Shannen Doherty

Image of Shannen Doherty
Everybody deserves a second chance in this world. That's basically all I ask.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Chance
Image of Shannen Doherty
I met Ashley two weeks before I married him. It was a joke-the most ridiculous thing I've ever done. Once I was married, I didn't want to be a failure, so I stuck it out for six months, which was about six months too long.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Failure
Image of Shannen Doherty
I realize that the majority of people in the entertainment business happen to be Democrats. I have no problem with that. And they should have no problem with the fact that I'm a Republican.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Business
Image of Shannen Doherty
If God wanted us to be naked, why did he invent sexy lingerie?
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
My inner child is not wounded.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'm from the South. I'm a Southern Baptist. I have a conservative point of view. I'm a Republican.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
If somebody wants to have plastic surgery, more power to them. I think there's a point where you go overboard.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
This is a free country, and nobody should be criticized for their political beliefs. We're all allowed to have our opinions.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'm a conservative. I was an avid supporter of Ronald Reagan; I thought he was fabulous.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
There's not one cast member of 90210 who didn't throw a tantrum to two themselves.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
That's something I go through every day - you know - Am I good enough to act?
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
If I kind of like a guy, then I'm a fantastic flirt. But with a guy I truly like, I get painfully shy.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I realize it's probably best to keep my politics to myself.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'm not a violent person and I don't hit people.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
All my fans tell me what a glamorous life I have, but I tell them how hard I work and how many nights I spend alone with my dogs, eating chicken pot pie in my bedroom.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
Your life changes. Everything has to be done perfectly, and I didn't follow that. I lived my life as if I wasn't in the public eye. I thought, 'I'm young. I have the right to experience new things, and if I want to go to a bar and get drunk, that's my prerogative.'
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
Have you ever felt like a phone call that's been disconnected?
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
Five minutes before I went on, I looked at my manager and said, I'm going to get booed. I know it's going to happen. And you're responsible because you put me on here. It was horrible. I've never been more hurt in my entire life.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
For a while I couldn't leave the house by myself. Even if I was just grocery shopping alone, I'd get self-conscious.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I can't stand unpacking.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I definitely lived my life like I wasn't in the public eye.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I don't think you should do things in your personal life differently because you're a role model.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I have never had anything done. I've been asked if I had breast implants. Whether I did or not, it's nobody's business but my own.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I still get nervous on dates. I'll be sitting at dinner with a guy and I have to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because I can't breathe.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
Whenever I get frustrated, I tell myself, you could be working at a 7-Eleven right now, so never take for granted what you do for a living.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
You just have to keep believing in yourself.
- Shannen Doherty
Image of Shannen Doherty
Labels are boring and often have nothing to with the person; it is just the way others perceive you, or choose to perceive you.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Labels
Image of Shannen Doherty
The lesson that I learned is that you can't drop everything for one person. I've done that and that person has broken up with me, and I've had nothing.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Broken
Image of Shannen Doherty
I love scars on people. Scars to me are so attractive.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: People
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'm not saying that anybody should like me. Give me a chance before you form that opinion.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Giving
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'm the person who stops and gives any homeless person any money that they want.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Giving
Image of Shannen Doherty
I've had so much happen, it's hard to trust people.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: People
Image of Shannen Doherty
Playboy and I have had some talks about doing it and in what manner it would be done. Aaron Spelling did not pay me money not to do it - that's completely false.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Would Be
Image of Shannen Doherty
I did not read Gone with the Wind, although I've seen the movie, and I read every book on Margaret Mitchell.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Book
Image of Shannen Doherty
I actually wish I had smaller breasts.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Wish
Image of Shannen Doherty
I help relationships come to an end or help them go to the next level. It can be boyfriend or girlfriend, or if you want to quit your job.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Shannen Doherty
When I was little, my mom told me that if I lied, the devil would visit me in my sleep. To this day, if I tell even the smallest lie, I have bad dreams. Plus, I'm no good at it.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Mom
Image of Shannen Doherty
I was never hit as a child. I don't believing in hitting, period.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Children
Image of Shannen Doherty
You read stuff about yourself and you think, My God, where are these people coming up with these things? Why am I the one that they're picking on?
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Thinking
Image of Shannen Doherty
I take on everybody's problems. I have a very maternal side. I'm basically a very normal, down-to-earth person.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Earth
Image of Shannen Doherty
Charmed is fun and light, one of those shows that let you turn your brain off for an hour.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Fun
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'd be more than willing to give names and phone numbers of every makeup artist I worked with.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Artist
Image of Shannen Doherty
Playboy is very easy to work with in the sense that you tell them what you don't want to do-that you don't want to show full breasts or whatever-and there are no arguments about it.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Want
Image of Shannen Doherty
I could tell you what my good qualities are. There's my honesty; I have a very wacky, kind of dry humor that a lot of people don't get to see.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Honesty
Image of Shannen Doherty
I'm unbelievably claustrophobic, and I have really bad anxiety. There were a few moment when I was very dramatic and thought, 'I'm not going to live through this. I'm going to hyperventilate and just die. Right here in jail.'
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Jail
Image of Shannen Doherty
That I'm an alcoholic is completely ridiculous.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Shannen Doherty
I prefer cozy and warm to stark and sterile. You don't have to spend a lot of money to give your place personality.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Giving
Image of Shannen Doherty
I would say I'm pro-choice only because I don't feel that it's right that anybody in this world puts restrictions on anyone.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Choices
Image of Shannen Doherty
I was raised to stand up for myself, if I feel I'm in the right. Maybe it would have been best if I'd just gone home with my swollen cheek.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Home
Image of Shannen Doherty
I don't think the Republican Party is against women.
- Shannen Doherty
Collection: Party