Top New Experiences Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of New Experiences quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Elif Safak
Moments are born and moments die. For new experiences to come to life, old ones need to wither away.
- Elif Safak
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Tim Harford
Pluralism matters because life is not worth living without new experiences - new people, new places, new challenges. But discipline matters too; we cannot simply treat life as a psychedelic trip through a series of novel sensations.
- Tim Harford
Collection: New Experiences
Image of C.E. Murphy
Nobody who loved life and new experiences that much was ever going to get old, not really. Wiser and eventually dead, maybe, but not old.
- C.E. Murphy
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Jules Verne
Travel enables us to enrich our lives with new experiences, to enjoy and to be educated, to learn respect for foreign cultures, to establish friendships, and above all to contribute to international cooperation and peace throughout the world.
- Jules Verne
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Iris Apfel
If you don’t learn constantly, you don’t grow and you will wither. Too many people wither on the vine. Sure, it gets a little harder as you get older, but new experiences and new challenges keep it fresh.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Joshua Mohr
I want to be the kind of adult that keeps learning. I want to always be open to new experiences.
- Joshua Mohr
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Bob Gill
Counter the effects of culture (steering your design ideas) by going out and looking for new experiences.
- Bob Gill
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Chris Prentiss
The best way for you to get that new experience is to change your response to what happens.
- Chris Prentiss
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Josephine Lawrence
At first trouble is a new experience - gradually you learn that - that it isn't fatal.
- Josephine Lawrence
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Gauri Khan
My signature line of clothing for Satya Paul will showcase a distinctive aspect of my own personal style. Co-creating and endorsing a line for one of India's finest brands will be a new experience for me
- Gauri Khan
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
‎The day you become old is the day you're not looking for new experiences anymore.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Yvor Winters
What I desire of a poem is a clear understanding of motive, and a just evaluation of feeling A poem in the first place should offer us a new perception..bringing into being a new experience Verse is more valuable than prose for its rhythms are faster and more highly organised and lead to greater compexity.
- Yvor Winters
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Alli Simpson
Often you will end up loving the new things you try and even if you don't love it, you've given yourself a new experience.
- Alli Simpson
Collection: New Experiences
Image of P. D. James
Open your mind to new experiences, particularly to the study of other ­people. Nothing that happens to a writer – however happy, however tragic – is ever wasted.
- P. D. James
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Alan Lightman
-But rational thoughts lead only to rational thoughts, whereas irrational thoughts lead to new experiences.
- Alan Lightman
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Sol LeWitt
Irrational judgements lead to new experience.
- Sol LeWitt
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Christopher Lasch
Advertising serves not so much to advertise products as to promote consumption as a way of life. It 'educates' the masses into an unappeasable appetite not only for goods but for new experiences and personal fulfillment.
- Christopher Lasch
Collection: New Experiences
Image of John Banville
Happiness was different in childhood. It was so much then a matter simply of accumulation, of taking things - new experiences, new emotions - and applying them like so many polished tiles to what would someday be the marvellously finished pavilion of the self.
- John Banville
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Violante Placido
As an actress I really like exploring and doing new experiences.
- Violante Placido
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Doug Sweetland
You just want to have new experiences and work with new people, so the idea of working with someone outside of your discipline is exciting.
- Doug Sweetland
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Claudio Simonetti
It's very strange what happens when I start working for a film. In my life I've done a lot of stuff - I did a lot of dance music, a lot of TV shows and lots of different types of films - and every time it is a new experience.
- Claudio Simonetti
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
The moments when something new has entered us, something unknown; our feelings grow mute in shy embarrassment, everything in us withdraws, a silence arises, and the new experience, which no one knows, stands in the midst of it all and says nothing.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Rob Zombie
On the first feature, everything's new. No matter what you're doing, it's a new experience, and you don't really have control over it, in a way, because you just don't know how things work.
- Rob Zombie
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Warren G. Bennis
One of the qualities that all the leaders have is a voracious appetite to learn whatever they do not as yet know and understand, coupled with an openness to new experiences.
- Warren G. Bennis
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Tavis Smiley
I'm very musically curious and I love new experience. I'm an adventurer. Some people want to sort of stay in a safe zone and repeat the same things and give them more depth, and I want to do new things all the time
- Tavis Smiley
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Margaret Mitchell
Never pass up new experiences [Scarlett], They enrich the mind." - Rhett Butler
- Margaret Mitchell
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Jeanette Winterson
As people get older they have these rigid patterns that they impose on themselves, and it kills them. They become dull, they become dead to new experience, they become afraid, biased, and bigoted. It's really simply to do with refusing new experience.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Deepak Chopra
The brain has a quality referred to as plasticity. The ability to form new neural pathways even into very old age. The brain is fluid, flexible and incredibly adaptable to new experiences.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Carrie Brownstein
To be a fan is to be curious, and to be curious is to have openness... Part of being a fan is to allow 360 degrees of experience - to immerse without judgment. It's like a really fearless step forward into new experience. There's something that feels very timeless about fandom.
- Carrie Brownstein
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Paulo Coelho
After weeks on the road, listening to a language you don’t understand, using a currency whose value you don’t comprehend, walking down streets you’ve never walked down before, you discover that your old “I,” along with everything you ever learned, is absolutely no use at all in the face of those new challenges, and you begin to realize that buried deep in your unconscious mind there is someone much more interesting and adventurous and more open to the world and to new experiences.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: New Experiences
Image of George Eliot
All who remember their childhood remember the strange vague sense, when some new experience came, that everything else was going to be changed, and that there would be no lapse into the old monotony.
- George Eliot
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
No one is so eager to gain new experiences as he who doesn't know how to make use of the old ones.
- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Roger Ebert
When I go to the movies, one of my strongest desires is to be shown something new. I want to go to new places, meet new people, have new experiences. When I see Hollywood formulas mindlessly repeated, a little something dies inside of me: I have lost two hours to boors who insist on telling me stories I have heard before.
- Roger Ebert
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Doris Kearns Goodwin
Excitement about things became a habit, a part of my personality, and the expectation that I should enjoy new experiences often engendered the enjoyment itself.
- Doris Kearns Goodwin
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Daniel Handler
A new experience can be extremely pleasurable, or extremely irritating, or somewhere in between, and you never know until you try it out.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Herbie Hancock
I have to care and I have to be honest and have the courage to be vulnerable. If that happens, then that's the best I can do. To just be a puppet for the audience is not very courageous. Just to do whatever they say they want - because a lot of times people will hear something new that they hadn't heard before and get turned on by a new experience and will want to hear more of that.
- Herbie Hancock
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Ivan Illich
The new experience that has replaced dignified suffering is artificially prolonged, opaque, depersonalized maintenance.
- Ivan Illich
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Val Kilmer
YouTube is a new experience for me-someone threw a laptop in front of me and showed me Nic Cage going mad, which has got to be the funniest thing on YouTube. He's so courageous.
- Val Kilmer
Collection: New Experiences
Image of Jessica Lange
Usually, you get a script and you have the whole story. All the acts are there, for a play. You know what happens in the first, second and third acts, and you know how it starts, where you go and where it finishes. [With American Horror Story: Asylum], it's a whole new experience. I don't know where it's going, and I don't know what's going to happen next. It's been an interesting way to work. It's made me work in a much more fluid, braver way, just taking every chance that comes along.
- Jessica Lange
Collection: New Experiences