Tracy Morgan

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Martin Lawrence is one of my comedic heroes, and he's a genius.
- Tracy Morgan
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If I don't offend somebody, then I'm probably not funny.
- Tracy Morgan
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Stand-up don't get no respect - it's the hardest thing to do in show business. You don't have no band and there's no music.
- Tracy Morgan
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Comedy clubs are sacred ground. That's where anything goes.
- Tracy Morgan
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I grew up in the projects in Brooklyn, and I consider myself lucky and blessed to be where I am - just working.
- Tracy Morgan
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Reality is the scary thing. Not my work, not comedy.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
What I have learned over the years is to try to stay in the moment. I want to feel it all because I've realized nothing lasts.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I deal with my sons like young men. If they have a problem with something, they come to me. I am the type of dad that will drop everything I am doing for them, and always tell them to talk to me about it.
- Tracy Morgan
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You will be surprised but I do a lot of studying and I watch National Geographic.
- Tracy Morgan
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I've been funny my whole life. This is a gift God gave me.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I spread love wherever I'm at. I'm like Marvin Gaye.
- Tracy Morgan
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I'm a big, big movie fan. I watch 'The Ten Commandments' and the original 'Planet of the Apes' every night.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
Stand-up is my foundation. That's where it started at. And I love it because it's personal. It's mine. It's all me. It's my experience in life.
- Tracy Morgan
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I would love to try action films.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
It's just, people recognize you for your work, you know? They love you for your work, and they judge you for your work. It's awesome to have people quoting you. I love it.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm around my kids every day. I'm regular. We're a regular family. My wife cooks, she washes clothes, I read books, I pump my own gas, I get my own hair cut.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I think the word 'pregnant' is funny.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
People walked out on Richard Pryor and he's the funniest man alive.
- Tracy Morgan
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I don't have a hateful bone in my body. I don't believe anyone should be bullied or made to feel bad about who they are.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
In my heart, I really don't care who you love, same sex or not; as long as you have the ability to love, that's the important thing here.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
If I make fun of somebody at my show, believe me, it's something we can all laugh at.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
The version of me you see on TV now and in my feature films is a pretty happy guy, isn't he?
- Tracy Morgan
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If you're the kind of person who likes numbers and statistics, I'm the long shot - the Lotto Powerball winner. I'm the mutation in the DNA that makes evolution a reality. I am the new black.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
Who's coming with me? I don't know where I'm going, but who's coming with me?
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
In New York, we get down. In L.A., everybody's pretty much standing around like they're at a keg stand. You got to get the party started, so I just take my shirt off.
- Tracy Morgan
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I've played outrageous characters my whole career.
- Tracy Morgan
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Parents should support and love their kids no matter what.
- Tracy Morgan
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I got five kids - I claim three for income tax purposes.
- Tracy Morgan
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I believe gay, straight, anybody, everybody's supposed to be happy in this world, man.
- Tracy Morgan
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Of all the sicknesses, there is probably none more abusive than homophobia.
- Tracy Morgan
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My heart is committed to giving everyone the same rights that I deserve for myself.
- Tracy Morgan
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The paparazzi do what they do, man. They have a job, too.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I mellowed out; my daughter mellowed me out, and I don't get mad at anyone.
- Tracy Morgan
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I've still got family members living below the poverty line in New York.
- Tracy Morgan
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No matter what, if my son was gay, I'd treat him like a king.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
Rock bottom for some people is death. Some people never learn from their mistakes. They don't learn from other people's mistakes.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
All women like to look up to their men.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I love animals, but I don't want to talk to them. I'd rather be able to talk to other people on other continents and understand them.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
All you single fathers got to man up.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
Black people dance well because we start early - there's music being played everywhere. White people? They don't start dancing until they get to college, and by then, it's too late; the bottom don't move with the top no matter how hard they try.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I've got friends who want money but don't want to do anything to earn it.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
Anybody who's lived in the ghetto knows that you don't move during the daytime. Here's why: You don't want anyone to know you're leaving, and you don't want anyone knowing where you're going.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
When you're in the spotlight, people want to dissect you and then put you back together the way they want you.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
You have to be highly intelligent to get away with a dumb joke. That takes a pretty smart fella.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I guess I'm entertaining; I guess I'm interesting. I guess the things that I say sell papers. I guess they sell magazines. I don't know.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I don't even read the newspaper; I don't read that crap.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
It gets scary when you're dealing with people who don't know how to separate fact from fiction.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
I have the person at home, the person who has his privacy, too. Michael Jackson didn't do the moonwalk in his kitchen.
- Tracy Morgan
Image of Tracy Morgan
Having boys is different. Boys, you put sneakers on, and they're out, they're ready. Girls, you gotta pay a little bit more attention to them.
- Tracy Morgan