Samuel Beckett

Image of Samuel Beckett
Estragon: What about hanging ourselves? Vladimir: Hmm. It'd give us an erection.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Giving
Image of Samuel Beckett
Poetry is essentially the antithesis of Metaphysics: Metaphysics purge the mind of the senses and cultivate the disembodiment of the spiritual; Poetry is all passionate and feeling and animates the inanimate; Metaphysics are most perfect when concerned with universals; Poetry, when most concerned with particulars.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Samuel Beckett
I try. I fail. I try again. I fail better.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Trying
Image of Samuel Beckett
We lose our hair, our teeth! Our bloom, our ideals.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Time
Image of Samuel Beckett
I love order. It's my dream. A world where all would be silent and still, and each thing in its last place, under the last dust.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Dream
Image of Samuel Beckett
James Joyce: His writing is not about something. It is the thing itself.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Beckett
Abode where lost bodies roam each searching for its lost one.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Loneliness
Image of Samuel Beckett
The end of a life is always vivifying.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Life
Image of Samuel Beckett
They never lynch children, babies, no matter what they do they are whitewashed in advance.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Baby
Image of Samuel Beckett
We could have saved sixpence. We could have saved fivepence. But at what cost?
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Art
Image of Samuel Beckett
it's impossible I should have a mind and I have one
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Thoughtful
Image of Samuel Beckett
To find a form that accommodates the shape of the mess, that is the task of the artist now.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Artist
Image of Samuel Beckett
How hideous is the semicolon.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Hideous
Image of Samuel Beckett
Yes, there is no denying it, any longer, it is not you who are dead, but all the others. So you get up and go to your mother, who thinks she is alive. That's my impression. But now I shall have to get myself out of this ditch. How joyfully I would vanish here, sinking deeper and deeper under the rains.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Mother
Image of Samuel Beckett
Make sense who may. I switch off.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: May
Image of Samuel Beckett
You are not satisfied unless form is so strictly divorced from content that you can comprehend the one without almost without bothering to read the other.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Literature
Image of Samuel Beckett
The pendulum oscillates between these two terms: Suffering-that opens a window on the real and is the main condition of the artistic experience, and Boredom ... that must be considered as the most tolerable because the most durable of human evils.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Real
Image of Samuel Beckett
How all becomes clear and simple when one opens an eye on the within, having of course previously exposed it to the without, in order to benefit by the contrast.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Eye
Image of Samuel Beckett
The human eyelid is not teartight (happily for the human eye).
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Eye
Image of Samuel Beckett
Ah, the old questions, the old answers, there's nothing like them!
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Answers
Image of Samuel Beckett
I open the door of the cell and go. I am so bowed I only see my feet, if I open my eyes, and between my legs a little trail of black dust. I say to myself that the earth is extinguished, though I never saw it lit.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Eye
Image of Samuel Beckett
We all are born mad. Some remain so.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Mad
Image of Samuel Beckett
And truly it little matters what I say, this or that or any other thing. Saying is inventing. Wrong, very rightly wrong. You invent nothing, you think you are inventing, you think you are escaping, and all you do is stammer out your lesson, the remnants of a pensum one day got by heart and long forgotten, life without tears, as it is wept.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Heart
Image of Samuel Beckett
Suffering is the main condition of the artistic experience.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Suffering
Image of Samuel Beckett
I marshalled the words and opened my mouth, thinking I would hear them. But all I heard was a kind of rattle, unintelligible even to me who knew what was intended.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Thinking
Image of Samuel Beckett
There is no escape from yesterday because yesterday has deformed us, or been deformed by us. The mood is of no importance. Deformation has taken place.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Taken
Image of Samuel Beckett
As it is with the love of the body, so with the friendship of the mind, the full is only reached by admittance to the most retired places.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Mind
Image of Samuel Beckett
Lick your neighbor as yourself!
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Love
Image of Samuel Beckett
I did not want to write, but I had to resign myself to it in the end.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Beckett
What goes by the name of love is banishment, with now and then a postcard from the homeland, such is my considered opinion, this evening.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Love
Image of Samuel Beckett
Deplorable mania, when something happens, to inquire what.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Mania
Image of Samuel Beckett
All I say cancels out, I’ll have said nothing.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Said
Image of Samuel Beckett
I don't know why I told this story. I could just as well have told another. Perhaps some other time I'll be able to tell another. Living souls, you will see how alike they are.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Soul
Image of Samuel Beckett
It's so nice to know where you're going, in the early stages. It almost rids you of the wish to go there.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Nice
Image of Samuel Beckett
What is more true than anything else? To swim is true and to sink is true. One cannot speak any more of being, one must speak onlyof the mess.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Truth
Image of Samuel Beckett
Over, over, there is a soft place in my heart for all that is over, no, for the being over, words have been my only loves, not many.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Heart
Image of Samuel Beckett
For the only way one can speak of nothing is to speak of it as though it were something, just as the only way one can speak of God is to speak of him as though he were a man, which to be sure he was, in a sense, for a time, and as the only way one can speak of man, even our anthropologists have realized that, is to speak of him as though he were a termite.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Time
Image of Samuel Beckett
Yes, light, there is no other word for it.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Light
Image of Samuel Beckett
There's no lack of void.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Void
Image of Samuel Beckett
She felt, as she felt so often with Murphy, spattered with words that went dead as soon as they sounded; each word obliterated, before it had time to make sense, by the word that came next; so that in the end she did not know what had been said. It was like difficult music heard for the first time.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Next
Image of Samuel Beckett
Enough to know no knowing.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Samuel Beckett
You would do better, at least no worse, to obliterate texts than to blacken margins, to fill in the holes of words till all is blank and flat and the whole ghastly business looks like what it is, senseless, speechless, issueless misery.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Looks
Image of Samuel Beckett
My work is a matter of fundamental sounds (no joke intended) made as fully as possible, and I accept responsibility for nothing else. If people want to have headaches among the overtones, let them. And provide their own aspirin.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Samuel Beckett
POZZO: I am blind. (Silence.) ESTRAGON: Perhaps he can see into the future.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Silence
Image of Samuel Beckett
What kind of country is this where a woman can't weep her heart out on the highways and byways without being tormented by retired bill-brokers!
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Country
Image of Samuel Beckett
The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh. Let us not then speak ill of our generation, it is not any unhappier than its predecessors. Let us not speak well of it either. Let us not speak of it at all. It is true the population has increased.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Our Generation
Image of Samuel Beckett
How do you manage it, she said, at your age? I told her I'd been saving up for her all my life.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Saving Up
Image of Samuel Beckett
Estragon: Suppose we repented. Vladimir: Repented what? Estragon: Oh...(He reflects.) We wouldn’t have to go into the details. Vladimir: Our being born?
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Details