Thomas Paine

Image of Thomas Paine
Aristocracy is kept up by family tyranny and injustice.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Aristocracy
Image of Thomas Paine
A little matter will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a nation.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Party
Image of Thomas Paine
The stupid texts of the Bible - from which, be the talents of the preacher what they may, only stupid sermons can be preached.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Bible
Image of Thomas Paine
The Christian religion is derogatory to the Creator in all its articles. It puts the Creator in an inferior point of view, and places the Christian devil above him. It is he, according to the absurd story in Genesis, that outwits the Creator in the Garden Eden, and steals from Him His favorite creature, man, and at last obliges Him to beget a son, and put that son to death, to get man back again; and this the priests of the Christian religion call redemption.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Paine
Paper money is like dram-drinking, it relieves for a moment by deceitful sensation, but gradually diminishes the natural heat, and leaves the body worse than it found it. Were not this the case, and could money be made of paper at pleasure, every sovereign in Europe would be as rich as he pleased. But the truth is, that it is a bubble and the attempt vanity. Nature has provided the proper materials for money: gold and silver, and any attempt of ours to rival her is ridiculous.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Drinking
Image of Thomas Paine
A single legislature, on account of the superabundance of its power, and the uncontrolled rabidity of its execution, becomes as dangerous to the principles of liberty as that of a despotic monarch.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Political
Image of Thomas Paine
One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of hereditary right in kings, is, that nature disapproves it, otherwise, she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ass for a lion.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Kings
Image of Thomas Paine
No falsehood is so fatal as that which is made an article of faith.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Religion
Image of Thomas Paine
The artificial noble shrinks into a dwarf before the noble of nature; and in the few instances (for there are some in all countries) in whom nature, as by a miracle, has survived in aristocracy, those men despise it.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Country
Image of Thomas Paine
But there is another and greater distinction for which no truly natural or religious reason can be assigned, and that is the distinction of men into kings and subjects. Male and female are the distinctions of nature, good and bad the distinctions of heaven; but how a race of men came into the world so exalted above the rest, and distinguished like some new species, is worth inquiring into, and whether they are the means of happiness or of misery to mankind.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Religious
Image of Thomas Paine
In the early ages of the world, according to the scripture chronology, there were no kings; the consequence of which was there were no wars; it is the pride of kings which throws mankind into confusion.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Kings
Image of Thomas Paine
Civilization, or that which is so called, has operated two ways to make one part of society more affluent and the other part more wretched than would have been the lot of either in a natural state.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Civilization
Image of Thomas Paine
On this question of war, three things are to be considered. First, the right of declaring it: secondly, the expense of supporting it: thirdly, the mode of conducting it after it is declared.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Paine
Every proprietor owes to the community a ground-rent for the land which he holds.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Land
Image of Thomas Paine
The first was a government of priestcraft, the second of conquerors, and the third of reason.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Government
Image of Thomas Paine
Lay then the axe to the root, and teach governments humanity. It is their sanguinary punishments which corrupt mankind.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Government
Image of Thomas Paine
In reviewing the history of the English Government, its wars and its taxes, a bystander, not blinded by prejudice nor warped by interest, would declare that taxes were not raised to carry on wars, but that wars were raised to carry on taxes.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Paine
...the Bible is such a book of lies and contradictions there is no knowing which part to believe or whether any.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Atheist
Image of Thomas Paine
This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe. Hither have they fled, not from the tender embraces of the mother, but from the cruelty of the monster; and it is so far true of England, that the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Mother
Image of Thomas Paine
Man must go back to nature for information.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Nature
Image of Thomas Paine
Before anything can be reasoned upon to a conclusion, certain facts, principles, or data, to reason from, must be established, admitted, or denied.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Data
Image of Thomas Paine
Public money ought to be touched with the most scrupulous consciousness of honor.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Political
Image of Thomas Paine
One would think that a system loaded with such gross and vulgar absurdities as Scripture religion is could never have obtained credit; yet we have seen what priestcraft and fanaticism can do, and credulity believe.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Believe
Image of Thomas Paine
There is no greater tyranny than that of the dead over the living.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Tyranny
Image of Thomas Paine
I consider the war of America against Britain as the country's war, the public's war, or the war of the people in their own behalf, for the security of their natural rights, and the protection of their own property.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Country
Image of Thomas Paine
Mingling religion with politics may be disavowed and reprobated by every inhabitant of America.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: America
Image of Thomas Paine
The more men have to lose, the less willing are they to venture.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Loss
Image of Thomas Paine
How necessary it is at all times to watch against the attempted encroachment of power, and to prevent its running to excess.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Running
Image of Thomas Paine
It is important that we should never lose sight of this distinction. We must not confuse the peoples with their governments.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Government
Image of Thomas Paine
The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which other rights are protected. To take away this right is to reduce a man to slavery, for slavery consists in being subject to the will of another, and he that has not a vote in the election of representatives is in this case.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Pain
Image of Thomas Paine
A constitution, therefore, is to a government what the laws made afterwards by that government are to a court of judicature. The court of judicature does not make the laws, neither can it alter them; it only acts in conformity to the laws made: and the government is in like manner governed by the constitution.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Government
Image of Thomas Paine
The countries the most famous and the most respected of antiquity are those which distinguished themselves by promoting and patronizing science, and on the contrary those which neglected or discouraged it are universally denominated rude and barbarous.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Country
Image of Thomas Paine
The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is that they do not go far enough into antiquity.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas Paine
THE WORD OF GOD IS THE CREATION WE BEHOLD: And it is in this word, which no human invention can counterfeit or alter, that God speaketh universally to man.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas Paine
Civil rights are those which appertain to man in right of his being a member of society. Every civil right has for its foundation some natural right pre-existing in the individual, but to the enjoyment of which his individual power is not, in all cases, sufficiently competent. Of this kind are all those which relate to security and protection.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas Paine
The age of ignorance commenced with the Christian system.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Paine
Government is a necessary evil
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Government
Image of Thomas Paine
Uncritical reverence for the Founding Fathers was less ubiquitous while they actually lived. . . . "The Reign of Terror that raged in America during the latter end of the Washington Administration, and the whole of that of Adams, is enveloped in mystery to me. That there were men in the Government hostile to the representative system, was once their toast, though it is now their overthrow, and therefore the fact is established against them."
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Life
Image of Thomas Paine
It has been the error of the schools to teach astronomy, and all the other sciences, and subjects of natural philosophy, as accomplishments only; whereas they should be taught theologically, or with reference to the Being who is the author of them: for all the principles of science are of divine origin. Man cannot make, or invent, or contrive principles: he can only discover them; and he ought to look through the discovery to the Author.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Thomas Paine
I disbelieve all holy men and holy books.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Book
Image of Thomas Paine
... in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Country
Image of Thomas Paine
Our present condition is, Legislation without law; wisdom without a plan; a constitution without a name; and, what is strangely astonishing, perfect independence contending for dependence.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Law
Image of Thomas Paine
The evil that has resulted from the error of the schools, in teaching natural philosophy as an accomplishment only, has been that of generating in the pupils a species of atheism. Instead of looking through the works of creation to the Creator himself, they stop short, and employ the knowledge they acquire to create doubts of his existence. They labour with studied ingenuity to ascribe every thing they behold to innate properties of matter, and jump over all the rest by saying, that matter is eternal.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Thomas Paine
Everything wonderful in appearance has been ascribed to angels, to devils, or to saints. Everything ancient has some legendary tale annexed to it. The common operations of nature have not escaped their practice of corrupting everything.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Angel
Image of Thomas Paine
Government ought to be as much open to improvement as anything which appertains to man, instead of which it has been monopolized from age to age, by the most ignorant and vicious of the human race. Need we any other proof of their wretched management, than the excess of debts and taxes with which every nation groans, and the quarrels into which they have precipitated the world?"
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas Paine
I know not whether taxes are raised to fight wars, or wars are fought in order to raise taxes.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Paine
Immediate necessity makes many things convenient, which if continued would grow into oppressions.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Oppression
Image of Thomas Paine
But where, says some, is the King of America? I'll tell you. Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Britain.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: God