J. K. Rowling

Image of J. K. Rowling
Finally, the truth. Lying with his face pressed into the dusty carpet of the office where he had once thought he was learning the secrets of victory, Harry understood at last that he was not supposed to survive.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Lying
Image of J. K. Rowling
So then I thought, I'd like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you ever meet some veela when you're off doing whatever you're doing.' I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest.' There's a silver lining I've been looking for,' she whispered, and then she was kissing him as she never kissed him before, and Harry was kissing her back, and it was a blissful oblivion, better than firewhiskey; she was the only real thing in the world, Ginny, the feel of her, one hand on her back, the other in her long sweet-smelling hair.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Sweet
Image of J. K. Rowling
No, it was honest," said Harry. "One of the only honest things you've said to me. You don't care whether I live or die, but you do care that I help you convince everyone you're winning the war against Voldemort.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: War
Image of J. K. Rowling
You don't know what I'm capable of, you don't know what I've done!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Done
Image of J. K. Rowling
Once again, you show all the sensitivity of a blunt axe.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Funny Harry Potter
Image of J. K. Rowling
Well, usually when a person shakes their head," said McGonagall coldly, "they mean 'no.' So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Mean
Image of J. K. Rowling
We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, Harry, but battle on.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Life
Image of J. K. Rowling
It was as if Snape had started handing out sweets.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Sweet
Image of J. K. Rowling
Although people rarely died playing Quidditch, referees had been known to vanish and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: People
Image of J. K. Rowling
I tell you, that dragon's the most horrible animal I've ever met, but the way Hagrid goes on about it, you'd think it was a fluffy little bunny rabbit.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Thinking
Image of J. K. Rowling
Harry ran upstairs to their dark dormitory. He pulled out the cloak and then his eyes fell on the flute Hagrid had given him for Christmas. He pocketed it to use on Fluffy — he didn’t feel much like singing.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Eye
Image of J. K. Rowling
Don't talk to me." "Why not?" "Because I want to fix that in my memory for ever. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Memories
Image of J. K. Rowling
Of all the trees we could've hit, we had to get one that hits back.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Tree
Image of J. K. Rowling
Muggles have garden gnomes, too, you know," Harry told Ron as they crossed the lawn. "Yeah, I've seen those things they think are gnomes," said Ron, bent double with his head in a peony bush, "like fat little Santa Clauses with fishing rods.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Garden
Image of J. K. Rowling
I don't think you should be an Auror, Harry," said Luna unexpectedly. Everybody looked at her. "The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. They're working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Dark
Image of J. K. Rowling
Braggarts and rogues, dogs and scoundrels, drive them out, Harry Potter, see them off!
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Dog
Image of J. K. Rowling
Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?” James lifted an invisible sword. “‘Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!’ Like my dad.” Snape made a small, disparaging noise. James turned on him. “Got a problem with that?” “No,” said Snape, though his slight sneer said otherwise. “If you’d rather be brawny than brainy —” “Where’re you hoping to go, seeing as you’re neither?” interjected Sirius.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Dad
Image of J. K. Rowling
Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid’s pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Flower
Image of J. K. Rowling
Oh, for heaven’s sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!” A bearlike black dog had appeared at Harry’s side as Harry clambered over the various trunks cluttering the hall to get to Mrs. Weasley. “Oh honestly,” said Mrs. Weasley despairingly. “Well, on your own head be it!” The great black dog gave a joyful bark and gamboled around them, snapping at pigeons, and chasing its own tail. Harry couldn’t help laughing. Sirius had been trapped inside for a very long time.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Dog
Image of J. K. Rowling
It was only when he was back in bed that it struck Harry that Dumbledore might not have been quite truthful. But then, it had been a quite personal question.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Bed
Image of J. K. Rowling
When I get married,' said Fred, tugging at the collar of his own robes. 'I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like and I'll put a full body-bind curse on mum until it's over.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Tugging
Image of J. K. Rowling
Silence fell between the four of them as they looked up at the sky. There was no sign of movement, the stars stared back, unblinking, indifferent, unobscured by flying friends. Where was Ron? Where were Fred and Mr Weasley? Where were Bill, Fleur, Tonks, Mad Eye, Mundungus?
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Stars
Image of J. K. Rowling
What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Exactly Is
Image of J. K. Rowling
You know, I don’t get why Fred and George only got three O.W.L.s each,” said Harry, watching as Fred, George, and Lee collected gold from the eager crowd. “They really know their stuff. . . .” “Oh, they only know flashy stuff that’s no real use to anyone,” said Hermione disparagingly. “No real use?” said Ron in a strained voice. “Hermione, they’ve got about twenty-six Galleons already. . . .
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Real
Image of J. K. Rowling
Worst that can happen is Hagrid’ll have to get rid of the skrewts. Sorry ... did I say worst? I meant best.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Sorry
Image of J. K. Rowling
They don’t need walls and water to keep the prisoners in, not when they’re trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought. Most go mad within weeks - Lupin
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wall
Image of J. K. Rowling
Many are whispering that Voldemort must be behind it. However, that is the point: They whisper. They daren’t confide in each other, not knowing whom to trust; they are scared to speak out, in case their suspicions are true and their families are targeted. Yes, Voldemort is playing a very clever game. Declaring himself might have provoked open rebellion: Remaining masked has created confusion, uncertainty, and fear.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Clever
Image of J. K. Rowling
The idea of Dumbledore's corpse frightened Harry much less than the possibility that he might have misunderstood the living Dumbledore's intentions.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Ideas
Image of J. K. Rowling
Brains like that, you could be a Death Eater, son.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Son
Image of J. K. Rowling
Just — just to be clear,” he said. “You want to leave Tonks at her parents’ house and come away with us?” “She’ll be perfectly safe there, they’ll look after her,” said Lupin. He spoke with a finality bordering on indifference. “Harry, I’m sure James would have wanted me to stick with you.” “Well,” said Harry slowly, “I’m not. I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Father
Image of J. K. Rowling
Dudley thought for a moment. It looked like hard work.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Hard Work
Image of J. K. Rowling
Oh, get out of the way, Percy,” said Fred. “Harry’s in a hurry.” “Yeah, he’s off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant,” said George, chortling.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Secret
Image of J. K. Rowling
Don't call me Nymphadora, Remus.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Call Me
Image of J. K. Rowling
He's only silent because he's too thick to string two words together.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Two
Image of J. K. Rowling
Well, hello, Peter,” said Lupin pleasantly, as though rats frequently erupted into old school friends around him. “Long time, no see.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: School
Image of J. K. Rowling
Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth 'It unscrews the other way.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Past
Image of J. K. Rowling
Professor Snape was forcing them to research antidotes. They took this one seriously, as he had hinted that he might be poisoning one of them before Christmas to see if their antidote worked.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Might
Image of J. K. Rowling
They run off eckeltricity, do they?" he said knowledgeably. "Ah yes, I can see the plugs. I collect plugs," he added to Uncle Vernon. "And batteries. Got a large collection of batteries.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Running
Image of J. K. Rowling
I'm not putting them on,” said old Archie in indignation. “I like a healthy breeze 'round my privates, thanks.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Healthy
Image of J. K. Rowling
Ginny, listen... I can’t be involved with you anymore. We’ve got to stop seeing each other. We can’t be together.” “It’s for some stupid, noble reason, isn’t it?
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Stupid
Image of J. K. Rowling
Always have a vivid imagination, for you never know when you might need it.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Vivid Imagination
Image of J. K. Rowling
Abundance is the quality of life you live and quality of life you give to others.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Giving
Image of J. K. Rowling
Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Inspirational
Image of J. K. Rowling
It's our choices, more than anything, that show who we really are.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Choices
Image of J. K. Rowling
And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Inspirational
Image of J. K. Rowling
The stories we love best do live in us forever.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Life
Image of J. K. Rowling
Imagination is ... the foundation of all invention and innovation.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Imagination
Image of J. K. Rowling
I definitely know that love is the most powerful thing of all.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Powerful
Image of J. K. Rowling
Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Inspirational