Marcel Duchamp

Image of Marcel Duchamp
I became a librarian at the Sainte-Genevieve Library in Paris. I made this gesture to rid myself of a certain milieu, a certain attitude, to have a clean conscience, but also to make a living. I was twenty-five. I had been told that one must make a living, and I believed it.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Attitude
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Humor and laughter - not necessarily derogatory derision - are my pet tools. This may come from my general philosophy of never taking the world too seriously - for fear of dying of boredom.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Humor
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I don't believe in art. I believe in artists.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Art
Image of Marcel Duchamp
What would I do with money? I have enough for my needs. I don't want any more. If I had a lot, I would have to care for it, worry about it.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Money
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Can works be made which are not 'of art'?
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Art
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Art is all a matter of personality.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Art
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Art is a habit-forming drug. Art has absolutely no existence as veracity, as truth. People always speak of it with this great, religious reverence, but why should it be so revered?
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Art
Image of Marcel Duchamp
What art is, in reality, is this missing link, not the links which exist. It's not what you see that is art; art is the gap.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Art
Image of Marcel Duchamp
If your choice enters into it, then taste is involved - bad taste, good taste, uninteresting taste. Taste is the enemy of art, A-R-T.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Good
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Rational intelligence is dangerous and leads to ratiocination. The painter is a medium who doesn't realize what he is doing. No translation can express the mystery of sensibility, a word, still unreliable, which is nevertheless the basis of painting or poetry, like a kind of alchemy.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I am still a victim of chess. It has all the beauty of art - and much more. It cannot be commercialized. Chess is much purer than art in its social position.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Beauty
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Dada was an extreme protest against the physical side of painting. It was a metaphysical attitude.
- Marcel Duchamp
Collection: Attitude
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
It is curious to note how fragile the memory is, even for the important times in one's life. This is, moreover, what explains the fortunate fantasy of history.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
In the 'Nude Descending a Staircase,' I wanted to create a static image of movement: movement is an abstraction, a deduction articulated within the painting, without our knowing if a real person is or isn't descending an equally real staircase.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
'Art or anti-art?' was the question I asked when I returned from Munich in 1912 and decided to abandon pure painting or painting for its own sake. I thought of introducing elements alien to painting as the only way out of a pictorial and chromatic dead end.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Alchemy is a kind of philosophy: a kind of thinking that leads to a way of understanding.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Since Courbet, it's been believed that painting is addressed to the retina. That was everyone's error. The retinal shudder! Before, painting had other functions: it could be religious, philosophical, moral... our whole century is completely retinal, except for the Surrealists, who tried to go outside it somewhat.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
The curious thing about the Ready-Made is that I've never been able to arrive at a definition or explanation that fully satisfies me. There's still magic in the idea, so I'd rather keep it that way than try to be exoteric about it.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
My position is the lack of a position, but, of course, you can't even talk about it; the minute you talk, you spoil the whole game.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
The word 'art' interests me very much. If it comes from Sanskrit, as I've heard, it signifies 'making.' Now everyone makes something, and those who make things on a canvas with a frame, they're called artists. Formerly, they were called craftsmen, a term I prefer. We're all craftsmen, in civilian or military or artistic life.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
A painting that doesn't shock isn't worth painting.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I wanted to use my possibility to be an individual, and I suppose I have, no?
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
One must pass through the network of influence. One is obligated to be influenced, and one accepts this influence very naturally. From the start, one doesn't realize this. The first thing to know: one doesn't realize one is influenced. One thinks he is already liberated, and one is far from it!
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I haven't been in the Louvre for twenty years. It doesn't interest me because I have these doubts about the value of the judgments which decided that all these pictures should be presented to the Louvre instead of others which weren't even considered.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
When I put a bicycle wheel on a stool, the fork down, there was no idea of a 'ready-made' or anything else. It was just a distraction. I didn't have any special reason to do it, or any intention of showing it or describing anything.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Tradition is the great misleader because it's too easy to follow what has already been done - even though you may think you're giving it a kick. I was really trying to invent, instead of merely expressing myself.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Man can never expect to start from scratch; he must start from ready-made things, like even his own mother and father.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Words such as truth, art, veracity, or anything are stupid in themselves.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
There is something like an explosion in the meaning of certain words: they have a greater value than their meaning in the dictionary.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
It is a matter of great indifference to me what criticism is printed in the papers and the magazines. I am simply working out my own ideas in my own way.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I was never interested in looking at myself in an aesthetic mirror. My intention was always to get away from myself, though I knew perfectly well that I was using myself. Call it a little game between 'I' and 'me.'
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Distortion came first from the fauves, who, in turn, were under the strong influence of primitive art.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
What am I? Do I know? I am a man: quite simply, a 'breather.'
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Living is more a question of what one spends than what one makes.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
You have to approach something with indifference, as if you had no aesthetic emotion. The choice of readymades is always based on visual indifference and, at the same time, on the total absence of good or bad taste.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
When the vision of the 'Nude' flashed upon me, I knew that it would break forever the enslaving chains of Naturalism.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
The danger is in pleasing an immediate public: the immediate public that comes around you and takes you in and accepts you and gives you success and everything. Instead of that, you should wait for fifty years or a hundred years for your true public. That is the only public that interests me.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Art doesn't interest me. Only artists interest me.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
There was an incident, in 1912, which 'gave me a turn,' so to speak: when I brought the 'Nude Descending a Staircase' to the Independants, and they asked me to withdraw it before the opening.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I refused to accept anything, doubted everything. So, doubting everything, I had to find something that had not existed before, something I had not thought of before. Any idea that came to me, the thing would be to turn it around and try to see it with another set of senses.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
My Ready-Mades have nothing to do with the 'objet trouve' because the so-called 'found object' is completely directed by personal taste. Personal taste decides that this is a beautiful object and is unique.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I came to feel an artist might use anything - a dot, a line, the most conventional or unconventional symbol - t say what he wanted to say.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Things were sort of Bohemian in Montmartre - one lived, one painted, one was a painter - all that doesn't mean anything, fundamentally.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
When you make a painting, even abstract, there is always a sort of necessary filling-in.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
Gravity is not controlled physically in us by one of the 5 ordinary senses. We always reduce a gravity experience to an autocognizance, real or imagined, registered inside us in the region of the stomach.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
The individual - man as a man, man as a brain, if you like - interests me more than what he makes because I've noticed that most artists only repeat themselves.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
I like living, breathing better than working... Each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral. It's a kind of constant euphoria.
- Marcel Duchamp
Image of Marcel Duchamp
In French, there is an old expression, la patte, meaning the artist's touch, his personal style, his 'paw'. I wanted to get away from la patte and from all that retinal painting.
- Marcel Duchamp