Sophie Kinsella

Image of Sophie Kinsella
I know what it's like to squander all your hours and all your tears and all your heart on something which turns out to be nothing. Don't waste your time.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Heart
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Our whole family thrives under pressure. It's like our family motto or something. Apart from my brother Peter, of course. He had a nervous break down. But the rest of us.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Brother
Image of Sophie Kinsella
When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it's not, and I need to do it again. (Confessions of a Shopaholic-the movie)
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Get Better
Image of Sophie Kinsella
A mistake isn’t a mistake unless it can’t be put right.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Mistake
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I can't get over this. Dad isn't Sam's dad? Dad is a friend? How was I supposed to know that? People shouldn't be allowed to sign themselves as Dad unless they are your dad. It should be the law.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Dad
Image of Sophie Kinsella
There are some things I don't understand about Jess and never will. No wedding dress. No flowers. No photo album. No champagne. The only thing she got out of her wedding was a husband. (I mean, obviously the husband is the main point when you get married. Absolutely. That goes without saying. But still, not even a new pair of shoes?)
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Husband
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Obviously this is engagement ring city. Couples are wandering along and girls are pointing through the windows and the men are smiling but all look slightly sick whenever their girlfriends turn away.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Girl
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I know this is our honeymoon. But just sometimes, I wish Luke was a girl.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Girl
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Hi." "Hi." I shrug, as though to say "Whatever." In my peripheral vision I can see Magnus exhale. He looks a teeny bit nervous. "So." "So." I can play this game too. "Poppy." "Poppy. I mean, Magnus." I scowl. He caught me out.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Mean
Image of Sophie Kinsella
If I worked at White Globe Consulting, I wouldn't be able to do my job. I would spend all day texting the other people in the office, asking them what was going on today and had they heard anything new and what did they think was going to happen. Hmm. Maybe it's a good thing I'm not in an office job.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Christmas shopping! I can do all my Christmas shopping here! I know March is a bit early, but why not be organized? And then when Christmas arrives I won't have to go near the horrible Christmas crowds.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Shopping
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I can do this, I tell myself firmly. I can be attracted to him. It's just a matter of self control and possibly also getting very drunk. So I lift my glass and take several huge gulps. I can feel the bubbles surging into my head, singing happily "I'm going to be a millionaire's wife! I'm going to be a millionaire's wife!" And when I look back at Tarquin, he already looks a bit more attractive. Alcohol is obviously going to be the key to our marital status.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Glasses
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I'm sitting at the dinner table, wearing my future mother-in-law's underwear. It's like some twisted dream that you wake up and thinkL Crikey Moses! Thank God that didn't really happen!
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Mother
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Oh, this shouldn't be allowed. There should be a rule which says that people you've met in the gym should never meet you in real life.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Real
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Mind your own Brazilian!" The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them. Oops. OK. The trick when you've said something embarrassing by mistake is not to overreact. Instead, keep your chin up and pretend nothing happened.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Mistake
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Why can't parents dance? Is it some universal law of physics or something?
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Law
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Relationships are all about trust and equality. If one person shares, then the other person should share, too.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Relationship
Image of Sophie Kinsella
We both gaze down at my swollen tummy for a while. I still can't quite get my head round the fact that there's a baby inside my body. Which has got to come out... somehow. OK, let's not go there. There's still time for them to invent something.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Baby
Image of Sophie Kinsella
The thing with giving up is you never know. You never know whether you could have done the job. And I'm sick of not knowing about my life.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Life
Image of Sophie Kinsella
The trouble with giving yourself a pep talk is, that deep down you know it's all bullshit.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Giving
Image of Sophie Kinsella
For years now I've kind of operated under an informal shopping cycle. A bit like a farmer's crop rotation system. Except, instead of wheat, maize, barley, and fallow, mine pretty much goes clothes, makeup shoes, and clothes (I don't bother with fallow). Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can't keep buying the same thing, you have to have a bit of variety. Otherwise you get bored and stop enjoying yourself.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Makeup
Image of Sophie Kinsella
It's just the way things are. And you can't dwell on what might have been. You have to look at what is.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Looks
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Being a journalist is good if you want to write books: it teaches you to get beyond the blank screen. My books have been described as froth but there's scope to be witty and ironic about everything in life.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Witty
Image of Sophie Kinsella
People who want to make a million borrow a million first
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Sophie Kinsella
This is a test, isn't it? It's like choosing out of three caskets in a fairy tale. Everyone knows the rules. You never choose the gold shiny one. Or even the quite impressive silver one. What you're supposed to do is choose the dull little lead one, and then there's a flash of light and it turns into a mountain of jewels
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Jewels
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I'm allergic to family occasions. Sometimes I think we'd do better as dandelion seeds-no family, no history, just floating off into the world, each on our own piece of fluff.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sophie Kinsella
A real relationship is two-way.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Real
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I’m blushing at my own stupid, nonsensical, meaningless thought process, which, by the way, nobody knows about except me.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Stupid
Image of Sophie Kinsella
In the end, you have to choose whether or not to trust someone.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Motivational
Image of Sophie Kinsella
you can always find something you want.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Want
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Why on earth declutter when you can just shrinkwrap?
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Earth
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I feel all agitated, like one of those snow globes you see resting peacefully on shop counters. I was perfectly happy being an ordinary, dull little Swiss village. But now Jack Harper’s come and shaken me up, and there are snowflakes all over the place, whirling around until I don’t know what I think anymore. And bits of glitter, too. Tiny bits of shiny, secret excitement.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sophie Kinsella
You can want and want and want, but if he doesn't want you back ... you might as well wish the sky were red.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Want You Back
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Ciao," I say casually, and flick my hair back. "Si. Ciao." I could so be Italian. Except I might have to learn a few more words.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Italian
Image of Sophie Kinsella
And maybe now you'll start treating everybody with respect. Not just the people you think are important.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Me too." I agree fervently. "Every film should definitely have a message." Which is true. I mean... take the Lord of the Rings movies- they've got loads of messages. Like "Don't lose your ring.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Mean
Image of Sophie Kinsella
she doesn’t really have a sense of humor. I think she’d like to have one—it’s just that she doesn’t quite understand what jokes are for.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Everyone's moving on without me, into a world I don't understand.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Moving
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I'll show Luke I can fit into the city. I'll show him I can be a true New Yorker. I'll go the gym, and then I'll eat a bagel, and I'll ... shoot someone, maybe? Or maybe just the gym will be enough.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Cities
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Life's too short for minimalism.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Too Short
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Your father always tries to see the good side of people; to find the excuse. But sometimes there isn't a good side. There isn't an excuse. (Mom - to Lara Lington)
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Mom
Image of Sophie Kinsella
When I was your age, if a boy behaved badly, one simply scored his name out from one's dance card. (Sadie Lancaster - to Lara Lington)
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Boys
Image of Sophie Kinsella
They said I was a valued customer. Now they send me hate mail.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Hate
Image of Sophie Kinsella
A party like this isn't about the surprise factor. It's about someone going to so much trouble that it just... overwhelms you.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Party
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Every time I mention her, Magnus says, "Are you two getting along?" in raised, hopeful tones, like we're endangered pandas who need to make a baby.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Baby
Image of Sophie Kinsella
To have someone who never makes a mistake, never finds her personal life in disarray, never worries about work-life balance? I think that would be unreal. What Im writing is real.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Real
Image of Sophie Kinsella
So", says Jack at at last..."you broke up with Connor". Wow. So we're straight to the point. "So", I reply defiantly. "You decided to stay". "Yes, well...", "I thought I might take a closer look at some of the European subsidiaries." He looks up. "How about you?" "Same reason." I nod. "European subsidiaries".
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Looks
Image of Sophie Kinsella
Don’t think about it. Don’t think about what could have been. It’s too unbearable.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sophie Kinsella
I'm never going to believe a Poirot mystery again. Never. All those witnesses going, "Yes, I remember it was 3:06 p.m. exactly, because I glanced at the clock as I reached for the sugar tongs, and Lady Favisham was quite clearly sitting on the right-hand side of the fireplace." Bollocks. They have no idea where Lady Favisham was, they just don't want to admit it in front of Poirot. I'm amazed he gets anywhere.
- Sophie Kinsella
Collection: Believe