Top listening Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of listening quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Erin McKean
if you want someone to stop listening to you go ahead and yell. If you want them to listen to every word, whisper. -Mimi
- Erin McKean
Collection: Listening
Image of Graeme Simsion
You can’t go through life not listening to music.
- Graeme Simsion
Collection: Listening
Image of Dave Navarro
I grew up listening to albums by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix, and they all worked on that multi-layered level.
- Dave Navarro
Collection: Listening
Image of Robert Orben
Did you ever see that painting the Mona Lisa. It always reminds me of a reporter listening to a politician.
- Robert Orben
Collection: Listening
Image of Karlheinz Stockhausen
Music is mathematics, the mathematics of listening, mathematics for the ears.
- Karlheinz Stockhausen
Collection: Listening
Image of Gerry Mulligan
When I began listening to saxophones, I was first attracted to Coleman Hawkins
- Gerry Mulligan
Collection: Listening
Image of Pat Metheny
More and more as time has gone on, I realize that playing is really more about listening than it is about playing.
- Pat Metheny
Collection: Listening
Image of Amy Sedaris
If you see a shy person, ask them some questions like, 'Why are you so shy? Tell everyone, we're all listening.
- Amy Sedaris
Collection: Listening
Image of Stephen Levine
The saddest part about being human is not paying attention. Presence is the gift of life.
- Stephen Levine
Collection: Listening
Image of Itzhak Perlman
I always consider myself lucky that I can actually cry listening to some music.
- Itzhak Perlman
Collection: Listening
Image of Robert Plant
The music beckons to those who are listening.
- Robert Plant
Collection: Listening
Image of William Bernbach
We are so busy measuring public opinion that we forget we can mold it. We are so busy listening to statistics we forget we can create them.
- William Bernbach
Collection: Listening
Image of Thom Yorke
The hardest part about being in Radiohead is listening to my own music.
- Thom Yorke
Collection: Listening
Image of Michelle Richmond
A story, after all, does not only belong to the one who is telling it. It belongs, in equal measure, to the one who is listening.
- Michelle Richmond
Collection: Listening
Image of Jean Vanier
Wisdom is something that comes, little by little, through a lot of listening.
- Jean Vanier
Collection: Listening
Image of Mark Nepo
Everything in life opens and closes, sheds and renews. We are no different. Listening in its endless forms is the way we stay open, the way we stay in relationship, the way we refresh who we are and what we're doing here.
- Mark Nepo
Collection: Listening
Image of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The first service that one owes to others consists in listening to them.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Collection: Listening
Image of Kobayashi Issa
Listen, all creeping things, the bell of transience.
- Kobayashi Issa
Collection: Listening
Image of Bernard of Clairvaux
You wish to see; listen. Hearing is a step toward Vision.
- Bernard of Clairvaux
Collection: Listening
Image of Jeremy Paxman
I got fed up of listening to bollocks
- Jeremy Paxman
Collection: Listening
Image of Tony Blair
Politics is about listening and it's about leading.
- Tony Blair
Collection: Listening
Image of John Jantsch
Listening is the new prospecting.
- John Jantsch
Collection: Listening
Image of John Cage
The act of listening is in fact an act of composing.
- John Cage
Collection: Listening
Image of Artie Shaw
Listening to Benny [Goodman] talk about the clarinet was like listening to a surgeon get hung up on a scalpel.
- Artie Shaw
Collection: Listening
Image of Angelo Sotira
Listening is not a displacement for leadership. You have to have leadership.
- Angelo Sotira
Collection: Listening
Image of Jay Electronica
The universe is listening, be careful what you say in it.
- Jay Electronica
Collection: Listening
Image of Frank Bruni
We are spending so much time in studios, and in chairs listening to somebody at a lectern, and if we really understood what Americans were concerned about and what resentments were building, we would not have been as shocked by Donald Trump's success.
- Frank Bruni
Collection: Listening
Image of H. Burke Peterson
Listening is an essential part of praying. Answers from the Lord come quietly-every so quietly. In fact, few hear his answers audibly with their ears. We must be listening carefully or we will never recognize them.
- H. Burke Peterson
Collection: Listening
Image of Michael Shurtleff
Listening is not merely hearing, it is receiving the message that is being sent to you. Listening is reacting. Listening is being affected by what you hear. Listening is letting it land before you react. Listening is letting your reaction make a difference. Listening is active.
- Michael Shurtleff
Collection: Listening
Image of David "Doc" Searls
By listening, marketing will re-learn how to talk.
- David "Doc" Searls
Collection: Listening
Image of Budd Schulberg
I’d like to be remembered as someone who used their ability as a novelist or as a dramatist to say the things he felt needed to be said about the society while being as entertaining as possible. Because if you don’t entertain, nobody’s listening.
- Budd Schulberg
Collection: Listening
Image of Philip Kapleau
Many have come to realization simply by listening to the tinkling of a bell or some other sound
- Philip Kapleau
Collection: Listening
Image of Geezer Butler
Lately, Ive been listening to some jazz albums. I love the new Pat Metheny album. John Coltrane. I still like good metal, though!
- Geezer Butler
Collection: Listening
Image of Glenn Gould
There is a craft and a power in listening.
- Glenn Gould
Collection: Listening
Image of Janine Benyus
Listening to nature's operating instructions.
- Janine Benyus
Collection: Listening
Image of Esther Peterson
Listen to the extremists - changes come from them.
- Esther Peterson
Collection: Listening
Image of Andrew Flintoff
It's a big part of my life, listening to music and watching TV.
- Andrew Flintoff
Collection: Listening
Image of Rick Owens
I almost cried the other day listening to ‘Vogue’ by Madonna.
- Rick Owens
Collection: Listening
Image of Sigurd F. Olson
I named this place Listening Point because only when one comes to listen, only when one is aware and still, can things be seen and heard. Everyone has a listening point somewhere. It does not have to be in the north or close to the wilderness, but someplace of quiet where the universe can be contemplated with awe.
- Sigurd F. Olson
Collection: Listening
Image of Chelsea Clinton
I'm a big believer in listening to my body's cravings.
- Chelsea Clinton
Collection: Listening
Image of Edward Gardner
As a conductor I find the hardest tasks are to listen to the instinct of a musician and to hear the music behind the notes.
- Edward Gardner
Collection: Listening
Image of Sylvia Ashton-Warner
To feel as well as hear what someone says requires whole attention.
- Sylvia Ashton-Warner
Collection: Listening
Image of Gish Jen
I like to listen. I'm much more interested in listening than in speaking, for sure.
- Gish Jen
Collection: Listening
Image of Tim Allen
Be wary of listening to stories secondhand.
- Tim Allen
Collection: Listening
Image of Julia Margaret Cameron
When an actor is in the moment, he or she is engaged in listening for the next right thing creatively. When a painter is painting, he or she may begin with a plan, but that plan is soon surrendered to the painting's own plan. This is often expressed as 'The brush takes the next stroke.' In dance, in composition, in sculpture, the experience is the same: we are more the conduit than the creator of what we express
- Julia Margaret Cameron
Collection: Listening
Image of Andrew Mason
Sainthood emerges when you can listen to someone's tale of woe and not respond with a description of your own.
- Andrew Mason
Collection: Listening
Image of Rivers Cuomo
I enjoy listening to the albums of my youth as much as ever.
- Rivers Cuomo
Collection: Listening
Image of Dave Kerpen
Listen first and never stop listening.
- Dave Kerpen
Collection: Listening
Image of David Pajo
Now since I've gotten back into it, I've been listening to a lot more of the 1990s death metal type stuff.
- David Pajo
Collection: Listening
Image of Stephanie Ellis
It's a fact of life that how you dress affects how you are perceived and whether your contribution to a meeting is registered as worth listening to.
- Stephanie Ellis
Collection: Listening