Top Literature Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Literature quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Andre Breton
Keep reminding yourself that literature is one of the saddest roads that leads to everything.
- Andre Breton
Collection: Literature
Image of Lynn Abbey
Im always trolling for trivia.
- Lynn Abbey
Collection: Literature
Image of Bruce Sterling
I was once a student in a punk T-Shirt hooked on screwed-up scenarios. Thats how I became the esteemed cultural figure that I am today.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Literature
Image of Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
I assure you that the world is not so amusing as we imagined.
- Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
Collection: Literature
Image of Francine Prose
There are many occasions in literature in which telling is far more effective than showing.
- Francine Prose
Collection: Literature
Image of Kenneth Patchen
In literature as in life, to conform to anything is to knuckle under to your inferiors.
- Kenneth Patchen
Collection: Literature
Image of Jessica Savitch
The relationship between talent — a term loosely applied to those who work on-air — and management is uneasy, at best.
- Jessica Savitch
Collection: Literature
Image of Thomas de Quincey
All that is literature seeks to communicate power
- Thomas de Quincey
Collection: Literature
Image of Gene Wolfe
My definition of good literature is that which can be read by an educated reader, and reread with increased pleasure.
- Gene Wolfe
Collection: Literature
Image of Mickey Spillane
If the public likes you, you're good. Shakespeare was a common, down-to-earth writer in his day.
- Mickey Spillane
Collection: Literature
Image of Francis Beaumont
You are no better than you should be.
- Francis Beaumont
Collection: Literature
Image of Colin Wilson
I've always believed that a writer has got to remain an outsider. If I was offered anything like the Nobel Prize for Literature, I'd find it an extremely difficult conflict because I'd be basically disinclined to accept.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Literature
Image of Kenneth Oppel
You can't eat [literature], that's the problem," he said. "I've tried, it's very dry, and not at all nutritious.
- Kenneth Oppel
Collection: Literature
Image of Lionel Trilling
Literature is the human activity that make the fullest and most precise account of variousness, possibility, complexity, and difficulty.
- Lionel Trilling
Collection: Literature
Image of Dejan Stojanovic
They blossomed, they did not talk about blossoming.
- Dejan Stojanovic
Collection: Literature
Image of Stef Penney
Gypsies are, to say the least, underrepresented in literature and film.
- Stef Penney
Collection: Literature
Image of Richard Wright
All literature is protest.
- Richard Wright
Collection: Literature
Image of William Maxwell
Your reader is at least as bright as you are
- William Maxwell
Collection: Literature
Image of Philip Sington
To rehearse imaginary conversations on paper is called literature. To do so out loud is called madness.
- Philip Sington
Collection: Literature
Image of Irwin Shaw
I never show anything to anybody until I've finished it
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Literature
Image of Irwin Shaw
I reach my readers regardless of what the critics have written
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Literature
Image of Charles Baxter
Literature is not an instruction manual.
- Charles Baxter
Collection: Literature
Image of Aubrey Beardsley
When an Englishman has professed his belief in the supremacy of Shakespeare amongst all poets, he feels himself excused from the general study of literature. He also feels himself excused from the particular study of Shakespeare.
- Aubrey Beardsley
Collection: Literature
Image of Julia Alvarez
Literature is about being a complex, contradictory human being.
- Julia Alvarez
Collection: Literature
Image of Mark Van Doren
The literature of the world has exerted its power by being translated.
- Mark Van Doren
Collection: Literature
Image of Leonard Michaels
There's hardly anywhere in literature where you don't find a triangle.
- Leonard Michaels
Collection: Literature
Image of Salvador de Madariaga
Circumstances are the seeds of literature.
- Salvador de Madariaga
Collection: Literature
Image of Mary Augusta Ward
We enjoy the great prophets of literature most when we have not yet lived enough to realize all they tell us.
- Mary Augusta Ward
Collection: Literature
Image of Lord Byron
I slept and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty.
- Lord Byron
Collection: Literature
Image of Cy Twombly
I never really separated painting and literature.
- Cy Twombly
Collection: Literature
Image of Amelia B. Edwards
Literature is, in fact, the fruit of leisure.
- Amelia B. Edwards
Collection: Literature
Image of Molly Haskell
There are very few heroines in literature who have defined their lives morally rather than romantically and likewise but a handful in film.
- Molly Haskell
Collection: Literature
Image of Alfred Kazin
Is it strange, then, that in a literature so concerned with realism and with personal liberation this refusal and impoverishment of the life of the spirit have always nourished the screamers, the eccentrics, the pseudo-Whitmans, the calculating terrorists?
- Alfred Kazin
Collection: Literature
Image of Sjon
Literature acknowledges that life is complicated.
- Sjon
Collection: Literature
Image of Guo Moruo
Literature should be a kind of revolutionary manifesto against established morality and established society.
- Guo Moruo
Collection: Literature
Image of Isaac D'Israeli
It is fortunate that Literature is in no ways injured by the follies of Collectors, since though they preserve the worthless, they necessarily defend the good.
- Isaac D'Israeli
Collection: Literature
Image of Edwin Louis Cole
Remember, you are only committed to what you confess.
- Edwin Louis Cole
Collection: Literature
Image of Charles Clarke
Few nations match our rich resource of literature.
- Charles Clarke
Collection: Literature
Image of Anne Stevenson
I remain loyal to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert in music and to Shakespeare and Jane Austen in literature.
- Anne Stevenson
Collection: Literature
Image of Michael Cunningham
She could have had a life as potent and dangerous as literature itself.
- Michael Cunningham
Collection: Literature
Image of Mason Cooley
We are prepared for insults, but compliments leave us baffled.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Literature
Image of Porochista Khakpour
But literature, I discovered, can also save you. Truly. Over the cliché and through the truth, it can save.
- Porochista Khakpour
Collection: Literature
Image of Sam Tanenhaus
In literature and in life we ultimately pursue, not conclusions, but beginnings.
- Sam Tanenhaus
Collection: Literature
Image of Seno Gumira Ajidarma
When journalism is silenced, literature must speak. Because while journalism speaks with facts, literature speaks with truth.
- Seno Gumira Ajidarma
Collection: Literature
Image of Dana Gioia
Paradoxically, the simpler poetry is, the more difficult it becomes for a critic to discuss intelligently. Trained to explicate, the critic often loses the ability to evaluate literature outside the critical act. A work is good only in proportion to the richness and complexity of interpretations it provokes.
- Dana Gioia
Collection: Literature
Image of Bernard Bailyn
The classics of the ancient world are everywhere in the literature of the Revolution, but thet are everywhere illustrative, not determinative, of thought
- Bernard Bailyn
Collection: Literature
Image of Jeff VanderMeer
It is the nature of the writer to question the validity of his world and yet rely on his senses to describe it. From what other tension can great literature be born?
- Jeff VanderMeer
Collection: Literature
Image of Louis Dudek
A critic at best is a waiter at the great table of literature.
- Louis Dudek
Collection: Literature
Image of Roberto Calasso
The gods are fugitive guests of literature.
- Roberto Calasso
Collection: Literature
Image of Carl Clinton Van Doren
The most familiar quotations are the most likely to be misquoted. Some misquotations are still variable, some have settled down to false versions that have obscured the true ones. They have passed over from literature into speech.
- Carl Clinton Van Doren
Collection: Literature