Cormac McCarthy

Image of Cormac McCarthy
They came upon themselves in a mirror and he almost raised the pistol. It's us, Papa, the boy whispered. It's us.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Boys
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He thought that in the history of the world it might even be that there was more punishment than crime but he took small comfort from it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Punishment
Image of Cormac McCarthy
People complain about the bad things that happen to em that they don't deserve but they seldom mention the good. About what they done to deserve them things.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: People
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Suppose you were the last one left? Suppose you did that to yourself?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Lasts
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He lay on his back in his blankets and looked our where the quartermoon lay cocked over the heel of the mountains. In the false blue dawn the Pleiades seemed to be rising up into the darkness above the world and dragging all the stars away, the great diamond of Orion and Cepella and the signature of Cassiopeia all rising up through the phosphorous dark like a sea-net. He lay a long time listening to the others breathing in their sleep while he contemplated the wildness about him, the wildness within.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Cormac McCarthy
It is community and respect, of course, but the dead have more claims on you than what you might want to admit or even what you might know about and them claims can be very strong indeed. Very strong indeed.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Strong
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Maybe. Anyway, some men get what they want. No man. Or perhaps only briefly so as to lose it. Or perhaps only to prove to the dreamer that the world of his longing made real is no longer that world at all.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Real
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Query: How does the never to be differ from what never was?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Doe
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Every man's death is standing in for every other. And since death comes to all there is no way to abate the fear of it except to love the man who stands for us.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Where men can't live gods fare no better.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Men's memories are uncertain and the past that was differs little from the past that was not.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
See the hand that nursed the serpent. The fine hasped pipes of her fingerbones. The skin bewenned and speckled. The veins are milkblue and bulby. A thin gold ring set with diamonds. That raised the once child's heart of her to agonies of passion before I was. Here is the anguish of mortality. Hopes wrecked, love sundered. See the mother sorrowing. How everything that I was warned of's come to pass.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Mother
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Men have in their minds a picture of how the world will be. How they will be in that world. The world may be many different ways for them but there is one world that will never be and that is the world they dream of.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The night sky lies so sprent with stars that there is scarcely space of black at all and they fall all night in bitter arcs and it is so that their numbers are no less.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Stars
Image of Cormac McCarthy
What is it? Nothing. I had a bad dream. What did you dream about? Nothing. Are you okay? No. He put his arms around him and held him. It's okay, he said. I was crying. But you didnt wake up. I'm sorry. I was just so tired. I meant in the dream.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
In history there are no control groups. There is no one to tell us what might have been. We weep over the might have been, but there is no might have been. There never was. It is supposed to be true that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. I don't believe knowing can save us. What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood and this is a thing that even God--who knows all that can be known--seems powerless to change.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Believe
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Hell ain't half full.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Half
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Men speak of blind destiny, a thing without scheme or purpose. But what sort of destiny is that? Each act in this world from which there can be no turning back has before it another, and it another yet. In a vast endless net. Men imagine that the choices before them are theirs to make. But we are free to act only upon what is given. Choice is lost in the maze of generations and each act in the maze is itself an enslavement for it voids every alternative and binds one ever more tightly into the constraints that make a life.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Destiny
Image of Cormac McCarthy
In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure death will. The world is quite ruthless in selecting between the dream and reality, even where we will not. Between the wish and the thing the world lies waiting. I've thought a great deal about my life and my country. I think there is little that can be truly known. My family has been fortunate. Others were less so. As they are often quick to point out.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He rose and turned toward the lights of town. The tidepools bright as smelterpots among the dark rocks where the phosphorescent seacrabs clambered back. Passing through the salt grass he looked back. The horse had not moved. A ship's light winked in the swells. The colt stood against the horse with its head down and the horse was watching, out there past men's knowing, where the stars are drowning and whales ferry their vast souls through the black and seamless sea.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Horse
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Goodness will find the little boy. It always has. It will again.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Boys
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The jagged mountains were pure blue in the dawn and everywhere birds twittered and the sun when it rose caught the moon in the west so that they lay opposed to each other across the earth, the sun whitehot and the moon a pale replica, as if they were the ends of a common bore beyond whose terminals burned worlds past all reckoning.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Past
Image of Cormac McCarthy
In the neuter austerity of that terrain all phenomena were bequeathed a strange equality and no one thing nor spider nor stone nor blade of grass could put forth claim to precedence. The very clarity of these articles belied their familiarity, for the eye predicates the whole on some feature or part and here was nothing more luminous than another and nothing more enshadowed and in the optical democracy of such landscapes all preference is made whimsical and a man and a rock become endowed with unguessed kinship.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Eye
Image of Cormac McCarthy
They say death comes like a thief in the night, where is he? I'll hug his neck.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Death
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He spoke of his campaigns in the deserts of Mexico and he told them of horses killed under him and he said that the souls of horses mirror the souls of men more closely than men suppose and that horses also love war. Men say they only learn this but he said that no creature can learn that which his heart has no shape to holo
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Horse
Image of Cormac McCarthy
When he went back to the fire he knelt and smoothed her hair as she slept and he said if he were God he would have made the world just so and no different.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Fire
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If people knew the story of their lives how many would then elect to live them? People speak about what is in store. But there is nothing in store. The day is made of what has come before. The world itself must be surprised at the shape of that which appears. Perhaps even God.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Life
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The cooler days have brought a wistful mood upon him. The smell of coalsmoke in the air at night. Old times, dead years. For him such memories are bitter ones.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
We wouldnt ever eat anybody, would we? No. Of course not. Even if we were starving? We're starving now. You said we werent. I said we werent dying. I didnt say we werent starving. But we wouldnt. No. We wouldnt. No matter what. No. No matter what. Because we're the good guys. Yes. And we're carrying the fire. And we're carrying the fire. Yes. Okay.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Fire
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He could not construct for the child's pleasure the world he'd lost without constructing the loss as well and he thought perhaps the child had known this better than he.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Children
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Use
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If a dream can tell the future it can also thwart that future. For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come. He is bound to no one that the world unfold just so upon its course and those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Dream
Image of Cormac McCarthy
It was the nature of his profession that his experience with death should be greater than for most and he said that while it was true that time heals bereavement it does so only at the cost of the slow extinction of those loved ones from the heart's memory which is the sole place of their abode then or now. Faces fade, voices dim. Seize them back, whispered the sepulturero. Speak with them. Call their names. Do this and do not let sorrow die for it is the sweetening of every gift.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
I'd rather to make a good run as a bad stand.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Running
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Life is a memory, and then it is nothing.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Memories
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The flames sawed in the wind and the embers paled and deepened and paled and deepened like the bloodbeat of some living thing eviscerate upon the ground before them and they watched the fire which does contain within it something of men themselves inasmuch as they are less without it and are divided from their origins and are exiles. For each fire is all fires, and the first fire and the last ever to be.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Long before morning I knew that what I was seeking to discover was a thing I'd always known. That all courage was a form of constancy. That it is always himself that the coward abandoned first. After this all other betrayals come easily.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Courage
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that. You forget some things, dont you? Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Time
Image of Cormac McCarthy
If trouble comes when you least expect it then maybe the thing to do is to always expect it.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Trouble
Image of Cormac McCarthy
My daddy used to tell me not to chew on somethin that was eatin you.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Daddy
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Ive seen the meanness of humans till I dont know why God aint put out the sun and gone away.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Gone Away
Image of Cormac McCarthy
You go back home and everything you wished was different is still the same and everything you wished was the same is different.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Home
Image of Cormac McCarthy
He thought that in the beauty of the world were hid a secret. He thought that the world’s heart beat at some terrible cost and that the world’s pain and its beauty moved in a relationship of diverging equity and that in this headlong deficit the blood of multitudes might ultimately be exacted for the vision of a single flower.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Pain
Image of Cormac McCarthy
The man who believes that the secrets of the world are forever hidden lives in mystery and fear. Superstition will drag him down. The rain will erode the deeds of his life. But that man who sets himself the task of singling out the thread of order from the tapestry will by the decision alone have taken charge of the world and it is only by such taking charge that he will effect a way to dictate the terms of his own fate.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Fear
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Nobody wants to be here and nobody wants to leave.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Want
Image of Cormac McCarthy
you fix what you can fix and you let the rest go. If there ain't nothin to be done about it it aint even a problem. It's just a aggravation.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Cormac McCarthy
What joins men together ... is not the sharing of bread but the sharing of enemies.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men
Image of Cormac McCarthy
Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.
- Cormac McCarthy
Collection: Men