Top sadness Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of sadness quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Creflo A. Dollar
Unhappiness does not come from the way things are, but from the difference between how things are and how we think they should be
- Creflo A. Dollar
Collection: Sadness
Image of Linda Lael Miller
Nostalgia is a way of remembering people and places and things, and wishing things hadn't changed. It has a sweetness to it. Sadness is just--well--being sad.
- Linda Lael Miller
Collection: Sadness
Image of Luke Davies
Comfort is beauty muted by heroin. Sadness is beauty drained by lack of it.
- Luke Davies
Collection: Sadness
Image of Akhenaton
What is the source of sadness, but feebleness of the mind? What giveth it power but the want of reason? Rouse thyself to the combat, and she quitteth the field before thou strikest.
- Akhenaton
Collection: Sadness
Image of Luc Besson
That's a KORTAN DAHUK. That's the first alien we see in the film [Valerian]. That's another artist. The first one was Chinese, the one with the space station. This one is American. Personally, that's my favorite alien. I love him. I love his profile and his face. There is such a sweetness and almost a sadness in his face.
- Luc Besson
Collection: Sadness
Image of T. H. White
The best thing for being sad ... is to learn something.
- T. H. White
Collection: Sadness
Image of Paula McLain
It gave me a sharp kind of sadness to think that no matter how much I loved him and tried to put him back together again, he might stay broken forever.
- Paula McLain
Collection: Sadness
Image of Elif Safak
Personally, I didn't think there was anything wrong with sadness. Just the opposite – hypocrisy made people happy and truth made them sad.
- Elif Safak
Collection: Sadness
Image of Peter Straub
It is as though some old part of yourself wakes up in you, terrified, useless in the life you have, its skills and habits destructive but intact, and what is left of the present you, the person you have become, wilts and shrivels in sadness or despair: the person you have become is only a thin shell over this other, more electric and endangered self. The strongest, the least digested parts of your experience can rise up and put you back where you were when they occurred; all the rest of you stands back and weeps.
- Peter Straub
Collection: Sadness
Image of Philip Gilbert Hamerton
I wonder how it is that so cheerful-looking a tree as the willow should ever have become associated with ideas of sadness.
- Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Collection: Sadness
Image of Ismail Kadaré
Who in the world has not yearned for a loved one, has never said, If only he or she could come back just once, just one more time...? Despite the fact that it can never happen, never ever. Surely this is the saddest thing about our mortal world, and its sadness will go on shrouding human life like a blanket of fog until its final extinction.
- Ismail Kadaré
Collection: Sadness
Image of Ruth Reichl
When a person has lived generously and fought fiercely, she deserves more than sadness at the end.
- Ruth Reichl
Collection: Sadness
Image of Sena Jeter Naslund
She seemed imprisoned in her sadness.
- Sena Jeter Naslund
Collection: Sadness
Image of Gary Soto
The black asphalt wouls shimmer with vapors I had a theory about those vapors...not released by the sun but by a huge onion buried under the city. This onion made us cry... I thought about the giant onion, that remarkable bulb of sadness.
- Gary Soto
Collection: Sadness
Image of Barbara Park
Even though sometimes you can control your anger, you can't control your sadness.
- Barbara Park
Collection: Sadness
Image of Gail Caldwell
Maybe this is the point: to embrace the core sadness of life without toppling headlong into it, or assuming it will define your days.
- Gail Caldwell
Collection: Sadness
Image of Clifford D. Simak
Once there had been joy, but now there was only sadness, and it was not, he knew, alone the sadness of an empty house; it was the sadness of all else, the sadness of the Earth, the sadness of the failures and the empty triumphs.
- Clifford D. Simak
Collection: Sadness
Image of Michael Ondaatje
That's one of the great sadnesses of any life - knowing what you know now and then remembering what you did not know then.
- Michael Ondaatje
Collection: Sadness
Image of Anthony Marra
How often is immense sadness mistaken for courage?
- Anthony Marra
Collection: Sadness
Image of Audrey Niffenegger
We laugh and laugh, and nothing can ever be sad, no one can be lost, or dead, or far away: right now we are here, and nothing can mar our perfection, or steal the joy of this perfect moment.
- Audrey Niffenegger
Collection: Sadness
Image of Gretel Ehrlich
All through autumn we hear a double voice: one says everything is ripe; the other says everything is dying. The paradox is exquisite. We feel what the Japanese call "aware"--an almost untranslatable word meaning something like "beauty tinged with sadness.
- Gretel Ehrlich
Collection: Sadness
Image of Georges Bernanos
Sadness came into the world with Satan - that world our Saviour never prayed for, the world you say I do not know. Oh, it is not so difficult to recognize: it is the world that prefers cold to warmth! What can God find to say to those who, of their own free will, of their own weight incline towards sadness and turn instinctively towards the night?
- Georges Bernanos
Collection: Sadness
Image of John Twelve Hawks
Human beings have an almost unlimited capacity for self-delusion. We can justify any amount of sadness if it fits our own particular standard of reality.
- John Twelve Hawks
Collection: Sadness
Image of Howard Thurman
I will light candles this Christmas, Candles of joy, despite all sadness, Candles of hope where despair keeps watch. Candles of courage where fear is ever present, Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days, Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens. Candles of love to inspire all my living, Candles that will burn all the year long.
- Howard Thurman
Collection: Sadness
Image of Richard Siken
A man takes his sadness down to the river and throws it in the river                     but then he’s still left with the river. A man takes his sadness and throws it away                                                                         but then he’s still left with his hands.
- Richard Siken
Collection: Sadness
Image of Sara Evans
Walk out backwards if you must go, but please don't wave good-bye.
- Sara Evans
Collection: Sadness
Image of Miriam Toews
I had a thought, on the way home from the rock field, that the things we don't know about a person are the things that make them human, and it made me feel sad to think that, but sad in that reassuring way that some sadness has, a sadness that says welcome home in twelve different languages.
- Miriam Toews
Collection: Sadness
Image of Harold S. Kushner
You don't become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something.
- Harold S. Kushner
Collection: Sadness
Image of Kevin Brooks
It won't make you feel any better, he told me, it might even make things worse for a while. But you mustn't let the sadness die inside you. You have to give it some life.
- Kevin Brooks
Collection: Sadness
Image of Kevin Brooks
I used to come here on my own sometimes... Id' stay down here for ages." Her voice was barely audible. "It's a good place for sadness.
- Kevin Brooks
Collection: Sadness
Image of Salvador Plascencia
There would be no sequel to the sadness
- Salvador Plascencia
Collection: Sadness
Image of Rick Moody
I think people on antidepressants often lose sexual feelings. I don't mean that I think sex is only about sadness; it is obviously about joy and vitality and birth as well.
- Rick Moody
Collection: Sadness
Image of Banana Yoshimoto
It was so gorgeous it almost felt like sadness.
- Banana Yoshimoto
Collection: Sadness
Image of Robert Walser
Listening to music, I always have exactly the same feeling: something’s missing. Never will I learn the cause of this gentle sadness, never will I wish to investigate it.
- Robert Walser
Collection: Sadness
Image of Alyssa Milano
First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great
- Alyssa Milano
Collection: Sadness
Image of Elizabeth Taylor
How can money be the root of all evil when shopping is the cure for all sadness?
- Elizabeth Taylor
Collection: Sadness
Image of Stanisław I Leszczyński
Gaiety is the soul's health; sadness is its poison.
- Stanisław I Leszczyński
Collection: Sadness
Image of Robert Plant
Come into my life, here where nothing matters. Come into my life, roll away the gloom.
- Robert Plant
Collection: Sadness
Image of Renata Adler
Self-pity” is just sadness, I think, in the pejorative.
- Renata Adler
Collection: Sadness
Image of James Taylor
Don't be sad cause your sun is down, the night doesn't need your sorrow. Don't be sad cause the light is gone, just keep your mind on tomorrow.
- James Taylor
Collection: Sadness
Image of Anne Michaels
Long after you’ve forgotten someone’s voice, you can still remember the sound of their happiness or their sadness. You can feel it in your body.
- Anne Michaels
Collection: Sadness
Image of Judy Blundell
When you lose your parents, the sadness doesn't go away. It just changes. It hits you sideways sometimes instead of head-on. Like now.
- Judy Blundell
Collection: Sadness
Image of Susan Sontag
In the valley of sorrow, spread your wings.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Sadness
Image of James O'Barr
People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.
- James O'Barr
Collection: Sadness
Image of Gaston Leroux
None will ever be a true Parisian who has not learned to wear a mask of gaiety over his sorrows and one of sadness, boredom, or indifference over his inward joy.
- Gaston Leroux
Collection: Sadness
Image of Roy Rogers
If there were no valleys of sadness and death, we could never really appreciate the sunshine of happiness on the mountain top.
- Roy Rogers
Collection: Sadness
Image of Lorrie Moore
Every arrangement in life carried with it the sadness, the sentimental shadow, of its not being something else, but only itself.
- Lorrie Moore
Collection: Sadness
Image of Rahul Dravid
I leave with sadness, but also with pride.
- Rahul Dravid
Collection: Sadness
Image of Todd Rundgren
Look upon yourself only with compassion.
- Todd Rundgren
Collection: Sadness
Image of Baroness Orczy
The weariest night, the longest day, sooner or later must perforce come to an end.
- Baroness Orczy
Collection: Sadness