Top Independent Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Independent quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rachel Weisz
I'd like to be wanted for my body, too! As an actor I want to play all different kinds of women - independent women but also very vulnerable women.
- Rachel Weisz
Collection: Independent
Image of Tariq Ramadan
I am not a politician. I have often been approached in this regard, but I have always declined these sorts of offers. I view myself as an independent, critical intellectual, as someone who tries to stimulate thought on the left and the right, to encourage intellectual evolution.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Independent
Image of Kwame Nkrumah
No people without a government of their own can expect to be treated on the same level as people of independent sovereign states. It is far better to be free to govern or misgovern yourself than to be governed by anybody else . . .
- Kwame Nkrumah
Collection: Independent
Image of Robert Bork
Americans revere both the Constitution and an independent Court that applies the document's provisions. The Court has done many excellent things in our history, and few people are willing to see its power broken. The difficulty with all proposals to respond to the Court when it behaves unconstitutionally is that they would create a power to destroy the Court's essential work as well.
- Robert Bork
Collection: Independent
Image of Herman E. Daly
Presumably, technology has made man increasingly independent of his environment. But, in fact, technology has merely substituted nonrenewable resources for renewables, which is more an increase than a decrease in dependence.
- Herman E. Daly
Collection: Independent
Image of Louise Slaughter
While many have been left behind by Part D, there is a clear winner: the drug industry. Independent analysts predict that Part D will increase drug industry profits by $139 billion over the next eight years. Glaxo-SmithKline's second-quarter net income already jumped 14 percent, and other leading drug companies also have benefited.
- Louise Slaughter
Collection: Independent
Image of Tom Selleck
Im a registered independent with a lot of libertarian leanings.
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Independent
Image of Malin Akerman
The excitement about independent filmmaking is that they're a little more open to taking chances. The studios are a little more careful, as far as who they choose for their film and what they're known for and staying in the genre because they know what works.
- Malin Akerman
Collection: Independent
Image of Banksy
A lot of people never use their initiative because no-one told them to.
- Banksy
Collection: Independent
Image of Nawal El Saadawi
They said, “You are a savage and dangerous woman.” I am speaking the truth. And the truth is savage and dangerous.
- Nawal El Saadawi
Collection: Independent
Image of Alfred North Whitehead
The misconception which has haunted philosophic literature throughout the centuries is the notion of 'independent existence.' There is no such mode of existence; every entity is to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Independent
Image of Alfred North Whitehead
Not a sentence or a word is independent of the circumstances under which it is uttered.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Independent
Image of Alexei Navalny
Our political leaders often talk about Russia taking an independent path, but they like to live like people in the West.
- Alexei Navalny
Collection: Independent
Image of Oliver Stone
Forget the grand plan. Forget the master scheme. Forget control. That is the bleak but true basis of independent cinema. Inch by motherfuking inch we must, because we have no other choice.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Independent
Image of James K. Polk
There are four great measures for my administration - a reduction of tariff, an independent treasury, settlement of the Oregon boundary and acquisition of California.
- James K. Polk
Collection: Independent
Image of Seth
To act in an independent manner, you must begin to initiate action that you want to occur physically by creating it in your own being. This is done by combining belief, emotion and imagination, and forming them into a mental picture of the desired physical result.
- Seth
Collection: Independent
Image of Walter F. Mondale
Who is ready to be a truly independent representative of Minnesota? Who is free of entangling alliances and big money that allows them to represent? What do we need -- that sort of person who can truly independently represent Minnesota, or something else?.
- Walter F. Mondale
Collection: Independent
Image of Jeremy Bentham
There is no pestilence in a state like a zeal for religion, independent of morality.
- Jeremy Bentham
Collection: Independent
Image of Julian Baggini
Morality is more than possible without God, it is entirely independent of him.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Independent
Image of Barbara Boxer
I am sure that every one of my colleagues "Democrat, Republican, and Independent" agrees with that statement. That in the voting booth, every one is equal.
- Barbara Boxer
Collection: Independent
Image of Said Nursi
I am not free and independent; I am a traveler with duties.
- Said Nursi
Collection: Independent
Image of John Thune
This is partly a function of approval ratings. People pay attention [to polls] and start saying, 'Lets take a more independent tack.' It is frankly self-interest, self-preservation.
- John Thune
Collection: Independent
Image of Patrick Wilson
When you're younger you don't care so much, but as you get older you have a family and stuff like that. But I've always kept my foot in theatre and I've kept my foot in independent film, so I'm really happy going back and forth. So, if I can't find the meaty roles in studio films, then I'll go back and dig up a little independent where I can flex my muscles a little bit.
- Patrick Wilson
Collection: Independent
Image of Jello Biafra
One of the best things that's come out of the Seattle protests is the birth of the Independent Media Center. It's not as though the independent media movement wasn't already there, but it's given it another jump-start. There's the feeling that not only should we report on our underground culture and our own situation, but now we have to start telling people what's really going on at a time when everything from CNN to USA Today is as tightly controlled as Tass or Pravda.
- Jello Biafra
Collection: Independent
Image of Bjarne Stroustrup
Java isn't platform independent; it is a platform
- Bjarne Stroustrup
Collection: Independent
Image of R. A. Salvatore
It is more difficult by far to be independent of our own inner shackles than it is of the shackles that others might place upon us.
- R. A. Salvatore
Collection: Independent
Image of Jimmy Smits
I'm always sitting down and talking to people that are doing independent features. It depends on the project and the quotient of the people that are involved. There are a lot of different reasons [to do something], like a particular script that resonates with me, in a particular way. It may not so much even be about the part, but what the script has to say.
- Jimmy Smits
Collection: Independent
Image of Ted Olson
The reality is that our independent judiciary is the most respected branch of our government and the envy of the world.
- Ted Olson
Collection: Independent
Image of Joseph Pulitzer
Every issue of the paper presents an opportunity and a duty to say something courageous and true; to rise above the mediocre and conventional; to say something that will command the respect of the intelligent, the educated, the independent part of the community; to rise above fear of partisanship and fear of popular prejudice. I would rather have one article a day of this sort; and these ten or twenty lines might readily represent a whole day's hard work in the way of concentrated, intense thinking and revision, polish of style, weighing of words.
- Joseph Pulitzer
Collection: Independent
Image of Greg L. Bahnsen
When an apologist attempts to be autonomous in his reasoned argumentation he indicates that he considers God to be less certain than his own existence and that he places greater credence in his independent reasoning than in God's Word.
- Greg L. Bahnsen
Collection: Independent
Image of Steve Pavlina
When you reach the point of becoming independent of external events, you’re truly free.
- Steve Pavlina
Collection: Independent
Image of John Roberts
The States are separate and independent sovereigns. Sometimes they need to act like it.
- John Roberts
Collection: Independent
Image of Henry Norris Russell
One of the most striking results of modern investigation has been the way in which several different and quite independent lines of evidence indicate that a very great event occurred about two thousand million years ago. The radio-active evidence for the age of meteorites; and the estimated time for the tidal evolution of the Moon's orbit (though this is much rougher), all agree in their testimony, and, what is far more important, the red-shift in the nebulae indicates that this date is fundamental, not merely in the history of our system, but in that of the material universe as a whole.
- Henry Norris Russell
Collection: Independent
Image of Elizabeth von Arnim
If your lot makes you cry and be wretched, get rid of it and take another; strike out for yourself; don't listen to the shriek of your relations...don't be afraid of public opinion in the shape of the neighbours in the next house, when all the world is before you new and shining, and everything is possible, if you will only be energetic and independent and seize opportunity by the scruff of the neck.
- Elizabeth von Arnim
Collection: Independent
Image of Kim Il-sung
While there are still imperialist aggressors, the state that has no defense power of its own to protect its sovereignty against the internal and external enemies is, in fact, not a fully independent and sovereign state.
- Kim Il-sung
Collection: Independent
Image of Wendell Phillips
It is easy to be independent when all behind you agree with you, but the difficulty comes when nine hundred and ninety-nine of your friends think you are wrong.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Independent
Image of John Stossel
People vastly overestimate the ability of central planners to improve on the independent action of diverse individuals. What I've learned watching regulators is that they almost always make things worse. If regulators did nothing, the self-correcting mechanisms of the market would mitigate most problems with more finesse. And less cost.
- John Stossel
Collection: Independent
Image of William Batchelder Greene
All men, and all created nature, have been at work, from the beginning of time to this day, to produce the circumstances which now influence our actions. AS soon as an act has been performed, it becomes independent of the individual performing it, and forthwith gives birth to some other act, which last gives birth to still another, and so they continue, and will continue, until the law of cause and effect shall cease to operate.
- William Batchelder Greene
Collection: Independent
Image of Bob Ney
Effective use of Braille is as important to the blind as independent mobility, knowledge in the use of adaptive technology, and the core belief that equality, opportunity, and security are truly possible for all people who are blind.
- Bob Ney
Collection: Independent
Image of Danny Boyle
The awards season gives a chance for independent films to have a bit of longevity in the press and the media.
- Danny Boyle
Collection: Independent
Image of Robert Bringhurst
Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form, and thus with an independent existence. Its heartwood is calligraphy - the dance, on a tiny stage, of the living, speaking hand - and its roots reach into living soil, though its branches may be hung each year with new machines. So long as the root lives, typography remains a source of true delight, true knowledge, true surprise.
- Robert Bringhurst
Collection: Independent
Image of John Pilger
It's only when journalists understand the role they play in this propaganda, it's only when they realize they can't be both independent, honest journalists and agents of power, that things will begin to change.
- John Pilger
Collection: Independent
Image of Lytton Strachey
Human beings are too important to be treated as mere symptoms of the past. They have a value which is independent of any temporal process──which is eternal, and must be felt for its own sake.
- Lytton Strachey
Collection: Independent
Image of Kurt Gödel
I am convinced of the afterlife, independent of theology. If the world is rationally constructed, there must be an afterlife
- Kurt Gödel
Collection: Independent
Image of Henri Poincare
A reality completely independent of the spirit that conceives it, sees it, or feels it, is an impossibility. A world so external as that, even if it existed, would be forever inaccessible to us.
- Henri Poincare
Collection: Independent
Image of C. Terry Warner
When we actively relate to people as rivals or enemies, we foster the false belief that we and they stand independent of one another. The truth is that we bind ourselves to them as if by an invisible tether, and we do so by our negative thoughts and feelings." "Who we are is who we are with others. How they seem to us is a revelation of ourselves.
- C. Terry Warner
Collection: Independent
Image of Neal Boortz
Big-government liberals don't like people with a sense of independence because independent people don't need big government.
- Neal Boortz
Collection: Independent
Image of James Surowiecki
The smartest groups, then, are made up of people with diverse perspectives who are able to stay independent of each other.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Independent
Image of Frank Beddor
Silence is hereby outlawed. Silence breeds independent thought, which in turn breeds dissent.
- Frank Beddor
Collection: Independent
Image of Margaret Chase Smith
Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism, are all too frequently those who . . . ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism-the right to criticize, the right to hold unpopular beliefs, the right to protest, the right of independent thought.
- Margaret Chase Smith
Collection: Independent