Top Islamic Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Islamic quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Amy Waldman
The September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon prompted a fundamental shift in the American government's approach to Islamic terrorism.
- Amy Waldman
Collection: Islamic
Image of David Petraeus
The Islamic State fighters in Mosul are dead men walking and I think they increasingly know it.
- David Petraeus
Collection: Islamic
Image of John Ringo
Well, if I use Hispanic culture I get corruption and really good salsa music. If I use Chinese culture I get rigid thinking and decent Szechwan. If I use Islamic culture I get...not damned much of anything. And ditto for Africa although at least the rhythm is good and you can dance to it. But if I use Western European Culture I get industry, higher standards of living, longer lifespans and a generally happier society. Damn, I think I'll just have to go with WesternCiv even if I do have to put up with the Lutherans.
- John Ringo
Collection: Islamic
Image of Taslima Nasrin
I write against the religion because if women want to live like human beings, they will have to live outside the religion and Islamic law.
- Taslima Nasrin
Collection: Islamic
Image of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
Shahidullah Shahid said there is nothing Islamic in Pakistan’s constitution. He clearly can’t read. The truth is there is nothing Islamic in the TTP.
- Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ahmed Yassin
There are many resistance movements in the world, like the IRA for instance. But it is only Islamic resistance movements that are put on the terrorist list. This is what I am saying.
- Ahmed Yassin
Collection: Islamic
Image of Roger Stone
Bush equals Clinton equals Bush equals Obama equals Clinton. It's the same policies...immigration policies that may turn us into Europe, where hordes of Islamic madmen are raping, killing, pillaging, defecating in public fountains, harassing private citizens, elderly people - that's what's coming.
- Roger Stone
Collection: Islamic
Image of Roger Stone
I also think now that Islamic terrorism is going to be front and center, there is going to be a new focus on whether this administration, the administration of Hillary Clinton at State, was permeated at the highest levels by Saudi intelligence and others who are not loyal Americans.
- Roger Stone
Collection: Islamic
Image of Feisal Abdul Rauf
Islamic law is clearly against terrorism, against any kind of deliberate killing of civilians or similar 'collateral damage.'
- Feisal Abdul Rauf
Collection: Islamic
Image of Reza Aslan
It took many years to cleanse Arabia of its “false idols.” It will take many more to cleanse Islam of its new false idols-bigotry and fanaticism-worshipped by those who have replaced Muhammad's original vision of tolerance and unity with their own ideals of hatred and discord. But the cleansing is inevitable, and the tide of reform cannot be stopped. The Islamic Reformation is already here. We are all living in it.
- Reza Aslan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Reza Aslan
Over the last few years, the Islamic world has produced more female presidents and prime ministers than both Europe and North America combined.
- Reza Aslan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Reza Aslan
The west is very concerned and actually afraid because the media is not informing them. There are too many moderate Muslims who are trying to whitewash the fears and concerns of the West. It's time for us to face reality - nobody is against Muslims. When I'm speaking about this situation, it's about Islamic doctrine. Islamic doctrine promotes violence and hatred against non Muslims. 60% of the Koran is dedicated to cursing and spreading hatred and violence against non-Muslims who are called 'Kaffir'.
- Reza Aslan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Abu Bakar Bashir
If the West wants to have peace, then they have to accept Islamic rule.
- Abu Bakar Bashir
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ali ibn Abi Talib
The worst of our faults is our interest in other people's faults.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib
Collection: Islamic
Image of Tom Metzger
As far as the targets hit by the Islamic attackers, I do not consider the WTC a U.S. institution, but the headquarters of most that's wrong with our present masters.
- Tom Metzger
Collection: Islamic
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Israel must be wiped off the map.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Islamic
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
We will convert the entire world to Islam with our logic. We are confident that the Islamic logic, culture, and discourse can prove their superiority in all fields over all schools of thought and theories.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Islamic
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Islamic
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime [in Israel] must be wiped off the map and this was a very wise statement. We cannot compromise over the issue of Palestine... I have no doubt that the new wave that has started in Palestine, and we witness it in the Islamic world too, will eliminate this disgraceful stain from the Islamic world.
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Islamic
Image of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
We do not have homosexuals in Iran like you do [in America].
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Collection: Islamic
Image of Tariq Ali
In many parts of the Islamic world, secular forces, where they exist, tend to be so unsure of themselves, so lacking in self-confidence, that in many cases they line themselves up fairly squarely behind the imperial project and that then creates a big vacuum in which the Islamists become the dominant power because they are the only ones then who are seen as resisting.
- Tariq Ali
Collection: Islamic
Image of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Change, development and progress, according to the Islamic viewpoint, refer to the return to the genuine Islam enunciated and practised by the Holy Prophet (may God bless and give him Peace!) and his noble Companions and their Followers (blessing and peace be upon them all!) and the faith and practice of genuine Muslims after them; and they also refer to the self and mean its return to its original nature and religion (Islam).
- Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Collection: Islamic
Image of Seyyed Hossein Nasr
It is for Muslim scholars to study the whole history of Islamic science completely and not only the chapters and periods which influenced Western science. It is also for Muslim scholars to present the tradition of Islamic science from the point of view of Islam itself and not from the point of view of the scientism, rationalism and positivism which have dominated the history of science in the West since the establishment of the discipline in the early part of the 20th century in Europe and America.
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Collection: Islamic
Image of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
If thirst for water indicates the existence of water, in a similar way thirst for justice indicates the existence of justice, and since there is no justice in this world, this is indicates the presence of an afterlife, the home of true justice.
- Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Not all Muslims become involved in acts of violence. Yet all might be held culpable. THis is because that section of Muslim--in fact, the majority--who are not personally involved, neither disown those members of their community who are engaged in violence, nor even condemn them. In such a case, according to the Islamic Shariah itself, if the involved Muslims are directly responsible, the uninvolved Muslims are also indirectly responsible. (p. 91)
- Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Collection: Islamic
Image of Yusuf al-Qaradawi
The desired Islamic state might be likened to an orchard planted with olive and palm trees that will take a relatively long time to produce fruit.
- Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Collection: Islamic
Image of Yusuf al-Qaradawi
It has been determined by Islamic law that the blood and property of people of Dar Al-Harb (non Muslims) is not protected. Because they fight against and are hostile towards the Muslims, they annulled the protection of his blood and his property.
- Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Collection: Islamic
Image of Yusuf al-Qaradawi
The lack of insight to reality, life and history as well as into God's ways, or sunan in His creation, some people will continue to seek or demand the impossible. They will imagine what does not or cannot happen, misunderstand occurrences and events, and interpret them on the basis of cherished illusions which in no way reflect God's sunan or the essence of Islamic law.
- Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Collection: Islamic
Image of Zakir Naik
If a Muslim becomes a non-Muslim and propagates his/her new religion, then it is as good as treason. There is a Death Penalty in Islam for such a person.
- Zakir Naik
Collection: Islamic
Image of Akbar Ganji
I am against revolution and am proud of it. Democracy cannot be created through revolutions. The most important dichotomy that I make for a society is between those who support democracy and human rights, and those who oppose it. In a totalitarian state, the state views any act of an individual to be political in nature. For example, the clothing that a person wears in a modern state is a private affair whereas in the Islamic Republic all women are forced to wear the hijab (Islamic attire). When women push their headscarf back an inch or two, this is interpreted to be a political act.
- Akbar Ganji
Collection: Islamic
Image of Dalia Mogahed
There are hundreds and hundreds of followers of Islamic State around Europe and the U.S. The Saudis are showing this. And all you have to do is look at the conversation inside of our mosques and inside of our communities.
- Dalia Mogahed
Collection: Islamic
Image of Bryan Fischer
This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government.
- Bryan Fischer
Collection: Islamic
Image of Stewart Baker
Why wouldn't we consider doing to Islamic extremists what Glenn Greenwald does routinely to Republicans?
- Stewart Baker
Collection: Islamic
Image of Pat Condell
We know they have nothing to do with Islam because our politicians keep telling us that, and they are all Islamic scholars. (They are, aren't they?) Yes, the violence is coming exclusively from Muslims, but only because their religion (the one that has nothing to do with Islam) tells them to kill unbelievers, meaning people who don't follow the religion with a knife to our throat that has nothing to do with Islam.
- Pat Condell
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ruhollah Khomeini
When anyone studies a little or pays a little attention to the rules of Islamic government, Islamic politics, Islamic society and Islamic economy he will realize that Islam is a very political religion. Anyone who will say that religion is separate from politics is a fool; he does not know Islam or politics.
- Ruhollah Khomeini
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ruhollah Khomeini
The fundamental difference between Islamic government, on the one hand, and constitutional monarchy and republics, on the other, is this: whereas the representatives of the people or the monarch in such regimes engage in legislation, in Islam the legislative power and competence to establish laws belong exclusively to God Almighty.
- Ruhollah Khomeini
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ruhollah Khomeini
Islamic state means a state based on justice and democracy and structured upon Islamic rules and laws.
- Ruhollah Khomeini
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ruhollah Khomeini
In Iran's future Islamic system everyone can express their opinion, and the Islamic government will respond to logic with logic.
- Ruhollah Khomeini
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ruhollah Khomeini
Women are free in the Islamic Republic in the selection of their activities and their future and their clothing.
- Ruhollah Khomeini
Collection: Islamic
Image of Robert Briffault
For although there is not a single aspect of European growth in which the decisive influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere is it so clear and momentous as in the genesis of that power which constitutes the permanent distinctive force of the modern world, and the supreme source of its victory, natural science and the scientific spirit.
- Robert Briffault
Collection: Islamic
Image of John Bagot Glubb
By Mamun's time medical schools were extremely active in Baghdad. The first free public hospital was opened in Baghdad during the Caliphate of Haroon-ar-Rashid. As the system developed, physicians and surgeons were appointed who gave lectures to medical students and issued diplomas to those who were considered qualified to practice. The first hospital in Egypt was opened in 872 AD and thereafter public hospitals sprang up all over the empire from Spain and the Maghrib to Persia.
- John Bagot Glubb
Collection: Islamic
Image of Bernard Lewis
Islam and Islamic values now have a level of immunity from comment and criticism in the Western world that Christianity has lost and Judaism has never had.
- Bernard Lewis
Collection: Islamic
Image of Bernard Lewis
The object of jihad is to bring the whole world under Islamic Law.
- Bernard Lewis
Collection: Islamic
Image of Bernard Lewis
In opposing we always talk about freedom in the Western world, Muslims always talk about justice. Very often we mean the same thing. But what we do mean, what in the Western world we call human rights, in the Islamic world, they don't talk about rights. Now they do, but in the past they didn't. It wasn't part of their terminology. But really it's the same thing.
- Bernard Lewis
Collection: Islamic
Image of Jeff Flake
Enhancing long term national security requires that we have a clear-eyed view of radical Islamic terrorism without ascribing radical Islamic terrorist views to all Muslims.
- Jeff Flake
Collection: Islamic
Image of Michael Scheuer
You can forgive your leaders for not knowing the intricacies of Islamic history. You cannot forgive them for not knowing their own. And when you look at American democracy, where did it start? It started, if you need to pick a point, at Runnymede in 1215. We have now been at this process, we and our English-speaking allies, for 800 years.
- Michael Scheuer
Collection: Islamic
Image of Michael Scheuer
If you look at groups in the Palestine region, Hamas and the Palestine Islamic jihad, more often than not in their first operations they would accidentally blow themselves up on the way to the target or the bomb wouldn't go off.
- Michael Scheuer
Collection: Islamic
Image of William Kristol
And on this issue of the Shia in Iraq, I think there's been a certain amount of, frankly, Terry, a kind of pop sociology in America that, you know, somehow the Shia can't get along with the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq just want to establish some kind of Islamic fundamentalist regime. There's almost no evidence of that at all. Iraq's always been very secular.
- William Kristol
Collection: Islamic
Image of Sally Kohn
Since 9/11, right-wing extremists (incl anti-abortion, anti-gov) have killed more Americans than Islamic extremists.
- Sally Kohn
Collection: Islamic
Image of Ahmed Chalabi
We are not panicking because we know that Islamic State cannot conquer the capital.
- Ahmed Chalabi
Collection: Islamic