Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 73

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 73 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Malcolm Forbes
As you get older there shouldn't be anything you won't try. The payoff is that you open up whole new avenues that are fun. It's a misinterpretation of life to live it only in preparation for the next one. To subordinate the one you've got to an indefinite next round is foolish. It's a waste of this life not to live this life. What's next is anybody's guess.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
The way to meditate is by not trying to be too good at it too quickly. This is essential, because otherwise you won't have any fun with it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
If you meditate and continue to have fun with yoga and Buddhism, you will amass knowledge and will move to a higher incarnation. In your next lifetime you will be much wiser, much happier.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Ferriss
Fun things happen when you earn dollars, live on pesos, and compensate in rupees.
- Tim Ferriss
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
If I can have an effect on influential women and men, if they seek me out because they are interested in self-knowledge and the fun of meditating, then I'm glad to help. That's why I'm here.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I was poking fun at myself most of all.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Fun
Image of Matthew Zapruder
I don't know if anyone has ever mentioned this, we need to be careful with drugs! They're not just all fun and games! And of course poetry would be immeasurably worse without humor.
- Matthew Zapruder
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Felton
To then be on set [of The Flash] the next day over a meta human carcass talking about stratum corneum with Barry Allen, I was, like, fan girling out a little bit. I had to calm myself down a few times. But it makes it fun, coming in as a fan.
- Tom Felton
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeph Loeb
Not only do we have the handsomest voice cast out there, along with the very lovely Black Widow, we also have an incredible voice cast, in terms of being able to handle the drama, the fun, the excitement and the promise that Marvel brings to every single one of our projects, which is epic adventure on the human spirit.
- Jeph Loeb
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
You see, that's the fun of Buddhism. We do have a wild card in the deck that can't be explained, that changes value continuously, and that's enlightenment.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Judd Apatow
My way of dealing with the world has always been to make fun of it and observe it but not take part in it.That's how I became a writer. But when you have kids, suddenly you have to be part of things. It leads almost to a breakdown because your whole defense mechanism is now really destructive.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
You get to the point where you have to wash the dishes. That's the fun in life. Being behind the scenes and doing things for others; being an instrument of that cause. That is the secret teaching.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Ian Bogost
We think we want enjoyment, and that enjoyment is incompatible with work, and somehow we have to import the pleasure into these miserable experiences. That takes for granted that there's not fun or play to be found in the work itself.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Fun
Image of Ian Bogost
If you stop someone who's talking about something being fun, and say "Well what do you mean?" it's almost impossible to answer.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Fun
Image of Ian Bogost
For me, what fun means is finding novelty in the suffocating familiarity of ordinary life.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Fun
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
My God,' he gasped, 'you're fun to kiss.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
I like to be weird, kinky, straight, in and out, up and down. I like to blow up people's expectations, create them, destroy them, and dissolve them. It is fun.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Jean Anouilh
What fun it would be to be poor, as long as one was excessively poor! Anything in excess is most exhilarating
- Jean Anouilh
Collection: Fun
Image of Conor McGregor
Have fun, that's what it's all about. People get stressed over it... Let competition eat them up. That's not me, I just get in and have fun. That's what I'm here to do: Have fun and make some money doing it.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Fun
Image of Clint Eastwood
I am sort of anti-hunting. I don't put down what anyone wants to do, but it seems to me that killing a creature for fun is not a progressive idea.
- Clint Eastwood
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Douglas
What it was like to kiss Matt Damon? You know, it doesn't matter, does it, if it's a man or a woman. It's a kiss. We had to show affection in some places, love, passion in other places. A kiss is just a kiss. I mean, we'd have our fun. You know, "Matt, what flavour lip gloss would you like me to wear today?" When I see the movie I'm so proud that a few minutes go by and I forget that it's Matt and I, and halfway through I forget it's two guys. The arguments sound the same as arguments a guy has with his wife.
- Michael Douglas
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Douglas
For an actor, its great fun to play one of these hungry white sharks. Audiences love to hate them.
- Michael Douglas
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Douglas
Suddenly you've worked yourself up to the top of the pecking order and you say to yourself, okay, this is going to be fun.
- Michael Douglas
Collection: Fun
Image of Malcolm Forbes
Advice: It's more fun to give than to receive.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
Then there are most of my students who don't know a whole lot about love. You don't know what fun love is. I will remain inaccessible to you until you learn how to love.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Morgan Spurlock
"Mansome" was one of those projects where it was a great change to do something fun and look at the subject in an engaging way. My next film is not going to be about pedicures.
- Morgan Spurlock
Collection: Fun
Image of Prince Fielder
You've got to have some fun before games or you make the season too long. We don't start work until seven o'clock. If you're game-ready at three, it's not good for you. This is the only way I know how to do it.
- Prince Fielder
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
I like to shop. I don't always buy things when I shop, but I think it's fun to go out and look at the worlds of colors. I love to roam through supermarkets. I am a great lover of household products. I particularly like the packaging of cereal boxes.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Eggers
Maybe he hadn't thought the war through. It had seemed like simple fun when he had first pictured it, with a glorious beginning, a difficult but valor-filled middle, and a victorious end. He hadn't accounted for the fact that there might not be much of a resolution to the battle, and he hadn't imagined what it would feel like when the war just sort of ended, without anyone admitting defeat and congratulating him for his bravery.
- Dave Eggers
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Mankoff
I'm making fun of myself and I think I'm making fun of all men in our desperate, desperate attempt to understand the people we're with and hopefully through humor have them understand us.
- Robert Mankoff
Collection: Fun
Image of Vilmos Zsigmond
I like to work with talented people, I must say that. That's my weakness. I really like to work with good directors. That doesn't mean I don't like to work with starting up young directors, that's fun also.
- Vilmos Zsigmond
Collection: Fun
Image of Aziz Ansari
It's much more fun to share and laugh at the bad times and the frustrations. I find you get a much deeper connection with the audience that way.
- Aziz Ansari
Collection: Fun
Image of Jennifer Aniston
I actually will always stop and watch [Friends episodes], not for the whole thing, but usually because I've forgotten a lot of the episodes. It's sort of fun for a second, I'm like, what's this one? And sometimes it comes back to me. I always know what year it was by what length my hair was or what color.
- Jennifer Aniston
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen Malkmus
There's something in life that's cool, it's relatively cheap, and fun, and populist. Even when it's elitist.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen Malkmus
When I see four young kids in a band, I think, That looks really fun, no matter how shitty they are. You develop your own thing, and get excited about your band name. It's all so harmless.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard P. Feynman
If you keep proving stuff that others have done, getting confidence, increasing the complexities of your solutions - for the fun of it - then one day you'll turn around and discover that nobody actually did that one! And that's the way to become a computer scientist.
- Richard P. Feynman
Collection: Fun
Image of Carlos Mencia
When I was young and didn't have money, I liked gambling because winning and losing was fun for the rush of it. The amount of money that I would have to put down now to get that rush, there is no f'ing way I'm going to do it. It's just stupid. I would rather get that rush some other way.
- Carlos Mencia
Collection: Fun
Image of Sam Altman
M&A negotiations feel really fun. This is one of the biggest killers of companies, is they entertain acquisition conversations.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Fun
Image of Craig Ferguson
For my birthday that year Anne gave me an inflatable atlas globe, along with a birthday card in which she wrote: I give you the world. Have fun blowing it up.
- Craig Ferguson
Collection: Fun
Image of Aziz Ansari
Fiddling knobs, touching keys, having fun with a full grown man.
- Aziz Ansari
Collection: Fun
Image of Dick Van Dyke
'The Show' was the most fun I ever had and the most creative period of my life.
- Dick Van Dyke
Collection: Fun
Image of Craig Finn
If we enjoy what we're doing, we shouldn't really need a break. It's fun for us to play music. It's our livelihood, but I don't look at it as a job. It doesn't seem to me to be a problem to constantly be doing this.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Fun
Image of Joel Edgerton
At some point, you have to disconnect, if the obsession with playing a real person gets in the way of the movie at large. At the same time, we're all interested, as actors in trying to get as close to the real thing as we can, and whatever you can do in order to create that transformation feels fun and, for me, the furthest I can get away from myself is fun. It's all part of the costume, the accent, and all that stuff. It's about trying to get close without it being a detriment to the point of view of the story that you're trying to tell.
- Joel Edgerton
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Douglas
I never thought about the gayness. Liberace just looked like he was having so much fun. And that whole idea of talking directly to the audience, you just went along with him. He made you happy. And he's finally getting acknowledged for all the Elton John, Lady Gaga, Madonna theatrics now that people are looking at his old costumes.
- Michael Douglas
Collection: Fun
Image of Edie Falco
Addiction has had such an impact on my life and the people I love, and there really is not a lot about it that is funny. So the last thing I wanted was to give the impression that it’s all fun and games, and isn’t it funny what she gets away with.
- Edie Falco
Collection: Fun
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
Science is an investigation," Coach said, sanding his hands together. "Science requires us to transform into spies." Put that way, science almost sounded fun. But I'd been in Coach's class long enough not to get my hopes up.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Fun
Image of David Duchovny
As we age, there are different things that become important to us and that means that different aspects of our character come to the forefront; certain aspects recede. And that's fun. It would be shitty to have to imitate myself.
- David Duchovny
Collection: Fun
Image of Shannen Doherty
Charmed is fun and light, one of those shows that let you turn your brain off for an hour.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Fun
Image of Chad Harbach
It is no fun at all to have been writing a book for seven or so years, especially when you've never published anything before.
- Chad Harbach
Collection: Fun