James Surowiecki

Image of James Surowiecki
Procrastination also can be a way of self-handicapping: if you don't do a great job, you can always say to yourself, "If I'd only started sooner, I'd have been able to produce something excellent."
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Surowiecki
There does seem to be some evidence that as people get older, they procrastinate less, perhaps because they feel the pressure of time more.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: People
Image of James Surowiecki
There are lots of people who believe there may be at least some genetic component to procrastination, and even if there isn't, it seems to be the case that procrastination habits are often set relatively early in life (that's certainly the case with me). But I also think that there's lots of evidence that external tools can help quite a bit in getting people to stop procrastinating.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Believe
Image of James Surowiecki
Most of the work on multitasking suggests that it generally makes you less efficient, not more.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Multitasking
Image of James Surowiecki
In effect, dividing your attention means that neither (or none) of the things you're working on is really getting the full effect of your intelligence, and that it in the end takes you longer than it would if you did one thing at a time.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Mean
Image of James Surowiecki
I do think to some extent multitasking is a way of fooling ourselves that we're being exceptionally efficient.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Surowiecki
I think people don't understand compound interest because typically no one ever explains it to them and the level of financial literacy in the US is very low.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Surowiecki
You'll sometimes hear from people that they actually do a better job of getting their work done when they have a lot of other obligations - in effect, it removes the possibility of procrastinating.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Surowiecki
Addictive behavior is kind of the inverse of procrastination: procrastination is about not being able to do what you want to do, addiction about not being able to not do what you don't want to do (drink, use drugs, etc.)
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Procrastination
Image of James Surowiecki
I tend to have a hard time working on pieces long before they're due. That's why I think the fact that I write a column is really good for me - the column has to be done, and there's no getting around it.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Writing
Image of James Surowiecki
Unfortunately, there is something of a flaw in this idealized picture of the way the scientific community discovers truth. And the flaw is that most scientific work never gets noticed. Study after study has shown that most scientific papers are read by almost no one, while a small number of papers are read by many people.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Science
Image of James Surowiecki
In part because individual judgement is not accurate enough or consistent enough, cognitive diversity is essential to good decision making.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Diversity
Image of James Surowiecki
This intelligence, or what I'll call "the wisdom of crowds," is at work in the world in many different guises. It's the reason the Internet search engine Google can scan a billion Web pages and find the one page that has the exact piece of information you were looking for. It's the reason it's so hard to make money betting on NFL games, and it helps explain why, for the past fifteen years, a few hundred amateur traders in the middle of Iowa have done a better job of predicting election results than Gallup polls have.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Wisdom
Image of James Surowiecki
When Americans are asked to rank professions in terms of honesty and ethics, insurance agents routinely end up near the bottom of the list - somewhere between politicians and car salesmen. Generally, insurers are seen as clever hucksters who prey on insecurity and ignorance to sell people what they don't need at prices they shouldn't have to pay.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Clever
Image of James Surowiecki
One key to successful group decisions is getting people to pay much less attention to what everyone else is saying.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Successful
Image of James Surowiecki
If small groups are included in the decision-making process, then they should be allowed to make decisions. If an organization sets up teams and then uses them for purely advisory purposes, it loses the true advantage that a team has: namely, collective wisdom.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Wisdom
Image of James Surowiecki
Groups are only smart when there is a balance between the information that everyone in the group shares and the information that each of the members of the group holds privately. It's the combination of all those pieces of independent information, some of them right, some of the wrong, that keeps the group wise.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Wise
Image of James Surowiecki
But, if recent history has taught us anything, it’s that self-regulation doesn’t work in finance, and that worries about reputation are a weak deterrent to corporate malfeasance.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Taught Us
Image of James Surowiecki
The problem is that groups are only smart when the people in them are as independent as possible. This is the paradox of the wisdom of crowds.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Smart
Image of James Surowiecki
The smartest groups, then, are made up of people with diverse perspectives who are able to stay independent of each other. Independence doesn't imply rationality or impartiality, though. You can be biased and irrational, but as long as you're independent, you won't make the group any dumber.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Independent
Image of James Surowiecki
It's a familiar truism that at any one moment, financial markets are dominated by either fear or greed. But the healthiest markets are those that are animated by both fear and greed at the same time.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Fear
Image of James Surowiecki
One of the problems that exacerbates procrastination is the feeling that you have lots of different things to do and no clear sense of which matter more, when they should be done, etc.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Procrastination
Image of James Surowiecki
I think there is clearly a connection between free time and procrastination. The more you have of the former, all things being equal, the more likely you are to procrastinate.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Procrastination
Image of James Surowiecki
Tough times have always lent themselves to nativist sentiments and closed-door policies. But in the case of highly skilled immigrants these policies are a recipe for stagnation.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Doors
Image of James Surowiecki
The history of the Internet is, in part, a series of opportunities missed.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Opportunity
Image of James Surowiecki
The profit motive, indecorous though it may seem, may represent the best chance the poor have to reap some of globalization's benefits.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Benefits
Image of James Surowiecki
The typical American corporation is a shareholders' republic the same way that China is a peoples' republic.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Typical
Image of James Surowiecki
No decision-making system is going to guarantee corporate success. The strategic decisions that corporations have to make are of mind-numbing complexity. But we know that the more power you give a single individual in the face of complexity and uncertainty, the more likely it is that bad decisions will get made.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Giving
Image of James Surowiecki
If army ants are wandering around and they get lost, they start to follow a simple rule:Just do what the ant in front of you does. The ants eventually end up in a circle. There's this famous example of one that was 1,200 feet long and lasted for two days; the ants just kept marching around and around in a circle until they died.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Army