Top Diversity Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Diversity quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Max von Sydow
All my life I've been looking for diversity
- Max von Sydow
Collection: Diversity
Image of Tony Shalhoub
My only preference is to have a lot of variety and diversity in the material that I work on.
- Tony Shalhoub
Collection: Diversity
Image of Haile Selassie
We should accept diversity in culture and tradition and coexist peacefully.
- Haile Selassie
Collection: Diversity
Image of Earl Warren
We are now at the point where we must decide whether we are to honour the concept of a plural society which gains strength through diversity, or whether we are to have bitter fragmentation that will result in perpetual tension and strife.
- Earl Warren
Collection: Diversity
Image of Starhawk
The Goddess does not rule the world; She is the world. Manifest in each of us, She can be known internally by every individual, in all her magnificent diversity.
- Starhawk
Collection: Diversity
Image of Gene Roddenberry
The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.
- Gene Roddenberry
Collection: Diversity
Image of Ruth Benedict
The peoples of the earth are one family.
- Ruth Benedict
Collection: Diversity
Image of George Takei
The starship Enterprise was a metaphor starship Earth, and the vision was that the strength of this starship lay in its diversity.
- George Takei
Collection: Diversity
Image of Maira Kalman
My short attention span has allowed me a life of diversity in work and place.
- Maira Kalman
Collection: Diversity
Image of James Surowiecki
Diversity and independence are important because the best collective decisions are the product of disagreement and contest, not consensus or compromise.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Diversity
Image of Manmohan Singh
We need multiculturalism, respect for diversity, tolerance, respect for diverse faiths.
- Manmohan Singh
Collection: Diversity
Image of Clarence Page
Privilege is least apparent to those who have it.
- Clarence Page
Collection: Diversity
Image of Mary Ellen Chase
Whatever laudable qualities the English may possess in their selection, preparation, and consumption of food, elegance, originality, diversity, and imagination are not among them.
- Mary Ellen Chase
Collection: Diversity
Image of Charles Sumner
The age of Chivalry is gone. An age of Humanity has come.
- Charles Sumner
Collection: Diversity
Image of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
Castilian Spanish-speaking Spain is big, but is bigger in addition with Catalonian-speaking Spain, Galician-speaking Spain and Basque-speaking Spain. Democratic Spain, Constitutional Spain, can not be separated from diversity and the respect to the citizenship.
- Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
Collection: Diversity
Image of Benjamin Bratt
On a national level there is a tendency to portray Latino culture as a monolithic entity, which is a really inaccurate way of seeing ourselves. There is as much diversity and uniqueness within the Latino culture as there is in any other kind of American culture.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: Diversity
Image of Hartmann von Aue
He who helps in the saving of others, saves himself as well.
- Hartmann von Aue
Collection: Diversity
Image of Chelsea Sexton
Another culture can be learned in the classroom for a single term, but it can be felt from a person for a lifetime.
- Chelsea Sexton
Collection: Diversity
Image of William Sloane Coffin
Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with, and perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without.
- William Sloane Coffin
Collection: Diversity
Image of Richard Twiss
You can't have unity without diversity.
- Richard Twiss
Collection: Diversity
Image of Mary Parker Follett
We must face life as it is and understand that diversity is its most essential feature.
- Mary Parker Follett
Collection: Diversity
Image of Carl Woese
The incredible diversity oflife on this planet, most of which is microbial, can only beunderstood in an evolutionary framework
- Carl Woese
Collection: Diversity
Image of Yasmine Bleeth
Ethnic, cultural, artistic and culinary diversity. LA...a feast for the senses.
- Yasmine Bleeth
Collection: Diversity
Image of Loren Cunningham
We can never work alone to bring great multiplication. It has to happen through unity & diversity.
- Loren Cunningham
Collection: Diversity
Image of Phil Collins
Deep inside us we're not that different at all.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Diversity
Image of Joan Raphael-Leff
Childbearing is the most consistent of human events. Male and female alike, we have all been gestated inside a woman's body. As a phenomenon, childbearing is seemingly eternal and universal, yet like no other it highlights the gender divide, the singularity of individual experience and sociocultural diversities.
- Joan Raphael-Leff
Collection: Diversity
Image of Guillermo Gomez-Pena
The term Hispanic, coined by technomarketing experts and by the designers of political campaigns, homogenizes our cultural diversity (Chicanos, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans become indistinguishable), avoids our indigenous cultural heritage and links us directly with Spain. Worse yet, it possesses connotations of upward mobility and political obedience.
- Guillermo Gomez-Pena
Collection: Diversity
Image of Stanley Ellin
The crime fiction genre offers the writer infinite diversity of theme and treatment.
- Stanley Ellin
Collection: Diversity
Image of Sallie Krawcheck
Greater diversity drives better business results.
- Sallie Krawcheck
Collection: Diversity
Image of Raquel Cepeda
Our identities are as fluid as our personal experiences are diverse.
- Raquel Cepeda
Collection: Diversity
Image of Elif Batuman
There is salvation - happiness and virtue - in beauty. I would define beauty in this context as a kind of richness, complexity, mystery, diversity, otherness, and unexpectedness - something that comes from the outside.
- Elif Batuman
Collection: Diversity
Image of Richard Posner
A diversity of approaches is necessary if there is to be a good chance of hitting on one that works. Progress is a social undertaking & achievement, because people see things differently
- Richard Posner
Collection: Diversity
Image of Zendaya
[Diversity] is the future. You can't stop it. It's going where it's going, so I choose to be with the future.
- Zendaya
Collection: Diversity
Image of Cary Fowler
Perhaps it matters little whether the international community chooses to celebrate crop diversity, but it profoundly matters that the international community takes action to conserve it.
- Cary Fowler
Collection: Diversity
Image of Cary Fowler
At the Global Crop Diversity Trust, we work to conserve the diversity that will allow the adaptation and evolution of our agricultural crops in the context of climate change and other challenges.
- Cary Fowler
Collection: Diversity
Image of Georges Canguilhem
An anomaly is not an abnormality. Diversity does not signify sickness.
- Georges Canguilhem
Collection: Diversity
Image of Eban Goodstein
A new politics can spark the clean-energy revolution that will serve as a foundation for a new era of human prosperity, protect the world's forests, stabilize the climate, and preserve the diversity of life on the planet.
- Eban Goodstein
Collection: Diversity
Image of Kofi Annan
Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Diversity
Image of Colleen Atwood
Every story is different, so what is a detail in one might not be in something else. Diversity is something I embrace and love about my work.
- Colleen Atwood
Collection: Diversity
Image of Elinor Ostrom
The power of a theory is exactly proportional to the diversity of situations it can explain.
- Elinor Ostrom
Collection: Diversity
Image of Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Socialism destroys everywhere one thing - diversity. Everything is supposed to be best, and as we know, best things are always in shortage. I remind once more that for reds "best" is what they consider "best" for us, and not what we like.
- Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Collection: Diversity
Image of Steven Erikson
Show me a god that does not demand mortal suffering. Show me a god that celebrates diversity, a celebration that embraces even non-believers, and is not threatened by them. Show me a god that understands the meaning of peace. In life, not in death.
- Steven Erikson
Collection: Diversity
Image of Telle Whitney
Diversity drives innovation – when we limit who can contribute, we in turn limit what problems we can solve.
- Telle Whitney
Collection: Diversity
Image of Carlos Fuentes
Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.
- Carlos Fuentes
Collection: Diversity
Image of Joseph Farah
Let's never forget what made us great as a nation. It's not diversity, it's liberty.
- Joseph Farah
Collection: Diversity
Image of Aga Khan IV
We cannot make the world safe for democracy unless we also make the world safe for diversity.
- Aga Khan IV
Collection: Diversity
Image of Rachel Sklar
If you DON'T have diversity around your boardroom table, then what is wrong with you?
- Rachel Sklar
Collection: Diversity
Image of David Twohy
Theres so much diversity of opinion out there, so ultimately you have to listen to it, put it aside, and make what you want to make.
- David Twohy
Collection: Diversity
Image of Isaac Asimov
There are no nations! There is only humanity. And if we don't come to understand that right soon, there will be no nations, because there will be no humanity.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Diversity
Image of Casey Spooner
Hip-hop is interesting, but American pop music doesn't have the kind of diversity that the UK does.
- Casey Spooner
Collection: Diversity