Top Taught Us Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Taught Us quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Max Delbruck
Molecular genetics, our latest wonder, has taught us to spell out the connectivity of the tree of life in such palpable detail that we may say in plain words, "This riddle of life has been solved."
- Max Delbruck
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Neil L. Andersen
The Savior taught us to love not only our friends but also those who disagree with us- and even those who repudiate us.
- Neil L. Andersen
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Nicolae Ceausescu
Stealing from capitalism is not like stealing out of our own pockets. Marx and Lenin have taught us that anything is ethical, so long as it is in the interest of the proletarian class and its world revolution.
- Nicolae Ceausescu
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Jerry Harrison
Brian Eno taught us how to use the Recording Studio as an instrument.
- Jerry Harrison
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Nick Flynn
Some part of me knew he would show up, that if I stood in one place long enough he would find me, like you're taught to do when you're lost. But they never taught us what to do if both of you are lost, and you both end up in the same place, waiting.
- Nick Flynn
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Satoru Iwata
The entire Nintendo group will carry on the spirit of Mr. Yamauchi by honoring, in our approach to entertainment, the sense of value he has taught us - that there is merit in doing what is different - and at the same time, by changing Nintendo in accordance with changing times.
- Satoru Iwata
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Lynne Cheney
E is for the EDUCATORS, the women who taught us well.
- Lynne Cheney
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Carlos Mencia
I'm glad Hurricane Katrina happened. It taught us an important lesson: black people can't swim.
- Carlos Mencia
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Benjamin F. Johnson
The First Command was to 'Multiply' and the Prophet taught us that Dominion & powr in the great Future would be Comensurate with the no [number] of 'Wives Childin & Friends' that we inheret here and that our great mission to earth was to Organize a Neculi of Heaven to take with us. To the increase of which there would be no end.
- Benjamin F. Johnson
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
The lessons near and far have taught us that our truth is Kuwait, and our involvement with this fact is what created for us, with God's graciousness, our victory set.
- Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Hans Christian von Baeyer
Science has taught us that what we see and touch is not what is really there.
- Hans Christian von Baeyer
Collection: Taught Us
Image of John I. Jenkins
Pope Francis has taught us by his example how we can witness with our lives and actions to our faith and moral principles, but still engage respectfully with those who disagree. He's urged us to find a "new balance," going beyond the few wedge issues of our politics, so we do not lose the "freshness and fragrance of the Gospel."
- John I. Jenkins
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Susan Sontag
Fear of sexuality is the new, disease-sponsored register of the universe of fear in which everyone now lives. Cancerphobia taught us the fear of a polluting environment; now we have the fear of polluting people that AIDS anxiety inevitably communicates. Fear of the Communion cup, fear of surgery: fear of contaminated blood, whether Christ's blood or your neighbor's.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
Before we were born, a whole society of storytellers was already here. The storytellers who were here before us taught us how to be human.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Jonathan Swift
I remember it was with extreme difficulty that I could bring my master to understand the meaning of the word opinion, or how a point could be disputable; because reason taught us to affirm or deny only where we are certain; and beyond our knowledge we cannot do either.
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: Taught Us
Image of George S. Clason
Learning was of two kinds: the one being the things we learned and knew, and the other being the training that taught us how to find out what we did not know?
- George S. Clason
Collection: Taught Us
Image of James Surowiecki
But, if recent history has taught us anything, it’s that self-regulation doesn’t work in finance, and that worries about reputation are a weak deterrent to corporate malfeasance.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton has taught us really how vulnerable we are in cyber hacking.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Patrick Rothfuss
And if Hollywood has taught us anything, it's that cool props and special effects are not enough. Story comes first. Everything depends on story.
- Patrick Rothfuss
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Margaret Thatcher
History has taught us that freedom cannot long survive unless it is based on moral foundations. You can get the economics right, but in addition liberty must be cultivated as a moral quality.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Tom Robbins
You have taught us much. Come with us and join the movement." "This movement of yours, does it have slogans?" inquired the Chink. "Right on!" they cried. And they quoted him some. "Your movement, does it have a flag?" asked the Chink. "You bet!" and they described their emblem. "And does your movement have leaders?" "Great leaders." "Then shove it up your butts," said the Chink. "I have taught you nothing.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Mark Twain
In my schoolboy days I had no aversion to slavery. I was not aware there was anything wrong about it. No-one arraigned it in my hearing; the local papers said nothing against it; the local pulpit taught us that God approved it, that it was a holy thing, and that the doubter need only look in the Bible if he wished to settle his mind.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Mario Puzo
If anything in this life is certain...if history has taught us anything, it's that you cn kill anyone.
- Mario Puzo
Collection: Taught Us
Image of John of Kronstadt
Christ taught us truth; the Devil teaches us falsehood, and strives in every way to contradict every truth; devising various calumnies against it.
- John of Kronstadt
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Bryan Stevenson
My parents, who grew up in terror and dealt with segregation and humiliation, nonetheless taught us to be hopeful and open and loving and not hateful toward anyone.
- Bryan Stevenson
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Clayton Christensen
Capitalism has taught us that markets are always more efficient than hierarchical managerial coordination. But in a situation where those three conditions aren't met, I can't outsource or partner with you because markets don't function in the absence of sufficient information.
- Clayton Christensen
Collection: Taught Us
Image of William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Physical science has taught us to associate Deity with the normal rather than with the abnormal.
- William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Collection: Taught Us
Image of James F. Cooper
Christ, in the parable of the vine dressers, has taught us a sublime lesson of justice, by showing that to the things which are not our own, we can have no just claim.
- James F. Cooper
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Peter Drucker
The productivity of people requires continuous learning, as the Japanese have taught us. It requires adoption in the West of the specific Japanese Zen concept where one learns to do better what one already does well.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Kofi Annan
It is impossible to realize our goals while discriminating against half the human race. As study after study has taught us, there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Kofi Annan
You have made people listen. You have made people care, and you have taught us that whether we are poor or prosperous, we have only one world to share. You have taught young people that they do have the power to change the world.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Louis Farrakhan
America's time, unfortunately, for judgment has come. In fact, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us it's not just the judgment of America, but it's a judgment of the world that has been affected by the Shaitan, or "Satan" of America.
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Robert H. Frank
As John Maynard Keynes taught us in the 1930s, in such situations, government is the only entity with both the motive and the ability to boost total spending by enough to put people back to work. As it happens there are long lists of important public projects that cry out to be done.
- Robert H. Frank
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Neil Gaiman
If there's one thing that a study of history has taught us, it is that things can always get worse.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Hannah Arendt
[About Eichmann:] It was as though in those last minutes he was summing up the lesson that this long course in human wickedness had taught us - the lesson of the fearsome, word-and-thought-defying banality of evil.
- Hannah Arendt
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Religion taught us to return good for evil.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Friedrich August von Hayek
In no other field has the world yet paid so dearly for the abandonment of nineteenth-century liberalism as in the field where the retreat began: in international relations. Yet only a small part of the lesson which experience ought to have taught us has been learned.
- Friedrich August von Hayek
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Nelson Mandela
Our experience has taught us that with goodwill a negotiated solution can be found for even the most profound problems.
- Nelson Mandela
Collection: Taught Us
Image of Audre Lorde
If our history has taught us anything, it is that action for change directed against the external conditions of our oppressions is not enough.
- Audre Lorde
Collection: Taught Us