Top Teenager Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Teenager quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Mary Downing Hahn
They always talk about teenagers thinking their lives will never end. I expected my life to end at any minute, every day.
- Mary Downing Hahn
Collection: Teenager
Image of Chris Pine
I am critical of myself like everyone else. You go to a movie theater and you are forty feet high. I had bad skin as a teenager and I am a shy person, but I think I am in the perfect business to fight my insecurities. You have to learn to love yourself and say 'I am pretty cool' instead of being so critical. You can easily fall into the trap of doing that.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Teenager
Image of Ashlee Simpson
As a teenager and even still now being 21, it's always love questions - it's always so confusing.
- Ashlee Simpson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Jacquelyn Mitchard
Feelings change fast when you're a teenager.
- Jacquelyn Mitchard
Collection: Teenager
Image of Ayelet Waldman
In a perfect world I think we would microdose with LSD instead of giving teenagers Adderall. But I'd like to see it studied first.
- Ayelet Waldman
Collection: Teenager
Image of Ayelet Waldman
I smoked pot when I was a teenager because other kids were doing it, but I didn't enjoy it that much.
- Ayelet Waldman
Collection: Teenager
Image of Emma Roberts
When you're a teenager, you don't want to bring your emotions to the surface and talk about them. You want to push them away.
- Emma Roberts
Collection: Teenager
Image of Natalia Vodianova
When I was a teenager, I remember I wanted to put so much makeup on - it was just a natural thing over there. Why they do it, I guess, is because historically, there were twice as many women as there were men after the World War II.
- Natalia Vodianova
Collection: Teenager
Image of Jeff Sampson
I guess I had always sort of fantasized that a guy would see me and get past the ponytail and the glasses and the giant sweatshirt to discover how insanely awesome I am, then come and whisk me off into that magical teenager fairytale where everyone else gets to prance around.
- Jeff Sampson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Alexis Bledel
Most of the theater I've done in the past was when I was a kid or a teenager so it feels like being a kid again. I'm happier than I've ever been. You really get to go to work every day and play, and try different things. I don't know, I've never felt so lucky to do this job. So I hope to do a lot more theater.
- Alexis Bledel
Collection: Teenager
Image of Edmund White
As a young teenager I looked desperately for things to read that might excuse me or assure me I wasn't the only one, that might confirm an identity I was unhappily piecing together
- Edmund White
Collection: Teenager
Image of Amy Sedaris
although it has been said that idle hands are the devil's workshop, when it comes to teenagers, both idle and active hands are the devil's workshop.
- Amy Sedaris
Collection: Teenager
Image of Julian Baggini
As a teenager, I increasingly had questions about religion to which I found no good answers.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Teenager
Image of Betty White
I'm a teenager trapped in an old body.
- Betty White
Collection: Teenager
Image of Ntozake Shange
I started writing because there's an absence of things I was familiar with or that I dreamed about. One of my senses of anger is related to this vacancy - a yearning I had as a teenager. . .and when I get ready to write, I think I'm trying to fill that. . .
- Ntozake Shange
Collection: Teenager
Image of Grant Morrison
X-Men is not a story about superheroes, but a story about the ongoing revolutionary struggle between good/new and bad/old. The X-Men are every rebel teenager wanting to change the world and make it better. Humanity is every adult, clinging to the past, trying to destroy the future even as he places all his hopes there.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Teenager
Image of J. R. Moehringer
Long before it legally served me, the bar saved me. It restored my faith when I was a boy, tended me as a teenager, and when I was a young man the bar embraced me.
- J. R. Moehringer
Collection: Teenager
Image of Al Yankovic
It was difficult to get into my friends' rock bands when I was a teenager. They somehow didn't see the need for an accordion player. That's when I realized that I had to find my own path in life.
- Al Yankovic
Collection: Teenager
Image of Gail Carson Levine
When you become a teenager, you step onto a bridge. You may already be on it. The opposite shore is adulthood. Childhood lies behind. The bridge is made of wood. As you cross, it burns behind you
- Gail Carson Levine
Collection: Teenager
Image of Greg Graffin
It’s a similar feeling from being in a community of punk rockers as a teenager and the feeling I still get today when I’m in a community of skeptical scientists. The idea with both is that you challenge authority, you challenge the dogma. You challenge the doctrine in order to make progress. The thrill of science is the process. It’s a social process. It’s a process of collective discovery. It’s debate, it’s experimentation and it’s verification of claims that might be false. It’s the greatest foundation for a society.
- Greg Graffin
Collection: Teenager
Image of Scott Thompson
I first got into fruit when I was a teenager, when my life was changing in every way. The first time I had a mango, at like 18, I was like, 'Where has this been my whole life?
- Scott Thompson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Stephen Rea
I loved movies as a teenager and saw as much American cinema as I could, but I hated the English films of the early 60s and had absolutely no point of identification with them.
- Stephen Rea
Collection: Teenager
Image of Fergie
I think a lot of young teenagers try to get esteem from accolades from other people, or boys, and what you learn as you get older is that you have to create that within yourself.
- Fergie
Collection: Teenager
Image of Bernd Heinrich
Edward Abbey said you must brew your own beer; kick in you Tee Vee; kill your own beef; build your cabin and piss off the front porch whenever you bloody well feel like it. I already had a good start. As a teenager in rural Maine, after we came to America, I had learned hunting, fishing, and trapping in the wilderness. My Maine mentors had long ago taught me to make home brew. I owned a rifle, and I'd already built a log cabin. The rest should be easy. I thought I'd give it a shot.
- Bernd Heinrich
Collection: Teenager
Image of David Small
Teenagers are always sneaking around in drawers where they shouldn't go and reading things they shouldn't be reading. And that's an attempt to try, I think, to penetrate, that's how I found out as a teenager what was going on, was by sneaking into drawers and reading letters that I had no business reading.
- David Small
Collection: Teenager
Image of Duncan Sheik
When I was a teenager, I got into four track recorders, drum machines, and synthesizers, and I started producing instrumental music.
- Duncan Sheik
Collection: Teenager
Image of Eddie Murphy
When I'm doing stand-up, it's just me depending on me. I know how to go out there and make people laugh. I've been doing it since I was a teenager. I trust my instincts. I just go out and talk. A lot of the time I let the material come from the top of my head.
- Eddie Murphy
Collection: Teenager
Image of Stanley Tucci
I've been playing the father of teenagers for years. People always thought that I was 40 when I was 26. Once you lose your hair, they're like "Oh! He's really old now."
- Stanley Tucci
Collection: Teenager
Image of Shailene Woodley
As a teenager, my struggle was how do I balance being empathetic and compassionate towards my peers, while also living my life for myself and not basing my decisions on those around me, and really living a life where I receive my happiness from my own experiences rather than from people pleasing.
- Shailene Woodley
Collection: Teenager
Image of Natasha Friend
Hey, God made us sexual creatures. If he wanted teenagers to wait that long, he would have made puberty start at twenty-five.
- Natasha Friend
Collection: Teenager
Image of Iris Apfel
I see myself as the world's oldest living teenager... I try to get as much kick out of things as possible.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Teenager
Image of Jonathan Haidt
We are like a rider on top of a gigantic elephant. We can steer the elephant, and if he's not busy, he'll go where we want, but if he has other desires, he'll often go where he wants. How can one control the elephant? In part, this comes with maturity. In part, this comes with the development of your frontal cortex, so the frontal areas of the brain are especially involved in self-control, in suppressing your initial instinct to act. This is why teenagers are so impulsive. So it's terrible to allow the death penalty for teenagers, because they really don't have working brains yet.
- Jonathan Haidt
Collection: Teenager
Image of Patti Stanger
Calling is for #‎ Men - Texting is for #‎ Teenagers .
- Patti Stanger
Collection: Teenager
Image of Bernard Beckett
I write with teenagers in mind.
- Bernard Beckett
Collection: Teenager
Image of Mary Doria Russell
Like so many Boomers, I saw Lawrence of Arabia in 1962 when it was first released and when we were young teenagers. Im not quite sure why - I really wish some psychologist would explain this - but that movie had a tremendous effect on many of us.
- Mary Doria Russell
Collection: Teenager
Image of Kevin Barry
In the early nineties, I was a cub reporter on a city newspaper in Limerick, and assigned to the courthouse there. One day, an old detective sergeant came and whispered to me in the press pit. He pointed out a young offender, a teenager who was up for stealing a car or something relatively minor, and said, 'See this kid? He'll kill.'
- Kevin Barry
Collection: Teenager
Image of Chester Bennington
I was a geek who thought I was cool. I didn't hang out with a particular clique, but with different people from different cliques. I was a total nerd, trying to fit in. Luckily, I found music and that was my niche. That sorta took me out of my geekdom. I was never invited to parties as a teenager - I turned up with the popular people. That's where the lyrics to 'Guilty By Association' came from.
- Chester Bennington
Collection: Teenager
Image of Catherine Jinks
I write books for all age groups - young kids, teenagers and adults - because I get a range of different ideas.
- Catherine Jinks
Collection: Teenager
Image of Kathy Bates
I didn't go out on one date in high school. I played guitar and sang and wrote my own music and poetry and stuff when I was a teenager.
- Kathy Bates
Collection: Teenager
Image of Melvin Burgess
Being a teenager is as difficult as living with one. And we've all been there. Perhaps that's the reason we're so hard on them.
- Melvin Burgess
Collection: Teenager
Image of Horace Dyer
When I was a kid I respected authority, then as a teenager I gave none; in middle age I expected it; now in old age I live by the word.
- Horace Dyer
Collection: Teenager
Image of Bryan Fischer
I think the Russian government is right to be concerned with propaganda on teenagers who are at the age of struggling through sexual identity issue and we should help to channel these urges in productive behavior. Heterosexuality is God’s design. Policies that encourage young people to think this are good ideas.
- Bryan Fischer
Collection: Teenager
Image of Karen Black
As a teenager I studied opera, believe it or not. But I just couldn't catch on to it.
- Karen Black
Collection: Teenager
Image of Mary McGrory
My friend Phil has a theory that the Lord, having made teenagers, felt constrained to make amends and so created the golden retriever.
- Mary McGrory
Collection: Teenager
Image of Drew Carey
I used to go to the library all the time when I was kid. As a teenager, I got a book on how to write jokes at the library, and that, in turn, launched my comedy career.
- Drew Carey
Collection: Teenager
Image of Eric Temple Bell
Galois read the geometry from cover to cover as easily as other boys read a pirate yarn.
- Eric Temple Bell
Collection: Teenager
Image of Moms Mabley
The teenagers aren't all bad. I love 'em if nobody else does. There ain't nothing wrong with young people. Jus' quit lyin' to 'em.
- Moms Mabley
Collection: Teenager
Image of J. J. Johnson
My boyfriend dumped me. My best friend won't talk to me. My future is in a garbage can. Everything has turned to crap. Can you please just let me be a sullen teenager. just this once
- J. J. Johnson
Collection: Teenager
Image of Cleve Jones
Even today every year we lose an awful lot of young people, teenagers, who take their own lives because they're - they are gay or transgender.
- Cleve Jones
Collection: Teenager
Image of Kwame Anthony Appiah
Unless you have the power to stop the government of Iran beheading teenagers for homosexual acts, there's not much to be done except deplore it unless you are willing to converse with people about why they thinking this is okay.
- Kwame Anthony Appiah
Collection: Teenager