Tracy Morgan

Image of Tracy Morgan
Stand-up and comedy is the place where we are supposed to be able to make fun of all of the world's ills.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Fun
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not focused on the outrageousness. I'm just focused on being funny, and raising my kids. I don't even read the newspaper, I don't read that crap.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Kids
Image of Tracy Morgan
I never wanted the ha-ha-ha laughter [at my shows]. I always aimed for the gut. I always aimed for the pretty girls in the front row, laughing and leaning over and pooting.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Girl
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not really much into politics, because it's rarely discussed in my line of work, but I know that Barack Obama is trying his best, and that at some point down the road, he's going to get it right.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Trying
Image of Tracy Morgan
Fame doesn't matter. Money doesn't matter. Those things are forever fleeting. I just want to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, so that when I'm long gone my great-great-grandchildren can walk up to it and say, "That's my ancestor." That will be my legacy.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Stars
Image of Tracy Morgan
My sense of humor was a tool for me getting past my mother and father separating, my older brother having cerebral palsy, and the bullies in the schoolyard. I had to make them laugh to keep them off my ass. I brought that to my professional career.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Mother
Image of Tracy Morgan
I love being around people who love to do what I love to do, which is comedy.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Love Is
Image of Tracy Morgan
I want to let my fans know I love them and I'm coming your way and I'm bringing truckloads of funny.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Fans
Image of Tracy Morgan
I don't really take the college tours and all that. Those are young people and I'm quite sure they're mature enough to understand, but they haven't seen or lived real life yet.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Real
Image of Tracy Morgan
Sometimes I think we're exposed to things we shouldn't be exposed to too early. I think that sets the tone to a person's whole life.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tracy Morgan
Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Loss
Image of Tracy Morgan
My life growing up was a twisted Bronx version of The Color Purple. It had a much different soundtrack and no trees, but that desperation was the same.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not really struggling about my career. The struggles are in my personal life. I can't really pinpoint how long it took me to get where I'm at, and I didn't care how long it was going to take, because it's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Struggle
Image of Tracy Morgan
I touch on sex in my stand-up and it's funny, because when I talk about sex from an adult point of view, people cringe. But if I talk about war or killing, people laugh. So it's sick. It's really demented.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Sex
Image of Tracy Morgan
When I'm in the mood to listen to music, I do like to go to the SkyBar [ L.A.].
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Mood
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm very giving. Even if it's for nonsense, I'll give it to you.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Giving
Image of Tracy Morgan
Having a daughter makes you see things in a different way. This is my only girl. So I don't care what it takes to protect her. You can call it what you want to call it. As long as you treat her the same way I treat her, like my princess, I don't mind.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Girl
Image of Tracy Morgan
I've got to show life as I see it.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Shows
Image of Tracy Morgan
Saturday Night Live' was like a university for funny.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Night
Image of Tracy Morgan
I just see myself as a short, dumpy guy with bad feet, and I'm passionate.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Feet
Image of Tracy Morgan
Outside of show business, I live a normal life.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Normal
Image of Tracy Morgan
I love "30 Rock" because Tina Fey allows me to fly over the cuckoo nest once a week.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Rocks
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not a hateful person and don't condone any kind of violence against others.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Violence
Image of Tracy Morgan
Every person has contributed to me as a human, but a lot of the characters I do are ones I created.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Character
Image of Tracy Morgan
I love Ice Cube and Charlie Day. They're brilliant men, great actors and very funny people.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Men
Image of Tracy Morgan
Live every week like it's shark week.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Rocks
Image of Tracy Morgan
What am I afraid of? The IRS. Thats it. I dont want those people knockin on my door, man.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Men
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not really much into politics, because it's rarely discussed in my line of work.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Lines
Image of Tracy Morgan
I give [Barack Obama] a 10 [on a scale of 1 to 10] because he's not God, and he inherited a couple of wars, and a financial mess.I want to see him curse somebody out on TV. You can't finesse a bull. He's gotta throw down. He's in the shark tank.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Couple
Image of Tracy Morgan
I just want to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, so that when I'm long gone my great-great-grandchildren can walk up to it and say, "That's my ancestor." That will be my legacy.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Stars
Image of Tracy Morgan
Let's focus on the funny. ... That's what I'm focused on... This is the gift God gave me. That's what I want to touch in people.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: People
Image of Tracy Morgan
My father was the role model I looked up to. My dad was an entertainer, too. I patterned my life after him. He wanted me to do better than he did. He never sold a record in his life, but to me he was still a rock star.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Stars
Image of Tracy Morgan
I can make people laugh at the drop of a dime. God's given me that ability.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: People
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not afraid to move away from funny. I'm not afraid of that.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Moving
Image of Tracy Morgan
Everything I talk about in stand-up is my experiences as an American, as a father, as a husband, as a black man, as a human being.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Husband
Image of Tracy Morgan
I like to do stand-up for people who live real life.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Real
Image of Tracy Morgan
I don't like doing stand-up for little kids. It's not geared for that.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Kids
Image of Tracy Morgan
Young stand-ups, we ought to do comedy in George Carlin's spirit, in Richard Pryor's spirit, in Jackie Gleason's spirit, in Lucille Ball's spirit, because they did it with the spirit.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Balls
Image of Tracy Morgan
George Carlin is an influence on a generation. He made me want to do comedy.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Generations
Image of Tracy Morgan
Stand-up is mine. It's a part of me.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Mines
Image of Tracy Morgan
Stand-up is really personal. It's not like somebody else is writing the script and you have to do what they write.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Tracy Morgan
Too many people focus on the thing, instead of the heavenly glory of it. I don't want to give away what to expect.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: People
Image of Tracy Morgan
The things I did on Saturday Night Live are going to stay as Saturday Night Live. You've never seen Eddie Murphy do a Gumby movie. There's a lot more new material inside of me.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Night