Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 71

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 71 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Stephen Covey
Innocent pleasures in moderation can provide relaxation for the body and mind and can foster family and other relationships. But pleasure, per se, offers no deep, lasting satisfaction or sense of fulfillment. The pleasure-centered person, too soon bored with each succeeding level of "fun," constantly cries for more and more. So the next new pleasure has to be bigger and better, more exciting, with a bigger "high." A person in this state becomes almost entirely narcissistic, interpreting all of life in terms of the pleasure it provides to the self here and now.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryce Dallas Howard
I didn't know how to check other people's feeds. When I started Instagram, it was just me posting! But then at some point, like eight months ago, I realized I could see what other people were sharing. It was so exciting and so fun, but it was like I'd already gotten into the rhythm of sharing and not worrying about what it was like compared to other accounts. I think that was kind of protective, in a way.
- Bryce Dallas Howard
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryce Dallas Howard
On the spectrum of imagination, there are people who are more imaginative than others - I guess some kids are hardcore pretenders and have imaginary friends for years and other kids play and they have fun, but it's not quite as specific like that.
- Bryce Dallas Howard
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Rippetoe
Big arms are fun, and if their training doesn't interfere with the rest of the program, wait till everybody's gone, like I do.
- Mark Rippetoe
Collection: Fun
Image of Roald Dahl
It was slowly beginning to dawn upon Henry that nothing is any fun if you can get as much of it as you want. Especially money.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Fun
Image of Mara Wilson
Here is something no real celebrity will ever tell you: film acting is not very fun. Doing the same thing over and over again until, in the directors eyes, you get it right does not allow for very much creative freedom... In terms of sheer adrenaline, film has absolutely nothing on theater.
- Mara Wilson
Collection: Fun
Image of John Petrucci
We auditioned a lot of great drummers; every one of them was world class. We had a lot of fun playing with each of them and had some great jams. With Mike [Mangini] it was just something really special about what was going on.
- John Petrucci
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Cumming
It's interesting, for me sappy means sentimental and something that gets you in your heart, gets you emotional. That's what I mean. Also, of course, it means that I'm slightly setting up the audience that there's a bit of fun involved, as well.
- Alan Cumming
Collection: Fun
Image of Zooey Deschanel
I don't like to plan harmonies too much, because there's something fun that happens when you just sing a pass, then sing another pass, and layer them on top of each other.
- Zooey Deschanel
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Thurman
If your enemy is happy, then why would they be bothered to be your enemy? Being someone's enemy is no fun. It does not add to happiness.
- Robert Thurman
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
Disneyland will always be building and growing and adding new things... new ways of having fun, of learning things, and sharing the many exciting adventures which may be experienced here in the company of family and friends.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Ford
Some people think that writers are innately solitary and that there's a kind of romance to that solitariness. I tend to think that what writers really want to do is get accepted into things. They want to get accepted into society, into culture, into intelligentsia, into the fun. Writing is their mechanism, their instrument, for doing that.
- Richard Ford
Collection: Fun
Image of Alex Flinn
Any experience that isn't fun is probably something I will at least use in my writing someday.
- Alex Flinn
Collection: Fun
Image of Alex Flinn
I wrote poetry, journals, and, especially, plays for the neighborhood kids to perform. I had an ordinary, happy childhood. Nothing much was going on, but I had fun.
- Alex Flinn
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
Our thoughts will swim around and talk to us while we're sitting there, make fun of us, ignore us. But if you pay attention, if you don't look in the direction of your thoughts, you meditate.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of G-Dragon
I think a business guy is different from an artist. They walk different paths. Artists create the best outputs when they're having fun. And when a good business partner supports them from the side, it creates great synergy. When someone's trying to do both, I think the music gets bad and the business gets bad, too.
- G-Dragon
Collection: Fun
Image of Fran Drescher
The Super Bowl is really exciting. The parties are always fun. The whole thing is a big party.
- Fran Drescher
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Teixeira
It's not a fun process. There is no need for the team and a player to be on opposing sides a week or two before spring training. It's good to be on the same page.
- Mark Teixeira
Collection: Fun
Image of Harrison Ford
Bikes and planes aren’t about going fast or having fun; they’re toys, but serious ones.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Fun
Image of Will Ferrell
I never put too much pressure on myself when I'm the central thing, just because I don't think I could handle it mentally. I haven't really thought about the implications of carrying a movie. It still has to be just a fun, weird thing.
- Will Ferrell
Collection: Fun
Image of James Ellroy
I kept saying, "Stop me now. It's going to my head." I got some photos. Really, I did! It's not my noblest sexual self in these moments, but I want to have fun. I want to undress. I get off my leash to go out and perform. Some other writers are just discomforted by the way I behave in public. Because they're loath to perform.
- James Ellroy
Collection: Fun
Image of Isla Fisher
I usually go into a store with a mission. My idea of a fun thing to do would not be to go to a mall and shopping.
- Isla Fisher
Collection: Fun
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
It isn't about love," Vee said. "It's about fun.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Fun
Image of John Newman
My tumour is a benign pituitary tumour, in the pituitary gland - which is the main hormone centre of the body. It's in the centre of the brain. (Fun fact, [Rene] Descartes thought our consciousness was to be found in the pituitary gland.) And the thing is, there aren't really many symptoms that show until it's too late.
- John Newman
Collection: Fun
Image of Frederick Lenz
People think they can tame the earth. How absurd! The vanity of human wishes is endless. It is more fun to dance with life.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Fun
Image of Justin Theroux
I always try to do the most interesting, fun thing for me.
- Justin Theroux
Collection: Fun
Image of Albert Einstein
Creativity is Inspiration having fun
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Fun
Image of Killer Mike
If I go all the way politicized, I become a zealot who's not allowed to have fun with the people and the community that raised me. But if I go the other way, I become an ignoramus who isn't properly qualified to speak on my community's behalf.
- Killer Mike
Collection: Fun
Image of Carmen Electra
I have fun when I want to have fun, but I am learning how to balance my life out.
- Carmen Electra
Collection: Fun
Image of Carmen Electra
With Scary Movie 4 I couldn't say no because I loved being in the first one and even though it is a cameo, it's so worth it because it is so much fun to do.
- Carmen Electra
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul Feig
Handheld camera is approximating what we're seeing when we're looking at each other, and kind of looking around, and your eyes whipping around. It adds an immediacy, where you feel like you are watching something through your own eyes, standing there with them. And that just allows you to take more liberties and have more fun with people's behavior.
- Paul Feig
Collection: Fun
Image of Harrison Ford
My work has always been important to me. The reason I continue to do it is because it's so much fun for me. I love my work and so that's what keeps me in the game.
- Harrison Ford
Collection: Fun
Image of Judd Apatow
I hosted the Producer's Guild Awards, and it went well, and I was very happy in the moment, and it was a fun night. But I wake up the next day like someone who did crack the night before and told off the world, and I'm ashamed of the whole idea that anyone should listen to me, or the idea that I need that much approval.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Fun
Image of Debbi Fields
I love having fun! Why not?
- Debbi Fields
Collection: Fun
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I need somebody to Trump-xplain(ph) this, because I don`t understand it.I`ve heard people defend him about making fun of a disability, making fun of John McCain, making fun of women - a woman`s face.I just wanted to hear somebody defend this as well, because it just never ends. No one will ever stop defending the crass stuff he says.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Greg Gutfeld
I don't know if you get anything more adorable than a tiny pig eating an apple. And here's a fun fact. This is how you make apple-smoked bacon.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Niall Horan
I think our fans are a bit like us — they’re very fun, like to have a laugh, like to party. I think that’s what comes across on our album as well. It’s very fun. It’s music that you could play at a party, but it also deals with teenage relationships.
- Niall Horan
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
The fun is in always building something. After it's built, you play with it awhile and then you're through. You see, we never do the same thing twice around here. We're always opening up new doors.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
Disneyland is not just another amusement park. It's unique, and I want it kept that way. Besides, you don't work for a dollar - you work to create and have fun.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
its fun to do the unexpected.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
If I can't find a theme, I can't make a film anyone else will feel. I can't laugh at intellectual humor. I'm just corny enough to like to have a story hit me over the heart.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Tina Fey
We are a society that constantly celebrates no one but women and it must stop! I want to hear what the men of the world have been up to. What fun new guns have they invented? What are they raping these days? What’s Michael Bay’s next film going to be?
- Tina Fey
Collection: Fun
Image of Tina Fey
My favorite day at 30 Rock is Thursday, when the show airs. At lunch we screen the episodes. For everyone to watch together, to see the stuff we all worked on, to hear the crew laugh - it’s great fun.
- Tina Fey
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Peterson
I got to do the Rose Bowl Parade - which is the largest parade in America - with a float. That was a fun opportunity.
- Cassandra Peterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Peterson
People think, "Oh my god, you've been doing this job for so many years, it must get boring." It's like, "No, hell no," because I get to sing, I get to dance, I get to be on TV and in films, I get to do merchandising, licensing, show up at conventions, write, or take photographs for my book. There are so many different things going on for me that it never gets boring. It's always fun and interesting.
- Cassandra Peterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Drake
I want to get better. That's the only way to progress. So I'm just young having fun making music.
- Drake
Collection: Fun
Image of Giancarlo Esposito
We want to remember to be playful! We're here in this wonderful and incredible world! Like, the grand architect of the universe created this playground. And we're supposed to have fun, and we're supposed to play.
- Giancarlo Esposito
Collection: Fun
Image of Walt Disney
Besides, you don't work for a dollar - you work to create and have fun.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
Ninety-eight percent of all the soy that's raised goes to livestock. So people make fun of vegetarians for being tofu eaters, but no one eats tofu like steak eaters, by a long shot. It's also funny that tofu is held up as what a vegetarian eats. I mean maybe I eat tofu once a month, but other than that, never. All of it, statistically speaking, is going to livestock.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Fun