emotional, they cry in toilets. The sisterhood only extends as far as the kitchen door. Men talk in logic and rational terms, they don't squark and make a noise.
- Katie Hopkins
Collection: Jealous
Image of Marie of Romania
Power is a companion it is not easy to part with, when it goes, the zest of life goes with it. With dry eyes and clenched fist, one stares after it, jealous of the next one it will single out.
- Marie of Romania
Collection: Jealous