Top Swimming Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Swimming quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Swimming quotes.

Image of Simon Sinek
Safe is good for sidewalks and swimming pools, but life requires risk if we are to get anywhere.
- Simon Sinek
Collection: Swimming
Image of Melody Beattie
When it's too difficult to keep swimming, float.
- Melody Beattie
Collection: Swimming
Image of Rick Riordan
Words had started swimming off the page, circling my head, the letters doing one-eighties as if they were riding skateboards.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Swimming
Image of Ovid
He who holds the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming.
- Ovid
Collection: Swimming
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Nobel Prize money is a life-belt thrown to a swimmer who has already reached the shore in safety.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Swimming
Image of Mark Twain
Some people give their problems swimming lessons instead of drowning them.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Swimming
Image of Michael Phelps
This is the first medal I've ever won in an international meet. For it to be gold is incredible. It feels great. I can't explain it.
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Swimming
Image of Ann Brashares
I'm not going anywhere without you. We're swimming to China together. And if the worst happens, I'm dying with you before I'm living without you.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Swimming
Image of Lauren DeStefano
My head is my favorite swimming pool.
- Lauren DeStefano
Collection: Swimming
Image of Hilary Swank
When I was a swimmer and I would lose a heat in something I was doing whether it backstroke or breaststroke, were two of my most strongest strokes, I would look at how whoever it was that won and beat me and think, "What did they do? What were... What were the qualities that they had that I can incorporate into my swimming to make me better?"
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Swimming
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
Do men who have got all their marbles go swimming in lakes with their clothes on?
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Swimming
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The first opinion that occurs to us when we are suddenly asked about something is usually not our own but only the current one pertaining to our class, position, or parentage; our own opinions seldom swim on the surface.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Swimming
Image of Mao Zedong
While swimming in the heavily polluted rivers of south China, despite the pleadings of his security guards and his physician, he would chide his companions if they began to panic in the water: Maybe you're afraid of sinking, Don't think about it. If you don't think about it, you won't sink. If you do, you will.
- Mao Zedong
Collection: Swimming
Image of Alan Moore
I think I'm a bit like a kind of shark, that if I stop swimming, I won't be able to breathe, something like that.
- Alan Moore
Collection: Swimming
Image of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
... strike the words "white male" from all your constitutions, and then, with fair sailing, let us sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish together.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Collection: Swimming
Image of James Patterson
Do we have any chlorine? It seems to be kind of explosive when mixed with other stuff." "Like what, your socks? No, we don't have chlorine. No swimming pool.
- James Patterson
Collection: Swimming
Image of Lauren Oliver
Po swirled upward from where it had been sitting, and floated over to the window. "When you go swimming and you put your head under the water," Po said, "and everything is strange and underwater-sounding, and strange and underwater-looking, you don't miss the air do you? You don't miss the above-water sounds and the above-water look. It's just different." "True." Liesl was quiet for a moment. Then she added, "But I bet you'd miss it if you were drowning. I bet you'd really miss the air then."
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Swimming
Image of Voltaire
I confess that my stomach does not take to this style of cooking. I cannot accept calves sweetbreads swimming in a salty sauce, nor can I eat mince consisting of turkey, hare, and rabbit, which they try to persuade me comes from a single animal... As for the cooks, I really cannot be expected to put up with this ham essence, nor the excessive quantity of morels and other mushrooms, pepper, and nutmeg with which they disguise perfectly good food.
- Voltaire
Collection: Swimming
Image of Woodrow Wilson
I confess my belief in the common man.... The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.... The man who is in the melee knows what blows are being struck and what blood is being drawn.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: Swimming
Image of William Saroyan
Indians are born with an instinct for riding, rowing, hunting, fishing, and swimming. Americans are born with an instinct for fooling around with machines.
- William Saroyan
Collection: Swimming
Image of Henry Miller
We are swimming on the face of time and all else has drowned, is drowning, or will drown.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Swimming
Image of Dana Gould
I tried synchronized swimming, but felt, over time, I was just going through the motions.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Swimming
Image of Steve Allen
Impartial observers from other planets would consider ours an utterly bizarre enclave if it were populated by birds, defined as flying animals, that nevertheless rarely or never actually flew. They would also be perplexed if they encountered in our seas, lakes, rivers, and ponds, creatures defined as swimmers that never did any swimming. But they would be even more surprised to encounter a species defined as a thinking animal if, in fact, the creature very rarely indulged in actual thinking.
- Steve Allen
Collection: Swimming
Image of Dale Carnegie
Practice, practice, practice in speaking before an audience will tend to remove all fear of audiences, just as practice in swimming will lead to confidence and facility in the water. You must learn to speak by speaking.
- Dale Carnegie
Collection: Swimming
Image of Denis Waitley
Losers let it happen; winners make it happen!
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Swimming
Image of Michael Caine
People say to me, why did you do those films, and I say, for money. It wasn't for diamond rings or kidney shaped swimming pools in Beverly Hills, it was in order to improve the lot of everyone around me.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Swimming
Image of Tenzin Palmo
You see people swimming, and you think, oh, how wonderful to swim. But most people stand on the edge swaying back and forth, afraid to jump. They don't think they can swim.
- Tenzin Palmo
Collection: Swimming
Image of Brian Tracy
To overcome fear, act as if it were impossible to fail, and it shall be.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Swimming
Image of Charles Darwin
Our ancestor was an animal which breathed water, had a swim-bladder, a great swimming tail, an imperfect skull & undoubtedly was an hermaphrodite! Here is a pleasant genealogy for mankind.
- Charles Darwin
Collection: Swimming
Image of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Industrial agriculture now accounts for over half of America's water pollution. Two years ago, Pfiesteria outbreaks connected with wastes from industrial chicken factories forced the closure of two major tributaries of the Chesapeake and threatened Maryland's vital shellfish industry. Tyson Foods has polluted half of all streams in northwestern Arkansas with so much fecal bacteria that swimming is prohibited. Drugs and hormones needed to keep confined animals alive and growing are mainly excreted with the wastes and saturate local waterways.
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Collection: Swimming
Image of Sarah Dessen
I felt like I'd been swimming so hard, and the water growing warmer and warmer the closer I got to the top. I wasn't there yet, but now I could see the surface, rippling just beyond my fingers.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Swimming
Image of Barbara Sher
Thinking about swimming isn't much like actually getting in the water. Actually getting in the water can take your breath away.
- Barbara Sher
Collection: Swimming
Image of Michael Crichton
Do you want to understand how to swim, or do you want to jump in and start swimming? Only people who are afraid of the water want to understand it. Other people jump in and get wet.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Swimming
Image of Eddie Marsan
I went swimming the other day and my wife was watching and she said: "You know, it's funny, it's when you've got no clothes on, no one recognises you." I said: "What are you saying? That I should do more love scenes?"
- Eddie Marsan
Collection: Swimming
Image of Billy Connolly
Try to catch a trout and experience the glorious feeling of letting it go and seeing it swimming away.
- Billy Connolly
Collection: Swimming
Image of Zac Efron
It's hard to film underwater. It really is tricky. You don't have goggles, so you can't see anything. You don't know where you're swimming to. Everything's blurry.
- Zac Efron
Collection: Swimming
Image of Richard P. Feynman
We have been led to imagine all sorts of things infinitely more marvelous than the imagining of poets and dreamers of the past. It shows that the imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man. For instance, how much more remarkable it is for us all to be stuck-half of us upside down-by a mysterious attraction, to a spinning ball that has been swinging in space for billions of years, than to be carried on the back of an elephant supported on a tortoise swimming in a bottomless sea.
- Richard P. Feynman
Collection: Swimming
Image of David Eddings
Whatever happened to him?" Silk asked. "He went swimming in the Nedrane." "I didn't know that Thulls swam all that well." "They don't–particularly not with large rocks tied to their feet.
- David Eddings
Collection: Swimming
Image of Melissa Etheridge
I taught Brad Pitt how to fly-fish in my swimming pool!
- Melissa Etheridge
Collection: Swimming
Image of Jon Foreman
Just as drowning cannot be equated with swimming, mere existence is not the same as abundant life. We have been offered a new way to live – a new way to be human.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Swimming
Image of Janet Fitch
I'm a fish swimming by...catch me if you want me.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Swimming
Image of Joe Teti
If I gave this guy more time, there would be a swimming pool and rattan furniture.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Swimming
Image of Tim Ferriss
Seemingly unrelated [things] that are in fact really related, that's the stuff I like to talk about. Like dancing, language learning, swimming, three-pointers.
- Tim Ferriss
Collection: Swimming
Image of T. Harv Eker
If you want to fly with eagles, stop swimming with ducks.
- T. Harv Eker
Collection: Swimming
Image of Karen Armstrong
Religion is a practical discipline and in the 17th century in the West, we turned it onto a head trip. But it's like dancing, or swimming, or driving, which you can't learn by texts. You have to get into the car and learn how to manipulate the vehicle.
- Karen Armstrong
Collection: Swimming
Image of Billie Joe Armstrong
The first time I ever saw him play, Tre Cool was wearing a tutu and an old-womans swimming cap.
- Billie Joe Armstrong
Collection: Swimming
Image of Henry George
No person, I think, ever saw a herd of buffalo, of which a few were fat and the great majority lean. No person ever saw a flock of birds, of which two or three were swimming in grease, and the others all skin and bone.
- Henry George
Collection: Swimming
Image of Seth Godin
We've greatly exaggerated the risk of sinking, without celebrating the value of swimming.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Swimming
Image of Margaret Atwood
Once I was in Texas, where they had this thing called Ralph the Swimming Pig. You went into a theater and you were looking through a great big window at people dressed as mermaids swimming around with oxygen tanks. One of the mermaids had a bottle of milk, and a small Ralph the Swimming Pig dove in and swam over. Naturally, afterward, I said in the cafeteria, "What happens to the Ralphs when they get bigger? Would you serve Ralphs who have retired?" "Oh no! We would never do such a thing."
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Swimming