Top Violence Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Violence quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Bobby Seale
Our position was: If you don't attack us, there won't be any violence; if you bring violence to us, we will defend ourselves.
- Bobby Seale
Collection: Violence
Image of Thomas Kyd
Where words prevail not, violence prevails.
- Thomas Kyd
Collection: Violence
Image of Alexei Navalny
I'm not going to appeal to violence or aggression - of course not.
- Alexei Navalny
Collection: Violence
Image of Alister E. McGrath
The 20th century gave rise to one of the greatest and most distressing paradoxes of human history: that the greatest intolerance and violence of that century were practiced by those who believed that religion caused intolerance and violence.
- Alister E. McGrath
Collection: Violence
Image of Edward James Olmos
Education is a vacine for violence
- Edward James Olmos
Collection: Violence
Image of Jonathan Sacks
The greatest single antidote to violence is conversation.
- Jonathan Sacks
Collection: Violence
Image of Timothy Radcliffe
All the Abrahamic faiths are marked by violence.
- Timothy Radcliffe
Collection: Violence
Image of Howard Zinn
Are terrorists going to be deterred - are terrorists going to be scared if we react violently? No. They love it. That's what they dote on. They dote on violence. They dote on having more reasons to commit more terrorism.
- Howard Zinn
Collection: Violence
Image of Redman
I smacked her, cracked her, put her in a full nelson.
- Redman
Collection: Violence
Image of Ramsey Clark
Our emotions may cry for vengeance in the wake of a horrible crime, but we know that killing the criminal will not undo the crime, will not prevent similar crimes by others, does not benefit the victim, destroys human life and brutalizes society. If we are to still violence, we must cherish life. Executions cheapen life.
- Ramsey Clark
Collection: Violence
Image of Jean Kilbourne
Turning a human being into a thing is almost always the first step towards justifying violence against that person.
- Jean Kilbourne
Collection: Violence
Image of Betty Williams
Non violence is not a thing that comes easily. You have to learn how to be non-violent
- Betty Williams
Collection: Violence
Image of Petra Kelly
Practically every violent conflict or social change has proved that violence unleashes violence in return.
- Petra Kelly
Collection: Violence
Image of RZA
Just bring love. Everybody keeps bringing violence, let's bring love.
Collection: Violence
Image of Joan Wallach Scott
The internet has made possible a frightening practice of threats and intimidation - threats of unspeakable violence and death.
- Joan Wallach Scott
Collection: Violence
Image of Jerry Izenberg
Francesco Damiani punches with all the violence and bad intentions of Mahatma Gandhi.
- Jerry Izenberg
Collection: Violence
Image of Harry Browne
Disarmed citizens encourage crime and violence. Armed citizens encourage criminals to find a safer line of work.
- Harry Browne
Collection: Violence
Image of Sean Connery
If you have to resort to violence, you've already lost.
- Sean Connery
Collection: Violence
Image of Chuck Todd
We're all living under the threat of violence and terror these days.
- Chuck Todd
Collection: Violence
Image of Khaled Mashal
This is not violence, this is legitimate resistance. This is our people's right to resist Israeli occupation.
- Khaled Mashal
Collection: Violence
Image of Bhagat Singh
In times of great necessity, violence is indispensable.
- Bhagat Singh
Collection: Violence
Image of Antony Starr
Unfortunately part of pulp is that there is sex, there is violence. It's not a kids' show. It's an 18-and-over audience - like anything cable. I see some things in Game of Thrones that turn my hair gray. It's the way the industry has gone.
- Antony Starr
Collection: Violence
Image of Aaron Allston
No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence. -General Wedge Antilles
- Aaron Allston
Collection: Violence
Image of Pamela Geller
The violence in the Old Testament and New Testament is descriptive. The violence in the Koran is for all time and it is prescriptive. And Mohammed said "I have been made victorious through terror.".
- Pamela Geller
Collection: Violence
Image of Francis George
If you, however, separate reason and faith so that it's purely a rationalistic scheme, it will end in violence. If a pure faith scheme - sometimes called the fundamentalist scheme in modern parlance - you'll end in violence too.
- Francis George
Collection: Violence
Image of Robert Spencer
There is nothing in anything that I have ever written that could be reasonably construed as an incitement to violence against anyone.
- Robert Spencer
Collection: Violence
Image of Laurie Notaro
My family were staunch believers in physical violence, not automatic violence, and we had a Safeway around the corner, so we never really needed to kill anything.
- Laurie Notaro
Collection: Violence
Image of Mustafa Akyol
Disapproving and boycotting is the Quranic thing to do, whereas violence and threats are not.
- Mustafa Akyol
Collection: Violence
Image of Daniel Odier
No act loses us; no violence we're subjected to destroys us; no debasement chases out the divine, and no one can take the divine from us.
- Daniel Odier
Collection: Violence
Image of Robert F. Williams
We must meet violence with violence.
- Robert F. Williams
Collection: Violence
Image of Pascal Boyer
The fundamentalist violence is, so is it, an attempt to increase the stakes, i.e. to discourage the potential desertions by showing that defection will cost them dear, that those who adopt other values will be persecuted or even killed.
- Pascal Boyer
Collection: Violence
Image of Margaret Millar
Violence is the instinctive response to fear.
- Margaret Millar
Collection: Violence
Image of Julia Bacha
Non-violence is not glamorous, and you don't see the effects right away.
- Julia Bacha
Collection: Violence
Image of Nigel Farage
Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.
- Nigel Farage
Collection: Violence
Image of Stephen A. Diamond
Like most human behavior, violence has meaning: it only seems 'senseless' or 'meaningless' to the extent we are unable-or unwilling-to decode it.
- Stephen A. Diamond
Collection: Violence
Image of Jonathan Raymond
I would never ever condone any violence of any kind. But in the theater of fiction, blood is delightful.
- Jonathan Raymond
Collection: Violence
Image of Morgan Saylor
I find it really weird that sexuality is still so taboo in films and violence isn't. It really bewilders me.
- Morgan Saylor
Collection: Violence
Image of Kevin Powell
We live in a society where manhood is all about conquering and violence. And what we don't realize is that ultimately that kind of manhood ultimately kills you.
- Kevin Powell
Collection: Violence
Image of Michael Hastings
I have a deep-seated skepticism about the morality of violence. Violence is almost always morally corrosive.
- Michael Hastings
Collection: Violence
Image of Charb
When activists need a pretext to justify their violence, they always find it.
- Charb
Collection: Violence
Image of Ari Shavit
We had good years, with no violence, in a sense we were victims of our success.
- Ari Shavit
Collection: Violence
Image of Maya Tiwari
Until we eliminate the mentality of violence, we will not find the harmony within ourselves we're looking for.
- Maya Tiwari
Collection: Violence
Image of Mukhtar Ma'i
Violence against women can end only when the culprits get punished.
- Mukhtar Ma'i
Collection: Violence
Image of Greg Bryk
I grew up with a very quick temper, and the language of violence is a language that I'm very familiar and comfortable with.
- Greg Bryk
Collection: Violence
Image of Sean Hannity
I don't see any violence at Trump rallies.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Violence
Image of John F. Kerry
Gender based violence anywhere is a threat to peace and security everywhere.
- John F. Kerry
Collection: Violence
Image of Chip Berlet
Even before the election I was saying that the rhetoric used by Trump was going to cause violence before and after the election. That was easy to predict.
- Chip Berlet
Collection: Violence
Image of Shane Meadows
The violence at the end is about personal torture.
- Shane Meadows
Collection: Violence
Image of Margarethe von Trotta
I was never in favor of violence. I am always in favor of expressing anger, though. I am always in favor of revolt, and can even understand some forms of property crime.
- Margarethe von Trotta
Collection: Violence
Image of Mary Summer Rain
Violence is never random.
- Mary Summer Rain
Collection: Violence