Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 72

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 72 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Judd Apatow
I bring people on to the movies to type and to help punch up and look at things. But a lot of it is, you want fun people to be around, to put you in a good mood, to try and access your creative place.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Fun
Image of Carmen Electra
It should be fun, working out should be fun.
- Carmen Electra
Collection: Fun
Image of Carmen Electra
I tell a lot of interesting stories and talk about my background and have a lot of fun. We have a lot of pictures. They actually came to my house and shot me painting my toenails and doing dishes. But I never really do the dishes.
- Carmen Electra
Collection: Fun
Image of Joseph Fiennes
he challenge is finding the modern conduit for the audience, having fun and really looking at the duality of this particular character, that is both devil and angel, and on the cusp of losing control of the pagan background, to this newfangled religion called Christianity. There's a great backdrop there, and just a whole dark side with the magic.
- Joseph Fiennes
Collection: Fun
Image of Dakota Fanning
When you're acting you put so much of yourself into working. As much fun as it is, it's still hard work and it's still a challenge.
- Dakota Fanning
Collection: Fun
Image of Evan Esar
A good loser is all right, but it isn't so much fun to beat him.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Fun
Image of Clint Eastwood
The most gentle people in the world are macho males, people who are confident in their masculinity and have a feeling of well-being in themselves. They don't have to kick in doors, mistreat women, or make fun of gays.
- Clint Eastwood
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Michael Bendis
Reading Homicide by David Simon was the first time I said, "What if this was in a world of superheroes?" That was a very good idea. What if Chinatown took place in a world of superheroes, that became Jessica Jones. Just things that I love, you can match up the genres and have fun with it, those moments.
- Brian Michael Bendis
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Michael Bendis
It was a very excellent day over there at HBO/Cinemax when they bought 'Powers' . I felt like I graduated television college, because they make amazing television. The person who said yes to Veep said yes to us, which made me feel very good about myself for five seconds. Which my self-loathing doesn't usually allow me to feel. Even I could not say that that wasn't a fun day.
- Brian Michael Bendis
Collection: Fun
Image of Janet Evanovich
Why do you give me cars?" "It's fun," Ranger said."And it keeps you safe. Do you want to know why keeping you safe is important to me?" "You love me?" "Yes." A sigh inadvertently escaped. "We're really screwed up, aren't we?" "In a very large way," Ranger said.
- Janet Evanovich
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrew Bird
I definitely have to give myself permission, like on "Master Swarm," to rip a lead on that. Just play a violin solo that's - it's a bit showoff-y, but it's fun, so who cares?
- Andrew Bird
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrea Dworkin
I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind.
- Andrea Dworkin
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Dreyfuss
It's fun to see the light in someone's eyes. It's fun to give your own eccentric experience and have it land. That's fun.
- Richard Dreyfuss
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
We like to have a point of view in our stories, not an obvious moral, but a worthwhile theme. ... All we are trying to do is give the public good entertainment. That is all they want.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Ric Flair
I laugh a lot in the ring when I'’m having fun.
- Ric Flair
Collection: Fun
Image of Marianne Faithfull
I'm a tame actress. I get tired now that I'm entertaining day and night professionally. I think the only reason for going to a party is to pick up a good lay. When you've got a permanent boyfriend it's rather spoilt. Because the fun of a party is to flirt with everyone. I like flirting.
- Marianne Faithfull
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Ferriss
Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.
- Tim Ferriss
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
What will happen in those encounters? Who knows? It wouldn't be much fun if you knew all of that; you'd be watching an old video called your life.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Drake
Cause I was stayin home when they was having fun. So please don't be surprised when they announce that I won.
- Drake
Collection: Fun
Image of Drunvalo Melchizedek
In my life I do whatever is necessary, even if it is something that is not comfortable, or not fun. I just went to Russia, and I did not want to go. I've been to many places I did not want to go, and would have done anything to get out of it, but I knew I had to do it for the good of the planet.
- Drunvalo Melchizedek
Collection: Fun
Image of Pamela Anderson
I'm much more than a pair of breasts...I represent success, hard work, and fun.
- Pamela Anderson
Collection: Fun
Image of Carmelo Anthony
I'm me. I'm just out there being myself. I like having fun. But at the same time, I bring everybody together. So I'm really -- or I try to be -- like the glue of the team.
- Carmelo Anthony
Collection: Fun
Image of Joshua Foer
Many memory techniques involve creating unforgettable imagery, in your minds eye. Thats an act of imagination. Creating really weird imagery really quickly was the most fun part of my training to compete in the U.S. Memory Competition.
- Joshua Foer
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
My fun is working on a project and solving the problems.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Eno
Nearly all the things I do that are of any merit at all start off just being good fun.
- Brian Eno
Collection: Fun
Image of Wes Anderson
Working with kids is usually very fun. They get so into movie and they're up for anything. Usually they're having such an exciting experience, everybody feels that.
- Wes Anderson
Collection: Fun
Image of Freeman Dyson
If we want to go to space with humans, that's for fun not for science. Human adventures in space are just sporting events.
- Freeman Dyson
Collection: Fun
Image of Malcolm Forbes
It's great to arrive, but the trip's most always most of the fun.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Fun
Image of Lewis Hamilton
There's so much more power, so you're short-shifting all the way down into fifth, sixth, seventh before you can get the full throttle. But great fun otherwise.
- Lewis Hamilton
Collection: Fun
Image of Jules Feiffer
I was doing cartoons and mocking white liberals, mocking the attitude of government who said to go slow, while intending to do absolutely nothing for black people, then called Negroes. And I had a lot of fun and I expressed a lot of anger. That was a thing that was important to know at that time. As I was emerging into more and more into politics that I was angry.
- Jules Feiffer
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
In Tantric Zen you can be humorous and make fun of anything or you can be very serious.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
Tantric Zen leads to illumination and fun right here and now, which is why I like it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Kirsten Dunst
It's nice when the movie is not on your shoulders, too. It's fun to do a smaller part sometimes.
- Kirsten Dunst
Collection: Fun
Image of Zac Efron
I can tell that fame is probably the most unadorable thing about acting. High School Musical is what got me here today and I'm very grateful - but the fame part isn't so fun.
- Zac Efron
Collection: Fun
Image of Zac Efron
Think on your toes, use what’s around you, and come up with something organic and fun.
- Zac Efron
Collection: Fun
Image of Jules Feiffer
I learned to distrust writers who talked about how they squeezed the blood onto the typewriter. They just don't want you to know how much fun they have - you'll resent it.
- Jules Feiffer
Collection: Fun
Image of John Darnielle
I get nostalgic about having lived in Ames, Iowa, even though being a vegetarian in Iowa is not fun.
- John Darnielle
Collection: Fun
Image of John Darnielle
People involved in my personal life make fun of me a lot for not being jaded.
- John Darnielle
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Titus
When you are a screwed up person, you have a responsibility to keep your normal friends from getting walked on. 'Cos, how bad could you screw that up ? And don't say, Well, you could cause someone six months of physical therapy. 'Cos, hey, lots of times, those exercise take places in pools and nylon tents with little plastic balls. Fun places like that. And, she gets to park up really close for a while. Ha ha, oh, I'm the bad guy.
- Christopher Titus
Collection: Fun
Image of Malcolm Forbes
Anticipating is more fun than recollecting.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Dylan
Truth is like a waterslide-only fun when it's slippery and wet.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Fun
Image of America Ferrera
Personally, I hate waiking the red carpet. You are expected to conform to every single expectation. People will say, "Try as hard as you can not to sweat on the red carpet." Meanwhile you are super nervous, and there are tons of camera flashes, and people are screaming your name. It's not fun - not for me, at least!
- America Ferrera
Collection: Fun
Image of Albert Einstein
Relativity applies to physics, not ethics.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Fun
Image of James Ellroy
I like to have fun out there. I work hard, and then I get to cut loose and go out and tour, and I enjoy it. I like to go out and meet the people. I love to sell books.
- James Ellroy
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Kushner
I guess I still feel that way and yet I'm slightly hesitant to insist on that idea, that it "better be fun for the writer." Or rather, that if it is, then the pleasure is a sign that it's good. Maybe I feel I've read that somewhere, other writers saying it, and I just think there is possibly no formula, and I don't like to read an interview with a writer where they just lay out the doxa of what quality is. It can seem brittle to do that.
- Rachel Kushner
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
In the realm of the higher astral, it's just fun. We're on the honeymoon and we love each other so much that we can't keep our hands off each other and everything is wonderful. It doesn't last; it's a honeymoon.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Sara Genn
Value choices are intuitive... It's fun to see how much you can get without leaning on contrast.
- Sara Genn
Collection: Fun
Image of John Eldredge
When winter fails to provide an adequate snow base, my boys bring their sleds in the house and ride them down the stairs. Just the other day, my wife found them with a rope out their second-story bedroom window, preparing to rappel down the side of the house. The recipe for fun is pretty simple raising boys: Add to any activity an element of danger, stir in a little exploration, add a dash of destruction, and you've got yourself a winner.
- John Eldredge
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
Perhaps Bach and Beethoven are strange bedfellows for Mickey Mouse, but it's all been a lot of fun.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun