Top Silly Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Silly quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Laura Moriarty
I know that sometimes when you are really worried about something, it ends up not being nearly as bad as you think it will be, and you get to be relieved that you were just being silly, worrying so much over nothing. But sometimes it is just the opposite. It can happen that whatever you are worried about will be even worse than you could have possibly imagined, and you find that you were right to be worried, and even that, maybe, you weren't worried enough.
- Laura Moriarty
Collection: Silly
Image of Dar Williams
God looks like a guidance counselor, God's got that smile. God says, 'How could this be? That's really odd I guess I'll have to check my records, silly me, you know, I'm only God.'
- Dar Williams
Collection: Silly
Image of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Burgundy makes you think of silly things; Bordeaux makes you talk about them, and Champagne makes you do them.
- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Collection: Silly
Image of John Belushi
Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
- John Belushi
Collection: Silly
Image of Sarah Jessica Parker
People should dress the way they want. Any rules for age or shape are silly. If you walk out the door feeling good about yourself, that’s what counts.
- Sarah Jessica Parker
Collection: Silly
Image of John Bonham
I never had any lessons. When I first started playing I used to read music. I was very interested in music. But when I started playing in groups I did a silly thing and dropped it. It's great if you can write things down.
- John Bonham
Collection: Silly
Image of Steven Levenkron
How silly people were to eat. They thought they needed food for energy, but they didn't. Energy came from will, from self-control.
- Steven Levenkron
Collection: Silly
Image of David Sarnoff
The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?
- David Sarnoff
Collection: Silly
Image of Booth Tarkington
Nobody has a good name in a bad mouth. Nobody has a good name in a silly mouth either.
- Booth Tarkington
Collection: Silly
Image of Lewis Buzbee
Maturity and experience shouldn't stop one from craving silly things like sliding down bannisters.
- Lewis Buzbee
Collection: Silly
Image of Gavin Extence
The most important thing I learned [...] was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist.
- Gavin Extence
Collection: Silly
Image of Louise Bogan
But it's silly to suggest the writing of poetry is something ethereal, a sort of soul-crashing, devastating emotional experience that wrings you. I have no fancy ideas about poetry. ... It doesn't come to you on the wings of a dove. It's something you have to work hard at.
- Louise Bogan
Collection: Silly
Image of Christoph Waltz
A silly comedy needs a straight guy, and that guy needs to be as straight as possible. The moment you start playing straight you're not straight anymore, you're bent straight, so it really requires the usual serious, straight-forward analysis and research, looking into it and finding the dramatic function, all of what you do until you feel you've collected enough points to safely and securely play the part.
- Christoph Waltz
Collection: Silly
Image of Victoria Alexander
Silly of me not to have realized it. One often finds Greek temples lurking in the woods of English estates. Sneaky things, temples.
- Victoria Alexander
Collection: Silly
Image of Sabrina Jeffries
Don’t be silly. Loving is easy. It’s finding someone to love you back that’s hard.
- Sabrina Jeffries
Collection: Silly
Image of Sabrina Jeffries
He stared past her to the place at the other end of the dining table where Regina would sit as his wife. If she were here. If he hadn’t driven her away. “I’m not sure I know how to love, Louisa.” She took his hand. “Don’t be silly. Loving is easy. It’s finding someone to love you back that’s hard.
- Sabrina Jeffries
Collection: Silly
Image of Tori Spelling
Everybody knows there is no such thing as normal. There is no black-and-white definition of normal. Normal is subjective. There's only a messy, inconsistent, silly, hopeful version of how we feel most at home in our lives.
- Tori Spelling
Collection: Silly
Image of Mike Myers
Silly is you in a natural state, and serious is something you have to do until you can get silly again.
- Mike Myers
Collection: Silly
Image of Eva Ibbotson
That's silly, Anna," said the Honorable Olive. "Being afraid is silly, you know it is.
- Eva Ibbotson
Collection: Silly
Image of Galen Beckett
One is always willfully absurd.... If one does not say silly things with a purpose, then he is merely an idiot.
- Galen Beckett
Collection: Silly
Image of William Shenstone
I have been formerly so silly as to hope that every servant I had might be made a friend; I am now convinced that the nature of servitude generally bears a contrary tendency. People's characters are to be chiefly collected from their education and place in life; birth itself does but little.
- William Shenstone
Collection: Silly
Image of Bryan Lee O'Malley
These shoes are Mr Silly's shoes, Scott.
- Bryan Lee O'Malley
Collection: Silly
Image of Angie Sage
Oh dear," said Sarah anxiously, "I do wish he wouldn't do these silly things." I'm sure we all wish that, Sarah," said Marcia sternly. "But unfortunately he has progressed rather further than the silly stage. Evil-minded-scheming stage is more what I would call it.
- Angie Sage
Collection: Silly
Image of Horace Walpole
Serendipity... You will understand it better by the derivation than by the definition. I once read a silly fairy tale, called 'The Three Princes of Serendip': as their Highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of.
- Horace Walpole
Collection: Silly
Image of Kristin Cashore
Go safely. Go safely, she thought to him. what a silly, empty thing it was to say to anyone, anywhere.
- Kristin Cashore
Collection: Silly
Image of Lauren Weisberger
Oh, don't be silly - EVERYONE wants this. Everyone wants to be *us*.
- Lauren Weisberger
Collection: Silly
Image of Nevil Shute
Maybe we've been too silly to deserve a world like this.
- Nevil Shute
Collection: Silly
Image of Gregory Peck
It just seems silly to me that something so right and simple has to be fought for at all.
- Gregory Peck
Collection: Silly
Image of Herbie Brennan
And your police are like our police in the Realm?' Blue said. 'They flog you if you do something wrong and cut off your hand if you’re caught stealing?' No, they don’t do that, Henry said uncertainly. Why not? It’s pretty silly not to, isn’t it?' Blue said.
- Herbie Brennan
Collection: Silly
Image of Pseudonymous Bosch
Oh, talking is not so bad as that," said the Jester. "True, most people say only silly things when they speak. But it's easier to ignore them if you're saying silly things yourself.
- Pseudonymous Bosch
Collection: Silly
Image of John Prescott
Because of the security reasons for one thing and, second, my wife doesn't like to have her hair blown about. Have you got another silly question?
- John Prescott
Collection: Silly
Image of C. D. Broad
...By a 'silly' theory I mean one which may be held at the time when one is talking or writing professionally, but which only an inmate of a lunatic asylum would think of carrying into daily life. ... It must not be supposed that the men who maintain these theories and beliefs are 'silly' people. Only very acute and learned men could have thought of anything so odd or defended anything so preposterous against the continual protests of common sense.
- C. D. Broad
Collection: Silly
Image of Leon M. Lederman
Those who do not stop asking silly questions become scientists.
- Leon M. Lederman
Collection: Silly
Image of George V. Higgins
A cop told me, a long time ago, that there’s no substitute for knowing what you’re doing. Most of us scribblers do not. The ones that’re any good are aware of this. The rest write silly stuff. The trouble is this: The readers know it.
- George V. Higgins
Collection: Silly
Image of Richard Mitchell
If you cannot be the master of your language, you must be its slave. If you cannot examine your thoughts, you have no choice but to think them, however silly they may be.
- Richard Mitchell
Collection: Silly
Image of Michael Schudson
If there are signs that Americans bow to the gods of advertising, there are equally indications that people find the gods ridiculous. It is part of the popular culture that advertisements are silly.
- Michael Schudson
Collection: Silly
Image of Erik Naggum
Unfortunately, nigh the whole world is now duped into thinking that silly fill-in forms on web pages is the way to do user interfaces.
- Erik Naggum
Collection: Silly
Image of Ronnie Coleman
There's no secrets or magic tricks to being successful in life. It's plain and simple. Work harder than everyone else and the only way to do that is to do it. It may sound silly but it's the truth and there aint nothing to it but to do it!
- Ronnie Coleman
Collection: Silly
Image of Maury Wills
Okay, everyone, now inhale... and then dehale!
- Maury Wills
Collection: Silly
Image of Bernard Manning
I've got cheekier with age. You can get away with murder when you're 71 years old. People just think I'm a silly old fool.
- Bernard Manning
Collection: Silly
Image of David B. Haight
You young men of the priesthood, resolve to live the way you should. Don't be caught up in some of the silly things that are going on in the world, but bear in mind what has been given to you.
- David B. Haight
Collection: Silly
Image of Jim Steinman
I've been called over the top. How silly. If you don't go over the top, you can't see what's on the other side.
- Jim Steinman
Collection: Silly
Image of Gary Cooper
I'm just glad it'll be Clark Gable who's falling on his face and not Gary Cooper.
- Gary Cooper
Collection: Silly
Image of Hank Green
Being silly is still allowed, not excluded by adulthood. What's excluded by adulthood is thoughtlessness, so be thoughtful and silly
- Hank Green
Collection: Silly
Image of Ernesto Cardenal
God may do something silly at any time, because, like any lover, God does not reason. God is drunk with love.
- Ernesto Cardenal
Collection: Silly
Image of Bill Smith
It's a silly fool who thinks killing an animal with one tool is different than killing him with another.
- Bill Smith
Collection: Silly
Image of Norman Finkelstein
There's nothing Israel can do without US support. It can't breathe without US support. The US bankrolls everything, and it's just silly to think that Israel can do anything without the support.
- Norman Finkelstein
Collection: Silly
Image of Dick Costolo
That’s just silly. Closing a global business in reaction to single-issue national politics is foolish.
- Dick Costolo
Collection: Silly
Image of Basil Bunting
Our doom is, to be sifted by the wind, heaped up, smoothed down like silly sands. We are less permanent than thought.
- Basil Bunting
Collection: Silly
Image of David Krumholtz
Halfway through Numbers, I got really jaded, and I had these unrealistic expectations about what Numbers could be. I thought it should be Emmy-nominated. I was in my mid-20s, so I was kind of shortsighted and silly.
- David Krumholtz
Collection: Silly