Yasmin Mogahed

Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Your life is nothing more than a love story. Between you and God. Nothing more. Every person, every experience, every gift, every loss, every pain is sent to your path for one reason and one reason only: to bring you back to Him.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Pain
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Be grateful for every single person who was part of your story.The ones that hurt you. The ones that helped you. Because they all taught you.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Hurt
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
This life will never be without storms. Stop fearing the storm. Build your inner shelter.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Storm
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
We often wonder why God gives and takes, constricts and expands. What we forget is that human beings understand things by their opposites. Without dark, we can’t understand light. Without hardship, we wouldn’t *experience* ease. Without the existence of deprivation and loss, we couldn’t grasp the need for gratitude or the virtue of patience. And without separation, we wouldn’t taste the sweetness of reunion. Glory be to the one who gives—even when He takes.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Holding on to hope when everything is dark, is the greatest test of faith
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Dark
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
How could you feel worthless when God has honoured you by creating you and choosing you to be with Him, in this life and the next? You are worthy. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect. You haven't failed. You're beautiful. Only the beautiful can see beauty. Never doubt your beauty. Never doubt your worth. It's not about how much you make, your grades, what people say or think. It's about you and God. It's about your heart. The blinding beauty of your heart.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Try not to confuse attachment with love. Attachment is about fear and dependency, and has more to do with love of self than love of another. Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn't about what others can give you because your empty. It is about what you can give others because you're already full.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Love Is
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
People think that tests only come in the form of hardships. Allah also tests us with ease, it's often in the test of ease that we fail most.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Thinking
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Stop hating on yourself for not being perfect. If God wanted perfection, He would have made you an angel.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Beauty attracts beauty. If you want to know what you are, look at what you are drawn to.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Looks
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Beware of what you let enter your heart. There will come a day when you'd give anything to remove it.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Don't ever be afraid of giving. Give. Give of your time, your forgiveness, your understanding, your love. Give of your money. Give to the creation, and you'll be given by the Creator. Be generous, and the Most Generous will be generous with you.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Giving
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
If you want this life to stop breaking your heart, stop giving your heart to this life.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Sometimes you search so hard for words. You look for a way to interpret the language of this heart and the unspoken bond you feel. But in the end you are left with nothing but silence. And deep down you hope it’s understood.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
We are always looking for signs. We are always asking for God to 'speak' to us. But those signs are all around us. They are in everything. God is always 'speaking'. The question is whether we are listening.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Listening
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
I am always shocked to discover how many people believe that hardships are a punishment from God! When people face tests or see others facing tests, they assume Allah must be angry with them. SubhannAllah! Remember which people were tested the most: The Prophets! And they were the closest to Allah. Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him!
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Believe
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Ignoring a Reality doesn't make it less Real. It's still going to happen. Being unprepared for something doesn't stop it from happening.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Real
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Blessings come in packages of two. With every blessing is a test. So don't ever envy people who seem to have more than you. The more blessings, the more tests. And the greater the blessing, the harder the test.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Blessing
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
But, this dark place is not the end. Remember that the darkness of night precedes the dawn. And as long as your heart still beats, this is not the death of it. You don’t have to die here. Sometimes, the ocean floor is only a stop on the journey. And it is when you are at this lowest point, that you are faced with a choice. You can stay there at the bottom, until you drown. Or you can gather pearls and rise back up—stronger from the swim, and richer from the jewels.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Ocean
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
There’s something amazing about this life. The very same worldly attribute that causes us pain is also what gives us relief: Nothing here lasts. What does that mean? It means that the breathtakingly beautiful rose in my vase will wither tomorrow. It means that my youth will neglect me. But it also means that the sadness I feel today will change tomorrow. My pain will die. My laughter won’t last forever but neither will my tears. We say this life isn’t perfect. And it isn’t. It isn’t perfectly good. But, it also isn’t perfectly bad, either.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Change
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
You keep running after the love of the people, but you’ll never get it. And what you do get, will never be enough. The hole inside you is too big. You see, it was made by God, for God. How could anything less fill it?
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Love
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Everything we do is motivated by love. Even fear and hate are born of love. So be careful what you love.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Hate
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
If you want to know what's Real, of love, of life, of loyalty, put it through the greatest test: Time.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
The body that we tend to is only temporary, while the soul that we neglect is #‎ eternal .
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Soul
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
When you Rectify your Relationship with the Creator, He Rectifies your relationship with All of the Creation.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Creation
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Look forward to going back Home. But make sure you're furnishing it.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Islamic
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
On that Day, we will see the true reality. On that Day, we will realize that two rak`at (units) of prayer were greater than everything in the heavens and the earth. We will realize the priceless check that was left on our doorstep every night as we slept. There will come a day when we would give up everything under the sky just to come back and pray those two rak`at.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Prayer
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Sometimes we make duaa for a door of dunya. When it doesn't open, we cry. Not realizing that Allah has instead opened a door of jennah for us.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Doors
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
People think it's the mind that drives us. It is the heart. The mind is a slave to the heart. So check the condition of the heart.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Everything in this life is only a glimpse of the real thing. Love, beauty, pleasure, even pain in its true essence is only in the next.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Pain
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Any beauty you see in me is only a reflection of Him, any ugliness, a reflection of my self.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Reflection
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Its shocking how many people believe hardships are a punishment from God! Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him!
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Believe
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Embrace life and all that God gives you-but never let it contain you. This world is too small to contain you.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Giving
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Yes, the heart breaks. But, it also heals.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
When your failures surround you, and all the open doors have closed, look up. There’s a door that never closes, a way, when all the other ways have failed you.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Seek those who help you hear your own heart.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
If you study your own struggles, the struggles of others, even in movies or novels you'll see the root of all their suffering is always attachments
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Struggle
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Once in a while, people enter our lives and lessen the loneliness of being away from Home.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Loneliness
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Don't let this Ramadan be just a holiday of rituals. Don't finish reading the Quran without it transforming you. Don't feed your body at suhoor, but starve your heart of Qiyam. Don't reduce this downpour of mercy to just a month of sweets and lavish iftars. Seek Him, you will find. Take a sincere step towards change, transformation, redemption. If you do, you will find Him in front of you. Find Him this month. He's been there all along. Closer than your jugular vein. Look and you'll find. Walk and you'll arrive.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Sweet
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
If you're having trouble waking up for fajr, set your alarm to play Quran. It works!
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Play
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
We will be asked, "what did you love most in this world? What did you spend life doing? What did you run after? Will it last? The things that you chased, will they last? Will they help you, or will they hurt you when the illusion of this life has passed?"
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Running
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
I'll tell you the only way to survive: Ask God to place a semi-permeable shield around your heart: One that only allows what He loves to enter.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
In dunya, the image is always better than the reality. In Jennah, the Reality is better than any image ever could be.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Islamic
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
We will suffer the moment we take our eyes off the End and get lost in the means.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Mean
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Like the sun that sets at the end of the day, so too will Ramadan come and go, leaving only it's mark on our heart's sky.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
So often we think that Allah only tests us with hardships, but this isn't true. Allah also tests with ease. He tests us with na`im (blessings) and with the things we love, and it is often in these tests that so many of us fail. We fail because when Allah gives us these blessings, we unwittingly turn them into false idols in the heart.
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
Can not the One who gives life to dead land, give life to dead hearts?
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Heart
Image of Yasmin Mogahed
You never have to be scared of the trials but of standing alone in the trials without shelter (Allah's help).
- Yasmin Mogahed
Collection: Trials