Top humble Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of humble quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Harold B. Lee
Stay true in the dark, and humble in the spotlight.
- Harold B. Lee
Collection: Humble
Image of William Wordsworth
To character and success, two things, contradictory as they may seem, must go together... humble dependence on God and manly reliance on self.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Humble
Image of Tariq Ramadan
Having traveled a lot and met people from different horizons it makes you more humble and ready to listen.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Humble
Image of Paul of the Cross
Let weak and frail man come here suppliantly to adore the Sacrament of Christ, not to discuss high things, or wish to penetrate difficulties, but to bow down to secret things in humble veneration, and to abandon God's mysteries to God, for Truth deceives no man-Almighty God can do all things. Amen.
- Paul of the Cross
Collection: Humble
Image of Horace Bushnell
By His trials, God means to purify us, to take away all our self-confidence, and our trust in each other, and bring us into implicit, humble trust in Himself.
- Horace Bushnell
Collection: Humble
Image of Victoria Beckham
I think the sexiest thing about a woman is confidence, but confidence in a humble way, not in an arrogant way.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Humble
Image of Yogi Berra
Keep trying. Stay humble, Trust your instincts. Most importantly, act. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Humble
Image of Madam C. J. Walker
I am not ashamed of my past. I am not ashamed of my humble beginning.
- Madam C. J. Walker
Collection: Humble
Image of Philip Pullman
Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit.
- Philip Pullman
Collection: Humble
Image of Ravi Zacharias
Only God is able to humble us without humiliating us and to exalt us without flattering us.
- Ravi Zacharias
Collection: Humble
Image of Brian D. McLaren
One of the things that's happening to a lot of us is that there's this vision of the beauty of God that transports us and that takes us to a new depth and a new height. It's one of those things about beauty. You can't capture it in a word or a formula. When you get to that humble place where the beauty of God has overwhelmed you, I think it changes everything. You can say the same creed that you said before, but now it's not a creed that grasps God in the fist of the words, but it's a creed that points up to a beauty that's beyond anybody's grasp.
- Brian D. McLaren
Collection: Humble
Image of Paul Samuelson
Economists have much to be humble about.
- Paul Samuelson
Collection: Humble
Image of Enoch Powell
A politician complaining about the media is like a sailor complaining about the sea.
- Enoch Powell
Collection: Humble
Image of Felix Baumgartner
When you stand up there on top of the world, you become so humble.
- Felix Baumgartner
Collection: Humble
Image of Felix Baumgartner
When I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble, you do not think about breaking records anymore, you do not think about gaining scientific data. The only thing you want is to come back alive
- Felix Baumgartner
Collection: Humble
Image of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
It is some kind of miracle that all knitting is constructed of only two stitches: knit and purl. Sure, you throw in some yarn overs, and sometimes you knit the stitches out of order, but when it really comes down to it, knitting is simplicity. The most incredible gossamer lace shawl ... the trickiest aran ... a humble sock ... each just made with knit and purl.
- Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Collection: Humble
Image of Joe Orton
The humble and meek are thirsting for lood
- Joe Orton
Collection: Humble
Image of Dave Pelzer
One could come from less than humble beginnings, to become a winner from within.
- Dave Pelzer
Collection: Humble
Image of Josephine Winslow Johnson
The question we do not see when we are young is whether we own pride or are owned by it.
- Josephine Winslow Johnson
Collection: Humble
Image of Jane Addams
As democracy modifies our conception of life, it constantly raises the value and function of each member of the community, however humble he may be.
- Jane Addams
Collection: Humble
Image of Rachael Ray
If you're humble and hardworking, opportunities will arise for you.
- Rachael Ray
Collection: Humble
Image of George S. Patton
The most difficult thing about being humble is not being able to brag about it.
- George S. Patton
Collection: Humble
Image of George Whitefield
Be humble, talk little, think and pray much.
- George Whitefield
Collection: Humble
Image of Brigham Young
Daily toil, however humble it may be, is our daily duty, and by doing it well, we make it a part of our daily worship.
- Brigham Young
Collection: Humble
Image of William Safire
Nobody stands taller than those willing to stand corrected.
- William Safire
Collection: Humble
Image of Bess Streeter Aldrich
It takes a small town to keep you humble.
- Bess Streeter Aldrich
Collection: Humble
Image of Lew Wallace
To begin a reform, go not into the places of the great and rich; go rather to those whose cups of happiness are empty--to the poor and humble.
- Lew Wallace
Collection: Humble
Image of Richard Baxter
Keep up a humble sense of your own faults, and that will make you compassionate to others
- Richard Baxter
Collection: Humble
Image of Samael Aun Weor
Be humble in order to attain enlightenment. Thus, after attaining it, be more humble still.
- Samael Aun Weor
Collection: Humble
Image of Michael Eric Dyson
All of us should be much more humble and contrite when we point the finger at somebody else, because four more fingers are pointing back at us.
- Michael Eric Dyson
Collection: Humble
Image of Catharine Beecher
To open avenues to political place and power for all classes of women would cause these humble labors of the family and school to be still more undervalued and shunned.
- Catharine Beecher
Collection: Humble
Image of Mark Driscoll
Everyone has something to teach you if you are humble enough to learn.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Humble
Image of Andrew Jackson
The great can protect themselves, but the poor and humble require the arm and shield of the law.
- Andrew Jackson
Collection: Humble
Image of David Wilkerson
A humble person is not one who thinks little of himself, hangs his head and says, "I'm nothing." Rather, he is one who depends wholly on the Lord for everything, in every circumstance.
- David Wilkerson
Collection: Humble
Image of John Polkinghorne
The remarkable insights that science affords us into the intelligible workings of the world cry out for an explanation more profound than that which itself can provide. Religion, if it is to take seriously its claim that the world is the creation of god, must be humble enough to learn from science what that world is actually like. The dialogue between them can only be mutually enriching.
- John Polkinghorne
Collection: Humble
Image of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
Is there no reconciliation of some ancient quarrel, no payment of some long outstanding debt, no courtesy or love or honor to be rendered to those to whom it has long been due; no charitable, humble, kind, useful deed, by which you can promote the glory of God, or good-will among men, or peace upon earth? If there be any such, I beseech you, in God's name, in Christ's name, go and do it.
- Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
Collection: Humble
Image of Mark Oliver Everett
I was born the son of a humble mechanic. A quantum mechanic.
- Mark Oliver Everett
Collection: Humble
Image of Andrew Murray
As natural and easy as it has been to be proud, it must become natural for us to be humble.
- Andrew Murray
Collection: Humble
Image of Eliezer Yudkowsky
To confess your fallibility and then do nothing about it is not humble; it is boasting of your modesty.
- Eliezer Yudkowsky
Collection: Humble
Image of Kanye West
Everyone's always telling you to be humble. When was the last time someone told you to be great?
- Kanye West
Collection: Humble
Image of Pitbull
Everything is humble and positive energy.
- Pitbull
Collection: Humble
Image of Lou Reed
When you pass through the fire, you pass through humble.
- Lou Reed
Collection: Humble
Image of Torquato Tasso
O subtle love! a thousand wiles thou hast, by humble suit, by service, or by hire, to win a maiden's hold,--a thing soon done, for nature framed all women to be won.
- Torquato Tasso
Collection: Humble
Image of Miguel Angel Ruiz
Accept your own divinity. Everything is a manifestation of God. When you know that, the power that is LIFE is inside you, you accept your own divinity, and yet you are humble, because you see that see the same divinity in everyone else.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz
Collection: Humble
Image of Johannes Tauler
Judge yourself; if you sincerely and humbly do that, you will not be judged by God.
- Johannes Tauler
Collection: Humble
Image of Billy Donovan
You can do one of two things: You can humble yourself or life will humble you. I think it's a lot easier to find a way to humble yourself.
- Billy Donovan
Collection: Humble
Image of Katha Pollitt
For me, religion is serious business - a farrago of authoritarian nonsense, misogyny and humble pie, the eternal enemy of human happiness and freedom.
- Katha Pollitt
Collection: Humble
Image of Ambrose
If someone offends you, don't tell anyone about it except your elder, and you will be peaceful. Bow to everyone, paying no attention whether they respond to your bow or not. You must humble yourself before everyone and consider yourself the worst of all. If we have not committed the sins that others have, perhaps this is because we did not have the opportunity - the situation and circumstances were different. In each person there is something good and something bad; we usually see only the vices in people and we see nothing that is good.
- Ambrose
Collection: Humble
Image of Elias Lyman Magoon
The Lord's visitations of distinguished favor are always to the diligent. That great men may not be ashamed of honest vocations, the greatest that have ever lived have been contented, happy, and honored while in the pursuit of humble trades.
- Elias Lyman Magoon
Collection: Humble
Image of Joseph Haydn
Rules are my very humble, obedient servants.
- Joseph Haydn
Collection: Humble