Cormac McCarthy

Image of Cormac McCarthy
It starts when you begin to overlook good manners. Any time you quit hearing Sir and Mam the end is pretty much in sight.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Sight
Image of Cormac McCarthy
When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Mother
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Each leaf that brushed his face deepened his sadness and dread. Each leaf he passed he'd never pass again. They rode over his face like veils, already some yellow, their veins like slender bones where the sun shone through them. He had resolved himself to ride on for he could not turn back and the world that day was as lovely as any day that ever was and he was riding to his death.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Sadness
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Anything that doesn't take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth doing.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Suicide
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and the reality, even where we will not.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Scared money can’t win and a worried man can’t love.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Winning
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Ever step you take is forever.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Forever
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He was just hungry, Papa. He's going to die. He's going to die anyway. He's so scared, Papa. The man squatted and looked at him. I'm scared, he said. Do you understand? I'm scared. The boy didn't answer. He just sat there with his head down, sobbing. You're not the one who has to worry about everything. The boy said something but he couldn't understand him. What? He said. He looked up, his wet and grimy face. Yes I am, he said. I am the one.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Boys
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Remember her hair in the morning before it was pinned, black, rampant, savage with loveliness. As if she slept in perpetual storm.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Morning
Image of Cormac McCarthy
In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: All The Pretty Horses
Image of Cormac McCarthy
A man's at odds to know his mind cause his mind is aught he has to know it with. He can know his heart, but he dont want to. Rightly so. Best not to look in there. It aint the heart of a creature that is bound in the way that God has set for it. You can find meanness in the least of creatures, but when God made man the devil was at his elbow. A creature that can do anything. Make a machine. And a machine to make the machine. And evil that can run itself a thousand years, no need to tend it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Running
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The freedom of birds is an insult to me.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Bird
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Your heart's desire is to be told some mystery. The mystery is that there is no mystery.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Atheist
Image of Cormac McCarthy
You are either born a writer or you are not.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Born
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The world could only be known as it existed in men's hearts. For while it seemed a place which contained men it was in reality a place contained within them.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Heart
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Our enemies ... seem always with us. The greater our hatred the more persistent the memory of them so that a truly terrible enemy becomes deathless. So that the man who has done you great injury or injustice makes himself a guest in your house forever. Perhaps only forgiveness can dislodge him.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
How does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
For even if you should have stood your ground, he said, yet what ground was it?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Should Have
Image of Cormac McCarthy
They heard somewhere in that tenantless night a bell that tolled and ceased where no bell was and they rode out on the round dais of the earth which alone was dark and no light to it and which carried their figures and bore them up into the swarming stars so that they rode not under but among them and they rode at once jaunty and circumspect, like thieves newly loosed in that dark electric, like young thieves in a glowing orchard, loosely jacketed against the cold and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The universe is no narrow thing and the order within it is not constrained by any latitude in its conception to repeat what exists in one part in any other part. Even in this world more things exist without our knowledge than with it and the order in creation which you see is that which you have put there, like a string in a maze, so that you shall not lose your way. For existence has its own order and that no man’s mind can compass, that mind itself being but a fact among others.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
My daddy always told me to just do the best you knew how and tell the truth. He said there was nothin to set a man’s mind at ease like wakin up in the morning and not havin to decide who you were. And if you done somethin wrong just stand up and say you done it and say you’re sorry and get on with it. Don’t haul stuff around with you.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Cormac McCarthy
It would take a hell of a wife to beat no wife at all.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Women
Image of Cormac McCarthy
When you die it's the same as if everybody else did too.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dies
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He may be dead; or he may be teaching English.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Teaching
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Things separate from their stories have no meaning. They are only shapes. Of a certain size and color. A certain weight. When their meaning has become lost to us they no longer have even a name. The story on the other hand can never be lost from its place in the world for it is that place.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Hands
Image of Cormac McCarthy
There is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Joy
Image of Cormac McCarthy
By day the banished sun circles the earth like a grieving mother with a lamp.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The closest bonds we will ever know are bonds of grief. The deepest community one of sorrow.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Grief
Image of Cormac McCarthy
And in the dream I knew that he was goin on ahead and that he was fixin to make a fire somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold and I knew that whenever I got there he would be there. And then I woke up.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
They spoke less and less between them until at last they were silent altogether as is often the way with travelers approaching the end of a journey.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Journey
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Ever dumb thing I ever done in my life there was a decision I made before that got me into it. It was never the dumb thing. It was always some choice I'd made before it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Choices
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Ah me, thou Destiny, Giver of evil gifts.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Destiny
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Things happen to you they happen. They dont ask first. They dont require your permission.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Firsts
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Usually, you don't know where a book comes from ... it's just there, some kind of an itch that you can't quite scratch.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Book
Image of Cormac McCarthy
But this man had set down with a hammer and chisel and carved out a stone water trough to last ten thousand years. Why was that? What was it that he had faith in? It wasn't that nothin' would change. Which is what you might think, I suppose. He had to know better'n that. I've thought about it a good deal. . . And I have to say that the only thing I can think is that there was some sort of promise in his heart. And I don't have no intentions of carvin' a stone water trough. But I would like to be able to make that kind of promise. I think that's what I would like most of all.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Heart
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The names of the cerros and the sierras and the deserts exist only on maps. We name them that we do not lose our way. Yet it was because the way was lost to us already that we have made those names. The world cannot be lost. We are the ones. And it is because these names and these coordinates are our own naming that they cannot save us. They cannot find for us the way again.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Names
Image of Cormac McCarthy
What he loved in horses was what he loved in men, the blood and the heat of the blood that ran them. All his reverence and all his fondness and all the leanings of his life were for the ardenhearted and they would always be so and never be otherwise. (All the Pretty Horses)
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Horse
Image of Cormac McCarthy
When God made man the devil was at his elbow. A creature that can do anything. Make a machine. And a machine to make the machine. And evil that can run itself a thousand years, no need to tend it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Running
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Eye
Image of Cormac McCarthy
There is a moon shaped rictus in the streetlamp's globe where a stone has gone and from this aperture there drifts down through the constant helix of aspiring insects a faint and steady rain of the same forms burnt and lifeless.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Rain
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The man who believes that the secrets of the world are forever hidden lives in mystery and fear. Superstition will drag him down." -The Judge
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Believe
Image of Cormac McCarthy
There was a sharp crack from somewhere on the mountain. Then another. It's just a tree falling, he said. It's okay. The boy was looking at the dead roadside trees. It's okay, the man said. All the trees in the world are going to fall sooner or later. But not on us.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Fall
Image of Cormac McCarthy
And the dreams so rich in color. How else would death call you? Waking in the cold dawn it all turned to ash instantly. Like certain ancient frescoes entombed for centuries suddenly exposed to the day.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The martyr who longs for the flames can be no right candidate for them.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Flames
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Pain for the old was no longer a surprise.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Pain
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Each memory recalled must do some violence to its origins.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Perhaps in the world's destruction it would be possible at last to see how it was made. Oceans, mountains. The ponderous counterspectacle of things ceasing to be. The sweeping waste, hydroptic and coldly secular. The silence.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Ocean
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Can you do it? When the time comes? When the time comes there will be no time. Now is the time. Curse God and die.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Curse