Top Earth Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Earth quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Kristina McMorris
In seven days God had created the Earth. In a single day mankind had turned it upside down.
- Kristina McMorris
Collection: Earth
Image of David Ricardo
Rent is the portion of the earth, which is paid to the landlord for the user of the original and indestructible powers of the soil
- David Ricardo
Collection: Earth
Image of John Taylor
I would rather trust in the living God than in any other power on earth
- John Taylor
Collection: Earth
Image of Myles Munroe
No one came to earth empty; everybody came with a contribution to make to their generation. Most of them never find that gift and even more die never releasing it.
- Myles Munroe
Collection: Earth
Image of Sakyong Mipham
To protect this earth is to protect the very spirit of life
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Earth
Image of David Whyte
We are the only species on earth capable of preventing our own flowering.
- David Whyte
Collection: Earth
Image of Katherine Hannigan
We don't own the earth. We are the earth's caretakers...we take care of it and all the things on it. And when we're done with it, it should be left better than we found it.
- Katherine Hannigan
Collection: Earth
Image of Halldór Laxness
Whoever doesn't live in poetry cannot survive here on earth.
- Halldór Laxness
Collection: Earth
Image of Osip Mandelstam
I love my poor earth because I have seen no other.
- Osip Mandelstam
Collection: Earth
Image of Jean Rhys
Sometimes the Earth trembles; sometimes you can feel it breathe.
- Jean Rhys
Collection: Earth
Image of Richard Preston
The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by human parasite.
- Richard Preston
Collection: Earth
Image of Harry Mulisch
All cows were like other cows, all tigers like all other tigers - What on earth happened to human beings?
- Harry Mulisch
Collection: Earth
Image of Jonas Salk
If all insects disappeared, all life on earth would perish. If all humans disappeared, all life on earth would flourish.
- Jonas Salk
Collection: Earth
Image of Julian Baggini
We can't control whether we are rewarded for our endeavours, with cash or recognition. It is not up to us how much cash or time we get on Earth, but it is down to us how we spend it.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Earth
Image of Evo Morales
If we want to save our planet earth, we have a duty to put an end to the capitalist system.
- Evo Morales
Collection: Earth
Image of Paul Hawken
Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich.
- Paul Hawken
Collection: Earth
Image of Paul Hawken
You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring.
- Paul Hawken
Collection: Earth
Image of Will Self
Why is Mr Universe always from Earth?
- Will Self
Collection: Earth
Image of William Graham Sumner
There is no such thing on this earth as something for nothing.
- William Graham Sumner
Collection: Earth
Image of Don Winslow
And the most dangerous place on earth - Is where you’re safe.
- Don Winslow
Collection: Earth
Image of Ian McDonald
The geek of the Earth are a tribe and they are mighty.
- Ian McDonald
Collection: Earth
Image of Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Our mission on earth is to recognize the void - inside and outside of us - and fill it.
- Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Collection: Earth
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a God and the only thing that behaves like it hasn't got one.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Earth
Image of Jane Porter
It is not designed that the road should be made too smooth for us here upon earth.
- Jane Porter
Collection: Earth
Image of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
It seems to me that the earth may be borrowed but not bought. It may be used but not owned. We are tenants, not possessors, lovers and not masters.
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Collection: Earth
Image of Lucretius
Fear was the first thing on Earth to create gods.
- Lucretius
Collection: Earth
Image of Bill Mollison
We are sufficient to do everything possible to heal this Earth.
- Bill Mollison
Collection: Earth
Image of David R. Brower
Polite conservationists leave no mark save the scars upon the Earth that could have been prevented had they stood their ground.
- David R. Brower
Collection: Earth
Image of Michael Owen
You always come back to earth with a thump at some stage. Life has it's ups and downs; the acid test is how you handle the downs.
- Michael Owen
Collection: Earth
Image of Shailene Woodley
This earth is exciting. There are so many things happening.
- Shailene Woodley
Collection: Earth
Image of Alan Weisman
Without us, Earth will abide and endure; without her, however, we could not even be.
- Alan Weisman
Collection: Earth
Image of Alan Weisman
But the Earth holds ghosts, even of entire nations.
- Alan Weisman
Collection: Earth
Image of Kim Addonizio
I want to walk like I’m the only woman on earth and I can have my pick.
- Kim Addonizio
Collection: Earth
Image of Jennifer Donnelly
The greenest of pastures are right here on earth.
- Jennifer Donnelly
Collection: Earth
Image of Colin Quinn
The earth is a used Kleenex on the universe's nightstand.
- Colin Quinn
Collection: Earth
Image of Steven Van Zandt
Touch the earth, speak of love, walk on common ground.
- Steven Van Zandt
Collection: Earth
Image of Michael Shaara
There's nothing so much like a god on earth as a General on a battlefield.
- Michael Shaara
Collection: Earth
Image of John Oliver
As a general rule, no one should ever be allowed to say there is no history of racial tension here, because that sentence has never been true anywhere on Earth.
- John Oliver
Collection: Earth
Image of Jane Hamilton
Life on earth, filled with uncertainty and change, seemed far more difficult than what lay beyond the grave.
- Jane Hamilton
Collection: Earth
Image of Tom Brown, Jr.
Complacency makes one as guilty as those who destroy the Earth.
- Tom Brown, Jr.
Collection: Earth
Image of PZ Myers
We are not princes of the earth, we are the descendants of worms, and any nobility must be earned.
- PZ Myers
Collection: Earth
Image of Joseph Fort Newton
More than an institution, more than a tradition, more than a society, Masonry is one of the forms of Divine life upon earth.
- Joseph Fort Newton
Collection: Earth
Image of Helen Caldicott
Capitalism is destroying the earth.
- Helen Caldicott
Collection: Earth
Image of Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding
I am convinced that these ojects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nations on earth
- Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding
Collection: Earth
Image of Anandamayi Ma
Precious gems are profoundly buried in the earth and can only be extracted at the expense of great labor.
- Anandamayi Ma
Collection: Earth
Image of Will Durst
The problem is, we have yet to convince the Taliban they are fellow passengers on spaceship Earth.
- Will Durst
Collection: Earth
Image of Kate Chopin
A wedding is one of the most lamentable spectacles on earth.
- Kate Chopin
Collection: Earth
Image of Dagobert D. Runes
Cover the earth, before it covers you.
- Dagobert D. Runes
Collection: Earth
Image of Cherrie Moraga
The nationalism I seek is one that decolonizes the brown and female body as it decolonizes the brown and female earth
- Cherrie Moraga
Collection: Earth