Ivanka Trump

Image of Ivanka Trump
My diet has definitely become greener; however, I am a big proponent of everything in moderation. I enjoy having a farm-to-table dinner, as well as indulging in a special, decadent treat on occasion.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Diet
Image of Ivanka Trump
In both business and personal life, I've always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages, cultures, scenery, food, and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Travel
Image of Ivanka Trump
The more natural or eco-based products you can introduce into your beauty regimen, the more beneficial it is for your skin. It's similar to introducing organic food into your daily diet.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Beauty
Image of Ivanka Trump
I've started ordering out of teen catalogues! T-shirts, little coats, and jackets for around $35 - they're amazing. I've become a really big fan of Urban Outfitters, Alloy and Anthropologie. Because I'll pay for quality, but I will not just pay for trend. Psychologically, I have trouble with that.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Teen
Image of Ivanka Trump
I always envisioned myself having a traditional and elegant wedding.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Wedding
Image of Ivanka Trump
If you ask me, there's nothing more incredible than a woman who's in charge of her own destiny - and working daily to make her dreams a reality.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Dreams
Image of Ivanka Trump
Politicians talk about wage equality, but my father has made it a practice at his company throughout his entire career. He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this, too, right along side of him.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Equality
Image of Ivanka Trump
I'll do manicures, but I won't wear nail polish because I don't have time to change it, and I chip my nail polish so quickly. I cannot last three days! I think it's the typing and the use - or overuse - of tech. I'm the chip queen!
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Change
Image of Ivanka Trump
Divorce is never a nice thing, but it's very easy to take family for granted, and when there's a divorce, you don't take things for granted so much.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Family
Image of Ivanka Trump
I always prefer to speak face-to-face, typically in my own office, where I'm most comfortable.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I pretty much only drink water, Tazo passion tea, or coffee with half and half, and it's an ongoing joke in the office that I never have less than three glasses of water and some form of tea or coffee in front of me.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I enjoy wearing fragrance every day and have found myself searching for the one signature scent that truly reflects my personality and the things I love, such as Bulgarian rose. I have always wanted to create a fragrance from its inception to fruition and articulate femininity, confidence, and fortitude.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
As president, my father will change the labor laws put in place when women were not a significant portion of the workforce. He will make childcare affordable and accessible to all. He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this, too, right alongside of him.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
The way in which you carry yourself, even when seated at a desk, matters.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Running is a great metaphor for life. You set a goal, and then you get to work. How well you do is a direct reflection of how hard you work. It's a mental game, too. There are setbacks along the way, but the true test of a runner is how you overcome and push past them.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
My mother taught me to appreciate a good drugstore beauty aisle. I regularly use Aquaphor, Chap Stick, Purpose Face Soap, and Aveeno body moisturizer.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I hope my children just grow up happy and pursue their dreams. I mean, that's all I can ask of them.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
A word of advice: your interview is about you. It's not about the school you went to, what you majored in, what your GPA was, or who your parents happen to be or know. Most of that stuff is right on your resume, and it might even have gotten you into the room, but it won't get you much farther.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
The iconic Doral was once a beacon for the ultimate in luxury golf resorts, and we have fully restored it to its prior grandeur - and then some. Besides the sun, golf, and amazing Latin food, Miami is a city of culture that has something for everyone.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I'm not a clone, and I'm not a minion.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I've successfully convinced others to let me redevelop the historic Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. I also led the acquisition of the iconic 800-acre Doral Resort & Spa from my hospital bed after giving birth to my daughter, Arabella.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Whether it's color palettes for my apparel collection or materials for handbags and shoes or inspiration for fine jewelry, traveling expands your mind and opens you up to different things you haven't seen before.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
My father values talent. He is colorblind and gender neutral. When Donald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, excellence, and effort.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about taking a bigger-picture approach.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I have always admired women that have a strong sense of self, complemented by femininity. I especially appreciate the presence of these women in traditionally male-dominated industries, such as real estate.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I have two young children, and they both adore books. Reading together at bedtime is one of our favorite nightly rituals. 'Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site' by Sherri Duskey Rinker, 'The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein, and 'On The Night You Were Born' by Nancy Tillman are always on our list.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
You can be born into privilege, or you can not be born into privilege. You can be born into the opposite extreme and into poverty. I think from there on, though, you really do have to make your luck.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
It's always a huge red flag for me when somebody's reticent or reluctant or a little slow in providing thoughtful references that are a testament to them as a person and their professional accomplishments.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Real estate is my life. It is my day job, if you will. But it consumes my nights and weekends, too.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Honestly, I have a tendency to date dorks. Which means that a lot of times, I date guys that no one else would deem to be a hunk.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Like many of my fellow millennials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat. More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it's a tough choice.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Nobody says 'a working man,' but they say, 'a working woman.' And there is still a strange connotation to that.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I generally wake up, exercise and read through a huge amount of newspapers. I get to the office somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00 - my brothers and I are always the first ones in.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
The country's top chefs, designers, media personalities and businesses are part of this dynamic city. We know that Chicagoans are used to the highest standards.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
If people think I'm just the boss's daughter, they're deceived.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
If people think they can elicit from me whatever terms they want, they are mistaken.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
There are enough stories about my family. We have all been in the public eye.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I think my mom threatened to put me up for adoption a few times.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Modeling was not an endgame for me. I didn't particularly enjoy the act of it.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I obviously have a great love and appreciation of jewelry, thanks to my mother, much to the dismay of both my father and my boyfriends.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
Everything about mediocrity kills me.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I hate having people sit in on meetings.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I like very strong guys. Successful guys. Not necessarily financially.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
People ask me, do I ever disagree with my father? It would be a little strange if I didn't.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I'm not saying that if you're working at home, raising a family, that's not work. I want to disrupt the narrative around what it means to be a woman who works. The whole point of my brand is that women should be architecting the lives they want to live.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
People talk about balance. Balance is an awful measure of things because it implies a scale that inevitably tips. I like to look through the filter of, 'Is the life I'm leading consistent with my priorities?' For me, my family is the ultimate litmus test.
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I don't have a sweet tooth, normally; I'm a salty-savory girl. But when I'm pregnant, almost as a ritual, at 4 o'clock, I'll have cookies-and-cream ice cream!
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
You really don't need to study how to change a diaper. As a new mom, you learn pretty darn quickly!
- Ivanka Trump
Image of Ivanka Trump
I had very busy parents, but I really appreciated having a set of traditions during my own childhood, like consistently celebrating holidays at the same place.
- Ivanka Trump