Cormac McCarthy

Image of Cormac McCarthy
Men believe death's elections to be a thing inscrutable yet every act invites the act which follows and to the extent that men put one foot before the other they are accomplices in their own deaths as in all such facts of destiny.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Death
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Where hunters and woodcutters once slept in their boots by the dying light of their thousand fires and went on, old teutonic forebears with eyes incandesced by the visionary light of a massive rapacity, wave on wave of the violent and the insane, their brains stoked with spoorless analogues of all that was, lean aryans with their abrogate Semitic chapbook reenacting the dramas and parable therein.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Drama
Image of Cormac McCarthy
So everything is necessary. Every least thing. This is the hard lesson. Nothing can be dispensed with. Nothing despised. Because the seams are hid from us, you see. The joinery. The way in which the world is made. We have no way to know what could be taken away. What omitted. We have no way to tell what might stand and what might fall.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Fall
Image of Cormac McCarthy
It's the tide. It's the dismal tide. It's not the one thing.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Tides
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Creative work is often driven by pain. It may be that if you don't have something in the back of your head driving you nuts, you may not do anything. It's not a good arrangement. If I were God, I wouldn't have done it that way.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Pain
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He saw very clearly how all his life led only to this moment and all after led to nowhere at all. He felt something cold and soulless enter him like another being and he imagined that it smiled malignly and he had no reason to believe that it would ever leave.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Believe
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He believed in God even if he was doubtful of men's claims to know God's mind. But that a God unable to forgive was no God at all.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
How would you know if you were the last man on Earth? He said. I don't guess you would know it. You'd just be it. Nobody would know it. It wouldn't make any difference. When you die it's the same as if everybody else died too.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He said that men believe the blood of the slain to be of no consequence but that the wolf knows better. He said that the wolf is a being of great order and that it knows what men do not: that there is no order in this world save that which death has put there.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Believe
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creatures could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
They rode on and the sun in the east flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise and where the earth drained up into the sky at the edge of creation the top of the sun rose out of nothing like the head of a great red phallus until it cleared the unseen rim and sat squat and pulsing and malevolent behind them.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Running
Image of Cormac McCarthy
This country will kill you in a heartbeat and still people love it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Country
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Men say they only learn this but he said that no creature can learn that which his heart has no shape to hold.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Heart
Image of Cormac McCarthy
All progressions from a higher to a lower order are marked by ruins and mystery and a residue of nameless rage.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Order
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The point is there ain't no point.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Nihilism
Image of Cormac McCarthy
What man is such a coward he would not rather fall once than remain forever tottering?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Fall
Image of Cormac McCarthy
They rode like men invested with a purpose whose origins were antecedent to them, like blood legatees of an order both imperative and remote. For although each man among them was discrete unto himself, conjoined they made a thing that had not been before and in that communal soul were wastes hardly reckonable more than those whited regions on old maps where monsters do live and where there is nothing other of the known world save conjectural winds.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He had divested himself of the little cloaked godlet and his other amulets in a place where they would not be found in his lifetime and he'd taken for talisman the simple human heart within him.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Taken
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The world was new each day for God so made it daily. Yet it contained within it all the evils as before, no more, no less.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Evil
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Word gets around when the circus comes to town, don't it?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Communication
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Creedless shells of men tottering down the causeways like migrants in a feverland.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He thought each memory recalled must do some violence to its origins. As in a party game. Say the words and pass it on. So be sparing. What you alter in the remembering has yet a reality, known or not.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
When one has nothing left make ceremonies out of the air and breathe upon them.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Air
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Even the damned in hell have the community of their suffering.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Community
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If one were to be a person of value that value could not be a condition subject to hazards of fortune. It had to be a quality that could not change. No matter what.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Quality
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He imagined the pain of the world to be like some formless parasitic being seeking out the warmth of human souls wherein to incubate and he thought he knew what made one liable to its visitations. What he had not known was that it was mindless and so had no way to know the limits of those souls and what he feared was that there might be no limits.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Pain
Image of Cormac McCarthy
But I didn't know what to say to him. What do you say to a man that by his own admission has no soul? Why would you say anything?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
She looked up at him and her face was pale and austere in the uplight and her eyes lost in their darkly shadowed hollows save only for the glint of them and he could see her throat move in the light and he saw in her face and in her figure something he'd not seen before and the name of that thing was sorrow.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Moving
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Every moment in your life is a turning and every one a choosing. Somewhere you made a choice. All followed to this. The accounting is scrupulous. The shape is drawn. No line can be erased. I had no belief in your ability to move a coin to your bidding. How could you? A person's path through the world seldom changes and even more seldom will it change abruptly. And the shape of your path was visible from the beginning.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Moving
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Maybe it's like Mac says. Ever man winds up with the horse that suits him.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Horse
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If there's one thing on this planet you don't look like it's a bunch of good luck walkin around.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Good Luck
Image of Cormac McCarthy
People think they know what they want but they generally don't. Sometimes if they're lucky they'll get it anyways.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cormac McCarthy
You always pay too much. Particularly for promises. There aint no such thing as a bargain promise.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Promise
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The things I believed in dont exist any more. It's foolish to pretend that they do. Western Civilization finally went up in smoke in the chimneys at Dachau but I was too infatuated to see it. I see it now.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Civilization
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He'd half meant to speak but those eyes had altered the world forever in the space of a heartbeat.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Eye
Image of Cormac McCarthy
I like what I do. Some writers have said in print that they hated writing and it was just a chore and a burden. I certainly don't feel that way about it. Sometimes it's difficult. You know, you always have this image of the perfect thing which you can never achieve, but which you never stop trying to achieve. But I think ... that's your signpost and your guide. You'll never get there, but without it you won't get anywhere.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Writing
Image of Cormac McCarthy
You think when you wake up in the mornin yesterday don't count. But yesterday is all that does count. What else is there? Your life is made out of the days it’s made out of. Nothin else.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Life
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The carrion birds sat about the topmost corners of the houses with their wings outstretched in attitudes of exhortation like dark little bishops.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Attitude
Image of Cormac McCarthy
There is no God and we are his prophets.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Religion
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Best way to live in California is to be from somewheres else.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: California
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Words pale and lose their savor while pain is always new.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Pain
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Deep in each man is the knowledge that something knows of his existence. Something knows, and cannot be fled nor hid from.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The world shrinking down about a raw core of parsible entities. The names of things slowly following those things into oblivion. Colors. The names of birds. Things to eat. Finally the name of things one believed to be true. More fragile than he would have thought. How much was gone already? The sacred idiom shorn of its referents and so of its reality. Drawing down like something trying to preserve heat. In time to wink out forever.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Reality
Image of Cormac McCarthy
There was nothin to set a man's mind at ease like wakin up in the morning and not havin to decide who you were.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Morning
Image of Cormac McCarthy
By early evening all the sky to the north had darkened and the spare terrain they trod had turned a neuter gray as far as the eye could see. They grouped in the road at the top of a rise and looked back. The storm front towered above them and the wind was cool on their sweating faces. They slumped bleary-eyed in their saddles and looked at one another. Shrouded in the black thunderheads the distant lightning glowed mutely like welding seen through foundry smoke. As if repairs were under way at some flawed place n the iron dark of the world.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Eye
Image of Cormac McCarthy
I didn't mean I'd seen everything, John Grady said. I know you didn't. I just meant I'd seen some things I'd as soon not of. I know it. There's hard lessons in this world. What's the hardest? I dont know. Maybe it's just that when things are gone they're gone. They aint comin back. Yessir.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Mean
Image of Cormac McCarthy
How surely are the dead beyond death. Death is what the living carry with them. A state of dread, like some uncanny foretaste of a bitter memory. But the dead do not remember and nothingness is not a curse. Far from it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Death
Image of Cormac McCarthy
I think by the time you're grown you're as happy as you're goin to be. You'll have good times and bad times, but in the end you'll be about as happy as you was before. Or as unhappy. I've knowed people that just never did get the hang of it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Rage is really only for the good days. The truth is there's little of that left. the truth is that the forms I see have been slowly emptied out. They no longer have any content. They are shapes only. A train, a wall, a world. Or a man. A thing dangling in senseless articulation in a howling void. No meaning to its life. Its words. Why would I seek the company of such a thing? Why?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Wall