Ice Cube

Image of Ice Cube
I won't do anything for money. I won't compromise my manhood.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Compromise
Image of Ice Cube
I'm not sure if music got a future. We have all these electronic ways to download and steal music and get music, but there's no money in makin' music.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Way
Image of Ice Cube
I never go to the Grammys. I just never go. I don't know if I care enough, and I went because my son wanted to go, and they asked us to present Best Hip Hop Group of the Year. You know, we had two records from Compton in there, and it was just like a cool thing to do, and to do with your son, and it was just cool. But we was the first award up, so after I did my thing I just jumped in the car and came on back home.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Home
Image of Ice Cube
Usually people who attack the rap are people who aren't even fans.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Rap
Image of Ice Cube
I always tell people that if you gave me a pen and a piece of paper when I was a teenager and said, "Write out how you'd like your career to go," I would have probably short changed myself compared to what it's been for real. I'm just extremely excited about what I've accomplished.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Teenager
Image of Ice Cube
When you have a good movie, it's hard to categorize it. It's everything. It makes you laugh, makes you cry and makes you think.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ice Cube
If you really think back to the culture or just black America before rap music took off, New York could have been Paris.
- Ice Cube
Collection: New York
Image of Ice Cube
The police don't look at you as long when they drive past. Sometimes they don't look at you at all. In South Central, you've got them looking and lurking. I think it's basic harassment. It's part of their tactics to have everybody nervous of them. In the valley, at least I don't feel it the same way.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Past
Image of Ice Cube
Go down to the corner store and beat the Jap up, clean all the crap up.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Racism
Image of Ice Cube
Well, for the transition from rapper to actor, I was fortunate that director John Singleton pursued me for about two years to be in Boyz 'N the Hood. I really wasn't even thinking about acting at the time, since I was singularly focused on being the best rapper in the world. So, that was really a blessing, because I wasn't really taking him seriously.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Blessing
Image of Ice Cube
There's not enough Ice Cubes out there. There's not enough Ice Cubes getting a chance to do their thing.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Ice
Image of Ice Cube
Once you figure out what your own thing is it's all about trying to develop shows, programs that can, I guess, enhance what you already have and what you can add to Hollywood.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Trying
Image of Ice Cube
I get freedom out of hip-hop. I get to be a true artist without any shackles or harnesses.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Artist
Image of Ice Cube
They thought we were just basically keeping ourselves underground on purpose. And it was just strange for people to approach music that way. And for rap, trying to get recognition, and be seen as a regular form of music like anything else. I mean, the Soul, R&B, Rock 'N Roll, they would dis the hell out of rap when it first came out.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Rap
Image of Ice Cube
People associate clothes with actual behavior, and it's kind of crazy. If you get shot in some Levi's you don't go after Levi's. It's not the clothes. It's always the people.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ice Cube
Run DMC brought us out of that underground-only feel. They brought rap above ground and made it respectable as an art form to mainstream music.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Running
Image of Ice Cube
The '80s was brand new. It was AIDS. It was gangbanging. It was starting to become big dope-dealing, and crack was starting to flood the neighborhoods. And then you had hip hop, which was something new, other than what we were doing, which was sports, playing football, basketball, baseball. And I was excited.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Basketball
Image of Ice Cube
I’m a B-boy at heart. I still like rhyming. It’s just the radio game is like Chinese arithmetic. It’s hard to know what nuts to crack. But I still love music, been dropping music. Never stopped really.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Heart
Image of Ice Cube
You the devil in drag. You can burn your cross, Well, I'll burn your flag.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Rap
Image of Ice Cube
"Are We There Yet?" was the perfect title, because it's such a common saying. And having made the movie with the same name kinda locks it all in.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Names
Image of Ice Cube
I'm ready to run a studio. I'm ready to green light movies, and be in it to win it, you know? It's close. It'll happen.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Running
Image of Ice Cube
I wanted to go in a different direction, artistically. But having somebody like Terry[Crews] in it was your ace in the hole. That makes it very strong, so I definitely had to jump in with both feet.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Strong
Image of Ice Cube
We don't do movies for the industry. We do movies for the fans, for the people. If the industry give you a trophy or not, or pat you on the back or not, it's nice, but it's not something you should dwell on.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Nice
Image of Ice Cube
We come from the days when rap used to agitate the mainstream. Now it's more buddy-buddy. That doesn't sit well with me. So what we need is [a bit more] street politics, bringing up issues, agitating you a little bit. And nothing can agitate you more now than a terrorist threat.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Rap
Image of Ice Cube
I think when somebody goes to the movies and they spend their money and they take the girl out, the family, they want to have a good time. You don't always want to be hit over the head with history or how bad society is.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Girl
Image of Ice Cube
When you're spending your money for a nice outing, you want to go have a good time. And I always thought comedies, laughing, was something that was made for entertainment on that level. And records and maybe TV and stuff like that is really made to be heavy.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Nice
Image of Ice Cube
I'm interested in how things are put together, and that's more interesting to me than just regular shows, even though I like The Walking Dead.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Interesting
Image of Ice Cube
I've been around a lot longer than most rappers stay around. So I don't feel like, I haven't made too many career mistakes.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Mistake
Image of Ice Cube
[Make a sitcom] was really the idea of Executive Producer Joe Roth who owned the property over at Revolution Studios and said he was thinking about taking it to TV. And after he said that he already had [writer/director] Ali Leroi on board, and that he was going after Terry Crews, to me it was a no-brainer. I said, "Let's put this together!"
- Ice Cube
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ice Cube
I can't really attribute my success onscreen to any formula and suggest you "do this or that" to make it as an actor.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Actors
Image of Ice Cube
Anybody that really knew Tupac will tell you the same thing. That he was just a dude that was full of life, full of energy.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Energy
Image of Ice Cube
I like to tell the streets what the political climate is, and I like to tell any politicians that's listening what the streets think. And sometimes people get nicked up and bruised up, but I usually have a lot of good medicine for that.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ice Cube
My wife keeps me sharp. You know, she ain't going to let me get comfortable with this "Ice Cube" stuff.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Ice
Image of Ice Cube
I like Obama, but I understand that his hands are tied, the way Congress is reacting. It's just partisan politics everywhere, and don't know how we going to get things done in the future without compromising a little bit.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Hands
Image of Ice Cube
A good movie is a movie that you could see over and over again, not a movie that wins a Oscar, or a movie that makes a lot of money. It's a movie that you personally can watch over and over again. That, to me, is a measure of a good movie.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Winning
Image of Ice Cube
Success really comes down to the product, not to me, my personality, or what club I'm seen going into or coming out of. None of that matters. What's important is whether or not people feel like they wasted their time or money when they pay for a movie or a CD.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Cds
Image of Ice Cube
It's always been jewelry, clothes, appearance. Those are things that compete with the car. But the car is the ultimate. Get that car right and it doesn't matter what you got on or what you wear once you step out of that car.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Clothes
Image of Ice Cube
When you go to a movie, you don't care for one Oscar, really. Do you care if a guy got a Oscar on the shelf or is it a good movie? And, you don't care how much the movie made.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Guy
Image of Ice Cube
Some comedians you work with, they only turn on when the camera turn on, and they're like sad-faced clowns when the camera's off. And then, they come alive when the camera come on. And you be like, "Oh, damn. You're not a depressed ball of depression, but you are actually funny."
- Ice Cube
Collection: Damn You
Image of Ice Cube
I would love to meet Bob Marley. I mean, he's passed, but that's somebody that I would've loved to meet.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Mean
Image of Ice Cube
I think hip-hop has changed. When I first came out, hip-hop was more of a kind of way to learn about new places, new things. What are kids doing on the East coast, what are kids doing here. Then it left that and is like a party mode. I think it's going back to people wanting to get messages and wanting to learn things from the music.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Party
Image of Ice Cube
We'll burn your store right down to a crisp.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Racism
Image of Ice Cube
A bird in the hand is worth more than a Bush.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Rap
Image of Ice Cube
Money is the root of all evil. Yeah, money is the root. It's not racism and "this-ism" and "that-ism"; it's our thirst and hunger for money. And that's where all the bodies are buried.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Roots
Image of Ice Cube
My advice for anyone who wants to follow in my footsteps: create your own path, hone your talent, be ready to show your talent, and don't doubt yourself.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Advice
Image of Ice Cube
If you give anybody the chance, they can always make a decent human being out of themselves. It's the people that don't have a chance, that we look down at like they're monsters or they're animals or that they want something different than the rest of us.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Animal
Image of Ice Cube
Don't talk about death, I've got too much life to live, To many orders to give.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Order
Image of Ice Cube
You can do anything in the world if you say "Hey man, don't blame me, the devil made me do it. It's an easy way to escape responsibility."
- Ice Cube
Collection: Responsibility