George W. Bush

Image of George W. Bush
I care what 51 percent of the people think about me.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
The nature of the presidency is that sometimes you don't choose which challenges come to your desk. You do decide how to respond.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Challenges
Image of George W. Bush
Look, the key for me is to keep expectations low.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Keys
Image of George W. Bush
This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.
- George W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of George W. Bush
I love free speech.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Freedom Of Speech
Image of George W. Bush
My meetings with [Ahmed Chalabi] were very brief. I mean, I think I met with him at the State of the Union and just kind of working through the rope line, and he might have come with a group of leaders. But I haven't had any extensive conversations with him.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mean
Image of George W. Bush
In the long term, we've got to defeat an ideology of hate with an ideology of hope. There' a reason why people like [Al-Qaida leader Osama] bin Laden are able to recruit suiciders, because if you don't have hope, you're attracted to an ideology which says, it's OK to kill people and kill yourself.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Hate
Image of George W. Bush
A year ago, my approval rating was in the 30s, my nominee for the supreme court had just withdrawn, and my vice president had shot someone. Ah, those were the good old days.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Approval Rating
Image of George W. Bush
We got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.
- George W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of George W. Bush
I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
My administration is committed to a leadership role on the issue of climate change.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Issues
Image of George W. Bush
Well, you know, I think the American people are sacrificing now. I think they're waiting in airport lines longer than they've ever had before.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
It is a ridiculous notion to assert that because the United States is on the offense, more people want to hurt us. We are on the offense because people do want to hurt us.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Hurt
Image of George W. Bush
What we Republicans should stand for is growth in the economy. We ought to make the pie higher.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Pie
Image of George W. Bush
For too long our culture has said, "If it feels good, do it." Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed: "Let's roll".
- George W. Bush
Collection: America
Image of George W. Bush
We're creating an ownership society in this country, where more Americans than ever will be able to open up their door where they live and say, welcome to my house, welcome to my piece of property.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
And as a result of the United States military, Taliban no longer is in existence.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Military
Image of George W. Bush
As Iraqi forces gain experience and the political process advances, we will be able to decrease our troop level in Iraq without losing our capability to defeat the terrorists. These decisions about troop levels will be driven by the conditions on the ground in Iraq and the good judgment of our commanders, not by artificial timetables set by politicians in Washington.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Iraq
Image of George W. Bush
These stories about my intellectual capacity really get under my skin. You know, for a while I even thought my staff believed it. There on my schedule first thing every morning it said, 'Intelligence Briefing.'
- George W. Bush
Collection: Morning
Image of George W. Bush
I am comfortable knowing that I put my heart and soul into the presidency.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Heart
Image of George W. Bush
There is a language barrier between vets and the civilian population. They speak different languages.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Vets
Image of George W. Bush
Pushing legislation that would undercut our troops just as we're beginning to make progress in Baghdad.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Progress
Image of George W. Bush
I believe we're making really good progress in Iraq.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Believe
Image of George W. Bush
It will take time to restore chaos
- George W. Bush
Collection: Chaos
Image of George W. Bush
All I can tell you is that I know the enemy, allies, and troops hear what I say.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Enemy
Image of George W. Bush
When John Murtha, for example, said the Marines are killing innocent civilians in cold blood.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Marine
Image of George W. Bush
I take pride in being the same person.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Pride
Image of George W. Bush
"Reinvention" is a word that doesn't fit into my vocabulary.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Vocabulary
Image of George W. Bush
I'm comfortable moving into the role of elder person.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Moving
Image of George W. Bush
I really think it's important for presidents to exit the stage gracefully.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
I feel blessed to have been raised a Texan.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Blessed
Image of George W. Bush
I was very fortunate to have had a mother and father who loved me in spite of my failings.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mother
Image of George W. Bush
I was also fortunate that I was raised in a part of the world, West Texas, where individualism is strong.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Strong
Image of George W. Bush
It's important to take risks.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Risk
Image of George W. Bush
I'm talking about living life to its fullest.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Live Life
Image of George W. Bush
I have zero desire to be in the limelight.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Zero
Image of George W. Bush
We ought to make the pie higher.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
Will the highways on the Internet become more few?
- George W. Bush
Collection: Funny
Image of George W. Bush
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world. Thank you. Good night, and God bless America.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Good Night
Image of George W. Bush
I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Golf
Image of George W. Bush
It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Life
Image of George W. Bush
The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Iraq
Image of George W. Bush
I always jest to people, the Oval Office is the kind of place where people stand outside, they're getting ready to come in and tell me what for, and they walk in and get overwhelmed in the atmosphere, and they say, man, you're looking pretty.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Men
Image of George W. Bush
There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we’re going to do it again.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
We’re supposed to have guns. It says so in the Bible; and the second greatest book ever written, the Texas State Constitution.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Book
Image of George W. Bush
The best thing about my family is my wife. She is a great first lady. I know that sounds not very objective, but that’s how I feel. And she’s also patient. Putting up with me requires a lot of patience.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Firsts
Image of George W. Bush
I call my philosophy and approach compassionate conservatism. It is compassionate to actively help our fellow citizens in need. It is conservative to insist on responsibility and results. And with this hopeful approach, we will make a real difference in people’s lives.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Real
Image of George W. Bush
I don’t read books, but I have friends who do.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Book
Image of George W. Bush
I want to help people help themselves, not have government tell people what to do. I just don’t think it’s the role of the United States to walk into a country and say, we do it this way, so should you.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country