Billie Joe Armstrong

Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Music to me is the air I breathe it's the blood that pumps through my veins that keeps me alive
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Air
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
It's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Regret
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
You can't change the wind but you can set your sails.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Wind
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
A man once asked me, what's punk? I kicked over a trash can and said that's punk. He kicked over a trash can and then asked me again, Is that punk? I replied no. That's just trendy.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Men
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
School is practice for future life, practice makes perfect and nobody's perfect, so why practice?
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: School
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Songs are like a form of chaos that you can control. It's a form of intelligence that maybe you only understand and you hope that someone else can understand. And you can be anyone you want: you can be as grandiose as you want or you can be as down in the gutter as you want. It's just sort of whatever emotional freeway you're on at the time.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Song
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
There are many things in life that you feel you need such as television, magazines, teachers telling that you have to make money and be successful, but if you have some kind of hope, something to hold onto, then all this will no longer be important. If you can make your next day better than the previous one, then you will see what it really means something to you and not everything that people think you need for your life.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Teacher
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
‎The day you become old is the day you're not looking for new experiences anymore.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
The bigger the risks, the better off you are. Otherwise you're just boring.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Risk
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Some times I need to apologize, sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right, sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut, or only say hello, sometimes I still feel I'm walking alone.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Needs
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Life isn't pretty but it sure is beautiful.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
When all else a rockstar
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Failing
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Always move forward, going straight will get you nowhere.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Moving
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Slipknot sounds like Tre choking on a hairball.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Sound
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
If someone falls down, pick them back up. Just because there's not a frickin camera in your face doesn't mean you don't have to look out for each other.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Fall
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
And for our fans, they're just crazy people anyway. I always look at people in a Green Day shirt, and I think, 'What's wrong with that person? What kind of hang-ups does that person have?' Obviously, it's not just the catchy songs, it goes deeper than that.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Song
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Nobody leaves this band unless it's in a coffin
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Coffins
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
Punk rock isn't supposed to be for everyone. There is that sort of private club mentality, which is necessary. It keeps things from getting watered down and boring.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Rocks
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
That's the gamble that you make when you decide to become a rock musician. It's totally unpredictable.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Rocks
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
When you start getting into your politics it's like you have to be vulnerable and you have to be sort of sensitive. Because if it's always like straight aggression all the time, there becomes no empathy for the stance that you're taking. You're not telling people to think, you're telling them what to think. And also you have to be honest with yourself on that, too.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
It came up after doing St. Jimmy on Broadway for American Idiot. I loved acting, and so I just kept my options open.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Acting
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I started off small and then this was just the great opportunity.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
We had a lot of fun together. We really were in sync with each other, a lot.Madisyn Shipman is a great kid.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Fun
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
That's where all good music comes from, I think - anything that's likely to have an impact on pop culture comes from a point where there's no expectation of it becoming anything other than personal.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
It would be great to do a rock opera, but using more low-fi technology. I love shitty-sounding records.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Technology
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
There were a couple of times, leading up to shooting [Ordinary World], where I was like, "Oh, my god, what did I get myself into? Hopefully, I don't ruin this guy's precious script." And then, after a couple of days of shooting, I started getting in the groove of it and it was really fun. I love being a rookie at stuff. It makes it feel vital. I love doing things I've never done before, and I love making stuff.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Couple
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
The record [American Idiot ] felt special to us, when we recorded it, with all of the artwork and the concept behind it and it being a rock opera, but we didn't really know where it was going to go. It's like I always say, you just follow the music. Not only was American Idiot a special moment for us, but it also led to Ordinary World, too.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Ordinary World
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
The musical is amazing. i mean,i don't throw around that word very often unless im talking about myself. Being humble is one of my many fine qualities. IGN Interview May 2009
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Humble
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
What I see in a lot of music movies, or rock 'n' roll movies, that feature a band is that they're lip-synching.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Rocks
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
In one of the scenes [in the Ordinary World], you can see a little cameo of my son, who's in the party. You've just gotta bring it all back home.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Party
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
As agent asked if I wanted to be represented, and I said, "Yeah, sure, I'll give it a shot!" It was never something I had really put that much thought into. But then, Lee Kirk reached out and asked if I was interested, and I read the script of the [Ordinary World] and said, "Absolutely!"
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Ordinary World
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I threw a big-ass party. It turned out a bit different from Perry's [in That's Ordinary World], but it was pretty nuts. It wasn't me that threw it though, my wife threw me a surprise party. So [unlike Selma Blair's character] she didn't forget.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Party
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
With age, it really becomes thinking about how time has passed - that's sort of the root of age.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Thinking
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I'm not f-ing Justin Bieber, you motherf-ers!
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Justin
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I just plug in and let go.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Funny
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
When I was done with the movie [Ordinary World], I felt really compelled to start working on another album. Little did I know, they were going to come out back to back.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Ordinary World
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
You want a drumstick? Like a ice cream cone or a chicken wing!?
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Ice Cream
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
That was the hard part of having kids: trying to be on their schedule, then fighting to get to sleep while they are sleeping.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Sleep
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I don't care what you do, I just don't want to be a mud hippie like you. [From 1994 woodstock]
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Hippie
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
We've been a band for 16 years. This is what you dream about.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Dream
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I heard Davey Havok has a brand of eyeliner out now... its AFI-liner
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Eyeliner
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
To me, it doesn't feel like it's just another rock record that somebody put out. It feels like we taped into the culture a little bit
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Rocks
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
My job description is that I'm a rock star. And I'm good at it.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
You can't live on planet rock star 24/7; you have to be down and dirty and have some fun.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Stars
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
History will tell if we were really a good band or just a one day fly.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: One Day
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I'm a songwriter-I'm obligated to keep pushing myself.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Pushing
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I think the little bush is a bit stupid and more or less the puppet of his old man.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Stupid
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
It's not only exciting to watch, but you can also speak a different language with each other. It's a music language that's unique, compared to what other parents do, especially in their professional lives. Not everybody can talk about being an accountant.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Unique
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
I have no idea where my career is going. I just make the best music that I possibly can.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Careers