Arthur Koestler

Image of Arthur Koestler
Snobbery is not merely a silly human weakness but something basic in the mentality of modern man-a symptom which reflects the general sickness, the dislocation of social and cultural values in contemporary civilization.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Silly
Image of Arthur Koestler
It is impossible to decide whether a particular detail of the Pythagorean universe was the work of the master, or filled in by a pupil a remark which equally applies to Leonardo or Michelangelo . But there can be no doubt that the basic features were conceived by a single mind; that Pythagoras of Samos was both the founder of a new religious philosophy, and the founder of Science, as the word is understood today.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Religious
Image of Arthur Koestler
The more backwoodish a social group, juvenile or adult, the stricter its conception of the normal, and the readier it will ridicule any departure from it.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Society
Image of Arthur Koestler
Space-ships and time machines are no escape from the human condition. Let Othello subject Desdemona to a lie-detector test; his jealousy will still blind him to the evidence. Let Oedipus triumph over gravity; he won't triumph over his fate.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Lying
Image of Arthur Koestler
Space-ships and time machines are no escape from the human condition.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Space
Image of Arthur Koestler
Most of us were not afraid of death, only of the act of dying; and there were times when we overcame even this fear. At such moments we were free-men without shadows, dismissed from the ranks of the mortal; it was the most complete experience of freedom that can be granted a man.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Men
Image of Arthur Koestler
If there is a lesson in our story it is that the manipulation, according to strictly self-consistent rules, of a set of symbols representing one single aspect of the phenomena may produce correct, verifiable predictions, and yet completely ignore all other aspects whose ensemble constitutes reality.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Reality
Image of Arthur Koestler
Of all forms of mental activity, the most difficult to induce even in the minds of the young, who may be presumed not to have lost their flexibility, is the art of handling the same bundle of data as before, but placing them in a new system of relations with one another by giving them a different framework, all of which virtually means putting on a different kind of thinking-cap for the moment. It is easy to teach anybody a new fact...but it needs light from heaven above to enable a teacher to break the old framework in which the student is accustomed to seeing.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Teacher
Image of Arthur Koestler
The progress of science, like an ancient desert trail, is strewn with the bleached skeletons of discarded theories, doctrines, and axioms which seemed to possess eternal life.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Skeletons
Image of Arthur Koestler
You can't help people being right for the wrong reasons...This fear of finding oneself in bad company is not an expression of political purity; it is an expression of a lack of self-confidence.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Self Confidence
Image of Arthur Koestler
The individual is not a killer, but the group is, and by identifying with it the individual is transformed into a killer.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Society
Image of Arthur Koestler
There is only one prospect worse than being chained to an intolerable existence: The nightmare of a botched attempt to end it.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Sad
Image of Arthur Koestler
What is an editor but a cross between a fall guy and a father figure? arthur koestler
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Family
Image of Arthur Koestler
The cell door slammed behind Rubishov.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Book
Image of Arthur Koestler
No writer or teacher or artist can escape the responsibility of influencing others whether he intends to or not, whether he is conscious of it or not.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Teacher
Image of Arthur Koestler
Some of the greatest discoveries...consist mainly in the clearing away of psychological roadblocks which obstruct the approach to reality; which is why,post factum they appear so obvious.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Reality
Image of Arthur Koestler
The ultimate truth is penultimately a falsehood.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Truth
Image of Arthur Koestler
The 'gallows' are not only a symbol of death, but also a symbol of cruelty, terror and irreverence for life; the common denominator of primitive savagery, medieval fanaticism and modern totalitarianism.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Irreverence
Image of Arthur Koestler
...the cosmology of a given age is not the result of unilinear, "scientific" development, but rather the most striking, imaginative symbol of its mentality- the projection of its conflicts, prejudice and specific ways of double-think onto the graceful sky.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Arthur Koestler
Adolescence is a kind of emotional seasickness. Both are funny, but only in retrospect.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Emotional
Image of Arthur Koestler
In creating the human brain, evolution has wildly overshot the mark.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Creating
Image of Arthur Koestler
Einstein's space is no closer to reality than Van Gogh's sky . The glory of science is not in a truth more absolute than the truth of Bach or Tolstoy, but in the act of creation itself. The scientist's discoveries impose his own order on chaos, as the composer or painter imposes his; an order that always refers to limited aspects of reality, and is based on the observer's frame of reference, which differs from period to period as a Rembrant nude differs from a nude by Manet.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Reality
Image of Arthur Koestler
Einstein's space is no closer to reality than Van Gogh's sky.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Science
Image of Arthur Koestler
Hitherto man had to live with the idea of death as an individual; from now onward mankind will have to live with the idea of its death as a species.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Death
Image of Arthur Koestler
The fact is: I no longer believe in my own infallibility. That is why I am lost.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Believe
Image of Arthur Koestler
I profoundly admire Aldous Huxley, both for his philosophy and uncompromising sincerity. But I disagree with his advocacy of 'the chemical opening of doors into the Other World', and with his belief that drugs can procure 'what Catholic theologians call a gratuitous grace'. Chemically induced hallucinations, delusions and raptures may be frightening or wonderfully gratifying; in either case they are in the nature of confidence tricks played on one's own nervous system.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Arthur Koestler
Death tripped down the corridor, changing step, struck out here and there, danced pirouettes; often I felt his breath on my face when he was miles away; often I fell asleep and dreamed while he stood leaning over my bed.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Bed
Image of Arthur Koestler
History is a priori amoral; it has no conscience.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Conscience
Image of Arthur Koestler
The disastrous history of our species indicates the futility of all attempts at a diagnosis which do not take into account the possibility that homo sapiens is a victim of one of evolution's countless mistakes.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Mistake
Image of Arthur Koestler
Wherever we find orderly, stable systems in Nature, we find that they are hierarchically structured, for the simple reason that without such structuring of complex systems into sub-assemblies, there could be no order and stability- except the order of a dead universe filled with a uniformly distributed gas.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Simple
Image of Arthur Koestler
Some tribes [of monkeys] have taken to washing potatoes in the river before eating them, others have not. Sometimes migrating groups of potato-washers meet non-washers, and the two groups watch each other's strange behavior with apparent bewilderment. But unlike the inhabitants of Lilliput, who fought holy crusades over the question at which end to break the egg, the potato-washing monkeys do not go to war with the non-washers, because the poor creatures have no language which would enable them to declare washing a diving commandment and eating unwashed potatoes a deadly heresy.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: War
Image of Arthur Koestler
History knows no scruples and no hesitation. Inert and unnering flows towards her goal. History knows herway. She makes no mistakes.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Mistake
Image of Arthur Koestler
When a person identifies himself with a group his critical faculties are diminished and his passions enhanced by a kind of emotive resonance. The individual is not a killer, the group is, and by identifying with it, the individual becomes one. This is the infernal dialect reflected in man's history.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Passion
Image of Arthur Koestler
The temptations of God were always more dangerous for mankind than those of Satan.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Temptation
Image of Arthur Koestler
Every creative act – in science, art, or religion – involves a regression to a more primitive level, a new innocence of perception liberated from the cataract of accepted beliefs.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Art
Image of Arthur Koestler
The Revolutionary's Utopia, which in appearance represents a complete break with the past, is always modeled on some image of the Lost Paradise, of a legendary Golden Age... All utopias are fed from the source of mythology; the social engineers' blueprints are merely revised editions of the ancient text.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Past
Image of Arthur Koestler
Zen is to religion what a Japanese "rock garden" is to a garden. Zen knows no god, no afterlife, no good and no evil, as the rock-garden knows no flowers, herbs or shrubs. It has no doctrine or holy writ: its teaching is transmitted mainly in the form of parables as ambiguous as the pebbles in the rock-garden which symbolise now a mountain, now a fleeting tiger. When a disciple asks "What is Zen?", the master's traditional answer is "Three pounds of flax" or "A decaying noodle" or "A toilet stick" or a whack on the pupil's head.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Flower
Image of Arthur Koestler
Somebody once asked Niels Bohr why he had a horseshoe hanging above the front door of his house. Surely you, a world famous physicist, can't really believe that hanging a horseshoe above your door brings you luck? Of course not, Bohr replied, but I have been reliably informed that it will bring me luck whether I believe in it or not.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Believe
Image of Arthur Koestler
Among all forms of mentation, verbal thinking is the most articulate, the most complex, and the most vulnerable to infectious diseases. It is liable to absorb whispered suggestions, and to incorporate them as hidden persuaders into the code.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Arthur Koestler
If power corrupts, the reverse is also true; persecution corrupts the victims though perhaps in subtler and more tragic ways.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Israel
Image of Arthur Koestler
The moment of truth, the sudden emergence of a new insight, is an act of intuition. Such intuitions give the appearance of miraculous flushes, or short-circuits of reasoning. In fact they may be likened to an immersed chain, of which only the beginning and the end are visible above the surface of consciousness. The diver vanishes at one end of the chain and comes up at the other end, guided by invisible links.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Giving
Image of Arthur Koestler
Conscious and unconscious experiences do not belong to different compartments of the mind; they form a continuous scale of gradations, of degrees of awareness.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Mind
Image of Arthur Koestler
War is a ritual, a deadly ritual, not the result of aggressive self-assertion, but of self-transcending identification. Without loyalty to tribe, church, flag or ideal, there would be no wars.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Arthur Koestler
God is dethroned; and although the incognizant masses are tardy in realizing the event, they feel the icy draught caused by that vacancy. Man enters upon a spiritual ice age; the established churches can no longer provide more than Eskimo huts where their shivering flock huddles together.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Arthur Koestler
The real achievement in discoveries... is seeing an analogy where no one saw one before... The essence of discovery is that unlikely marriage of cabbages and kings — of previously unrelated frames of reference or universes of discourse — whose union will solve the previously insoluble problem.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Real
Image of Arthur Koestler
I am not sure whether ethical absolutes exist. But I am sure that we have to act as if they existed or civilization perishes.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Civilization
Image of Arthur Koestler
Coincidence may be described as the chance encounter of two unrelated causal chains which-miraculously, it seems-merge into a significant event. It provides the neatest paradigm of the bisociation of previously separate contexts, engineered by fate. Coincidences are puns of destiny. In the pun, two strings of thought are tangled into one acoustic knot; in the coincidental happening, two strings of events are knitted together by invisible hands.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Fate
Image of Arthur Koestler
...the crimes of violence committed for selfish, personal motives are historically insignificant compared to those committed ad majorem gloriam Dei, out of a self-sacrificing devotion to the flag, a leader, a religeous faith or political conviction.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Selfish
Image of Arthur Koestler
The inner defenses are unconscious. They consist of a kind of magic aura which the mind builds around cherished belief. Arguments which penetrate into the magic aura are not dealt with rationally but by a specific type of pseudo-reasoning. Absurdities and contradictions are made acceptable by specious rationalizations.
- Arthur Koestler
Collection: Mind