Samuel Beckett

Image of Samuel Beckett
How can one better magnify the Almighty than by sniggering with him at his little jokes, particularly the poorer ones?
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: God
Image of Samuel Beckett
We have time to grow old. The air is full of our cries. But habit is a great deadener.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Air
Image of Samuel Beckett
What can it matter to me, that I succeed or fail ? The undertaking is none of mine, if they want me to succeed I'll fail, and vice versa, so as not to be rid of my tormentors.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Mentor
Image of Samuel Beckett
Success and failure on the public level never mattered much to me, in fact I feel more at home with the latter, having breathed deep of its vivifying air all my writing life up to the last couple of years.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Success
Image of Samuel Beckett
For in me there have always been two fools, among others, one asking nothing better than to stay where he is and the other imagining that life might be slightly less horrible a little further on.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Two
Image of Samuel Beckett
We are all born; some remain so.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Psychological
Image of Samuel Beckett
It is suicide to be abroad. But what it is to be at home, ... what it is to be at home? A lingering dissolution.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Suicide
Image of Samuel Beckett
Be again, be again. (Pause.) All that old misery. (Pause.) Once wasn't enough for you.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Misery
Image of Samuel Beckett
Personally I have no bone to pick with graveyards, I take the air there willingly, perhaps more willingly than elsewhere, when take the air I must.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Death
Image of Samuel Beckett
Until the day when, your endurance gone, in this world for you without arms, you catch up in yours the first mangy cur you meet, carry it for the time needed for it to love it and you it, then throw it away.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Love
Image of Samuel Beckett
Light black. From pole to pole.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Light
Image of Samuel Beckett
I cannot explain my plays. Each must find out for himself what is meant
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Play
Image of Samuel Beckett
There are two moments worthwhile in writing, the one when you start and the other when you throw it in the waste-paper basket.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Beckett
You cried for night - it falls. Now cry in darkness.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Fall
Image of Samuel Beckett
Poets are the sense, philosophers­­ the intelligence­­ of humanity.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Humanity
Image of Samuel Beckett
The fact is, it seems, that the most you can hope is to be a little less, in the end, the creature you were in the beginning, and the middle.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Littles
Image of Samuel Beckett
That desert of loneliness and recrimination that men call love.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Love
Image of Samuel Beckett
Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Dance
Image of Samuel Beckett
Don’t look for meaning in the words. Listen to the silences.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Silence
Image of Samuel Beckett
Where am I, I don’t know, I’ll never know, in the silence, in the silence you don’t know, you must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Silence
Image of Samuel Beckett
Sometimes I wonder if I’m in my right mind. Then it passes off and I’m as intelligent as ever.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Samuel Beckett
I know those little phrases that seem so innocuous, and, once you let them in, pollute the whole of speech. ‘Nothing is more real than nothing.’ They rise up out of the pit and know no rest until they drag you down into its dark.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Real
Image of Samuel Beckett
I don’t know why I told this story. I could just as well have told another. Perhaps some other time I’ll be able to tell another. Living souls, you will see how alike they are.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Stories
Image of Samuel Beckett
That’s the mistake I made, one of the mistakes, to have wanted a story for myself, whereas life alone is enough.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Stories
Image of Samuel Beckett
What kind of country is this where a woman can’t weep her heart out on the highways and byways without being tormented by retired bill-brokers!
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Country