Top energy Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of energy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Patricia McCormick
Sometimes when we’re in situations where we feel we’re not in control, we do things, especially things that take a lot of energy, as a way of making ourselves feel we have some power.
- Patricia McCormick
Collection: Energy
Image of Toni Braxton
I let everybody else's negative energy feed on me a little.
- Toni Braxton
Collection: Energy
Image of Vanessa Paradis
Youth is a question of energy.
- Vanessa Paradis
Collection: Energy
Image of Wendy Mass
I bet if you go through the rest of your life telling yourself, "I'm sparkling," you'll have a whole different energy and experience.
- Wendy Mass
Collection: Energy
Image of Sidney Poitier
If I'm remembered for having done a few good things and if my presence here has sparked some good energies, that's plenty.
- Sidney Poitier
Collection: Energy
Image of Sheri Reynolds
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It just changes shape.
- Sheri Reynolds
Collection: Energy
Image of Marge Piercy
Whatever is not an energy source, is an energy sink.
- Marge Piercy
Collection: Energy
Image of Frederick Soddy
[The human control of atomic energy could] virtually provide anyone who wanted it with a private sun of his own.
- Frederick Soddy
Collection: Energy
Image of Sam Lipsyte
I bought an energy bar, and as I ate it a great weariness came over me.
- Sam Lipsyte
Collection: Energy
Image of John L. Parker Jr.
A runner is a miser, spending the pennies of his energy with great stinginess, constantly wanting to know how much he has spent and how much longer he will be expected to pay. He wants to be broke at precisely the moment he no longer needs his coin.
- John L. Parker Jr.
Collection: Energy
Image of Sean M. Carroll
All the stuff we've ever seen in the laboratory, all the kinds of particles and matter and energy, that only makes up 5 percent of our universe.
- Sean M. Carroll
Collection: Energy
Image of Marianne Moore
Excess is the common substitute for energy.
- Marianne Moore
Collection: Energy
Image of James Howard Kunstler
The salient fact about the decades ahead is that we are entering a permanent global energy crisis and it will change everything about how we live.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: Energy
Image of James Howard Kunstler
The skyscraper - any building over seven stories really - will come to be seen as an experimental building type that doesn't work well in an energy-starved economy.
- James Howard Kunstler
Collection: Energy
Image of Sara Blakely
Where I get my energy is: 'How can I make it better'?
- Sara Blakely
Collection: Energy
Image of Rod Blagojevich
Biofuels are the future of energy in this nation and around the world
- Rod Blagojevich
Collection: Energy
Image of Sarah Bernhardt
Slow down? Rest? With all eternity before me?
- Sarah Bernhardt
Collection: Energy
Image of Brendon Burchard
We get to choose how we're going to live - what level of energy, what level of vibrancy, what level of excitement.
- Brendon Burchard
Collection: Energy
Image of Sharon Salzberg
Distraction wastes our energy, concentration restores it.
- Sharon Salzberg
Collection: Energy
Image of James Redfield
Energy doesn't come to us so much from the things around us-although we can absorb energy directly from some plants and sacred sites. Sacred energy comes from our connection to the divine inside us.
- James Redfield
Collection: Energy
Image of Charles Henry Parkhurst
Purpose directs energy, and purpose makes energy.
- Charles Henry Parkhurst
Collection: Energy
Image of Norbert Wiener
Information is information; it is neither matter nor energy.
- Norbert Wiener
Collection: Energy
Image of David Seabury
Make yourself an efficient spark plug, igniting the latent energy of those about you.
- David Seabury
Collection: Energy
Image of James Van Praagh
When you meditate, you activate cosmic energies.
- James Van Praagh
Collection: Energy
Image of Wilhelm Reich
Once we open up to the flow of energy within our body, we can also open up to the flow of energy in the universe.
- Wilhelm Reich
Collection: Energy
Image of Zadie Smith
Most of the cruelty in the world is just misplaced energy.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Energy
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Honestly, live is my favorite way of performing. Every show is a completely different energy. With recording, it's not really as organic as it can be. But I feel like I'm a lot more fluid, and I can be a little bit more aggressive.
- Sharon Van Etten
Collection: Energy
Image of Rainbow Rowell
Your trash can is full of energy bar wrappers." "You were looking through my trash?
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Energy
Image of Jeremy Rifkin
Using less of the Earth’s resources more efficiently and productively in a circular economy and making the transition from carbon-based fuels to renewable energies are defining features of the emerging economic paradigm. In the new era, we each become a node in the nervous system of the biosphere.
- Jeremy Rifkin
Collection: Energy
Image of Barry Lyga
Anger was a waste of time and energy. Anger was useless."Anger" was the label given to the emotion that accomplished nothing.
- Barry Lyga
Collection: Energy
Image of Scott Weiland
When I'm not completely loaded, it's a much more vulnerable place. I can feel the music, I can feel the energy and I really have to put it out there. When I was loaded, I was just oblivious.
- Scott Weiland
Collection: Energy
Image of Alex Steffen
By looking at climate change as a clean energy generation problem, we're setting ourselves up not to solve it.
- Alex Steffen
Collection: Energy
Image of Zakk Wylde
Live, it's just the free flow and the energy and the excitement. It's a one-off and you have that adrenaline for an hour and a half.
- Zakk Wylde
Collection: Energy
Image of Ilchi Lee
I existed before I received this body. I am the external and fundamental life energy of the universe.
- Ilchi Lee
Collection: Energy
Image of Alan Weisman
Nobility is expensive, nonproductive, and parasitic, siphoning away too much of society’s energy to satisfy its frivolous cravings.
- Alan Weisman
Collection: Energy
Image of Patrick Swayze
Feel what the wave is doing, then accept its energy.
- Patrick Swayze
Collection: Energy
Image of Huston Smith
It remained for the twentieth century to discover that locked within the atom is the energy of the sun itself. For this energy to be released, however, the atom must be bombarded from without. So too, locked in every human being is a store of love that partakes of the divine-the imago dei-image of God, it is sometimes called. And it too can be activated only through bombardment, in its case love's bombardment
- Huston Smith
Collection: Energy
Image of William Walker Atkinson
Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction.
- William Walker Atkinson
Collection: Energy
Image of Amory Lovins
If you ask me, it'd be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it.
- Amory Lovins
Collection: Energy
Image of Joe Barton
I would point out that if you’re a believer in the Bible, one would have to say the Great Flood is an example of climate change and that certainly wasn’t because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy.
- Joe Barton
Collection: Energy
Image of John Prescott
What we are beginning to witness is a whole new set of rules for economics, based on rationing resources.
- John Prescott
Collection: Energy
Image of John Driscoll
Aggression is an effective form of energy when focused on the right direction and shielded from all others.
- John Driscoll
Collection: Energy
Image of Clive Davis
It is only occasional that talent becomes genius - radiating sparks, brilliance, energy, and charismatic magnetism... such a talent was Janis Joplin.
- Clive Davis
Collection: Energy
Image of Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Electricity is doing for the distribution of energy what the railroads have done for the distribution of materials.
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Collection: Energy
Image of George Deukmejian
We're looking at available sources, all sources, in the area of additional energy.
- George Deukmejian
Collection: Energy
Image of Murray Mexted
The fitter you are, the more energy you have.
- Murray Mexted
Collection: Energy
Image of Scilla Elworthy
I have a little mantra: My fear grows fat on the energy I feed it. And if it grows very big, it probably happens.
- Scilla Elworthy
Collection: Energy
Image of Kathy Bates
I've always tried to be honest, and it would be too difficult for me to develop some kind of persona. I don't have enough time or energy for that.
- Kathy Bates
Collection: Energy
Image of Roger Dawson
Within each of us is a hidden store of energy. Energy we can release to compete in the marathon of life.
- Roger Dawson
Collection: Energy