Billy Collins

Image of Billy Collins
All I wanted was to be a pea of being inside the green pod of time.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Green
Image of Billy Collins
I see woefully obscure poetry as simply a kind of verbal rudeness.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Kind
Image of Billy Collins
The trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
And I should mention the light which falls through the big windows this time of day italicizing everything it touches.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Fall
Image of Billy Collins
All they want to do is tie the poem to a chair with a rope and torture a confession out of it. They begin beating it with a hose to find out what it really means.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Billy Collins
I'm speaking to someone I'm trying to get to fall in love with me. I'm trying to speak intimately to one person. That should be clear. I'm not speaking to an audience. I'm not writing for the podium. I'm just writing, trying to write in a fairly quiet tone to one other reader who is by herself, or himself, and I'm trying to interrupt some silence in their life, which is utterance.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Billy Collins
I think clarity is the real risk in poetry because you are exposed. You're out in the open field. You're actually saying things that are comprehensible, and it's easy to criticize something you can understand.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Real
Image of Billy Collins
I could look at you forever and never see the two of us together
- Billy Collins
Collection: Two
Image of Billy Collins
...pleasure, of course, is a slippery word.... Our pleasures ultimately belong to us, not to the pleasure's source.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Pleasure
Image of Billy Collins
You know how sometimes you just have a memory of looking up and seeing a face looking over your crib and then remember nothing until tenth grade? - I have one of these early memories where I'm in the back of my parents' car, a place I loved to spend a lot of time as an only child, not having to fight with venomous siblings over the only toy.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Children
Image of Billy Collins
It seems only yesterday I used to believe there was nothing under my skin but light. If you cut me I could shine.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Believe
Image of Billy Collins
I just think that the world of workshops - I've written a poem that is a parody of workshop talk, I've written a poem that is a kind of parody of a garrulous poet at a poetry reading who spends an inordinate amount of time explaining the poem before reading it, I've written a number of satirical poems about other poets.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Reading
Image of Billy Collins
And strangely enoughthe only emotion I ever feel, is what the beaver must feel, as he bears each stick to his hidden construction, which creates the tranquil pond and gives the mallards somewhere to paddle, and the pair of swans a place to conceal their young
- Billy Collins
Collection: Swans
Image of Billy Collins
I see the progress typical in some of my poems as starting with something simple and moving into something more demanding. This is certainly the pattern of weird poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Moving
Image of Billy Collins
I was able to read poets that were - allowed me to be humorous without being silly.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Humorous
Image of Billy Collins
I started moving away from poets like Wallace Stevens and Hart Crane and started reading poets like, again, Karl Shapiro, Howard Nemerov, Philip Larkin, and the British poets who were imported through that important anthology put together by Alvarez - and those would include Thom Gunn and Ted Hughes. And I think these poets gave me assurance that there were other ways to write besides the rather involuted style of high modernism whose high priests were Pound, Eliot and Stevens, and Crane perhaps.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Moving
Image of Billy Collins
I was an only child, a very late child, born to parents who were both 39 at the time, which was very late back then. That kind of confirmed my sense of being the center of the universe, which I guess every child feels - children and poets both tend to feel.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Children
Image of Billy Collins
This is not what it is like to be you, I realized as a few of your magnificent clouds flew over the rooftop. It is just me thinking about being you. And before I headed back down the hill, I walked in a circle around your house, making an invisible line which you would have to cross before dark.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Dark
Image of Billy Collins
There are just long gaps where I can't find a point of insertion, I can't find a good opening line, I can't find a mood that I want to write into. But once I do, once a line falls out of the air, or I get a little inkling of a subject and I recognize that, it's like the sense that a game has started.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Fall
Image of Billy Collins
The literary world is so full of pretension, and there's such an enormous gap between how seriously poets take themselves and how widely they're ignored by everybody else.
- Billy Collins
Collection: World
Image of Billy Collins
Particularly when I thought of myself as a Wallace Stevens acolyte, I wrote very difficult poetry and I was really guilty of not knowing what I was talking about. I was going for a kind of clever verbal effect. I was trying to sound linguistically or verbally interesting. I had a sense, I guess, from just reading a lot of poetry of how a poem would start and how it would end but really I didn't know what I was doing. It had very little connection to my life.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Clever
Image of Billy Collins
When I wrote I took on the role of the despondent and difficult to understand person. Whereas in life, I was easy to understand, to the point of being simple-minded maybe.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Simple
Image of Billy Collins
It's time to float on the waters of the night. Time to wrap my arms around this book and press it to my chest, life preserver in a seat of unremarkable men and women anonymous faces on the street, a hundred thousand unalphabitized things a million forgotten hours.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Book
Image of Billy Collins
I felt at some point that I had nothing to lose, and [laughs] maybe I was wrong. I think, you know, there's always these little autobiographical secrets behind things. I think I was really attacking my earlier self, and this kind of pretentious figure.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billy Collins
I try to presume that no one is interested in me. And I think experience bears that out. No one's interested in the experiences of a stranger - let's put it that way. And then you have difficulty combined with presumptuousness, which is the most dire trouble with poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billy Collins
Until recently, I thought 'occasional poetry' meant that you wrote only occasionally.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Occasional
Image of Billy Collins
More often than not in poetry I find difficulty to be gratuitous and show-offy and camouflaging, experimental to a kind of insane degree - a difficulty which really ignores the possibility of having a sensible reader.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Insane
Image of Billy Collins
No one here likes a wet dog.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Dog
Image of Billy Collins
I knew that poets seemed to be miserable.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Miserable
Image of Billy Collins
There's this pet phrase about writing that is bandied around particularly in workshops about "finding your own voice as a poet", which I suppose means that you come out from under the direct influence of other poets and have perhaps found a way to combine those influences so that it appears to be your own voice.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
I can't picture myself starting out aiming to do anything or having much of an agenda.I think in writing a poem, I'm making some tonal adjustments, and it took me a long time to allow anything like fun into my poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of Billy Collins
You'll find i-poetry, you'll find that you can download poetry, that you can stuff your i-pod with recorded poetry. So just to answer the question that way, I think that poetry is gonna catch up with that technology quite soon.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Technology
Image of Billy Collins
Now I would say at any given moment in American life, there are probably 45 poets in airplanes vectoring across the country heading towards...I don't know if anyone's reading it, but poets are still flying around the country going from lectern to lectern.That circuitry has become very well-established.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Country
Image of Billy Collins
But some nights, I must tell you, I go down there after everyone has fallen asleep. I swim back and forth in the echoing blackness. I sing a love song as well as I can, lost for a while in the home of the rain.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Song
Image of Billy Collins
I think more influential than Emily Dickinson or Coleridge or Wordsworth on my imagination were Warner Brothers, Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes cartoons.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Brother
Image of Billy Collins
I think my poems are slightly underrated by the word accessible.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billy Collins
I think my work has to do with a sense that we are attempting, all the time, to create a logical, rational path through the day. To the left and right there are an amazing set of distractions that we usually can't afford to follow. But the poet is willing to stop anywhere.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billy Collins
Robert Frost really started this whole thing rolling. He was, I believe, the first poet who started going to colleges. Before that, poets didn't give public readings very often, certainly not - there was no circuit of schools.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Believe
Image of Billy Collins
It's a good thing to get poetry off the shelves and more into public life.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Good Things
Image of Billy Collins
I love to move like a mouse inside this puzzle for the body, balancing the wish to be lost with the need to be found.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Moving
Image of Billy Collins
I'm very conscious of the fact that every line should have a cadence to it. It should contribute to the progress of the poem. And that the ending of the line is a way of turning the reader's attention back into the interior of the poem.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Should Have
Image of Billy Collins
Humor, for me, is really a gate of departure. Its a way of enticing a reader into a poem so that less funny things can take place later. It really is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Billy Collins
I see all of us reading ourselves away from ourselves, straining in circles of light to find more light until the line of words becomes a trail of crumbs that we follow across a page of fresh snow.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Reading
Image of Billy Collins
You, quote, find your voice, unquote, when you are able to invent this one character who resembles you, obviously, and probably is more like you than anyone else on earth, but is not the equivalent to you.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Character
Image of Billy Collins
Poetry is my cheap means of transportation, by the end of the poem the reader should be in a different place from where he started. I would like him to be slightly disoriented at the end, like I drove him outside of town at night and dropped him off in a cornfield.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Mean
Image of Billy Collins
When I'm constructing a poem, I'm trying to write one good line after another. One solid line after another. You know a lot of the lines - some hold up better as lines than others. But I'm not thinking of just writing a paragraph and then chopping it up.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
A trouble with poetry is the presence of presumptuousness in poetry, the sense you get in a poem that the poet takes for granted an interest on the reader's part in the poet's autobiographical life, in the poet's memories, problems, difficulties and even minor perceptions. I try to presume that no one is interested in me. And I think experience bears that out. No one's interested in the experiences of a stranger - let's put it that way. And then you have difficulty combined with presumptuousness, which is the most dire trouble with poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Memories
Image of Billy Collins
One of these days I'm-a make me a book out of you.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Book